Test Case taDOM3/27-taDOM3-17-PA
taDOM3 Lock Requests of executed Operation insertBefore(contextNode, siblingType, siblingValue) returns NodeThe insertBefore operation is executed on the context element node CO and inserts a new previous sibling node before the context node CO. There already exists a previous sibling and the inserted new sibling node is returned.
Behavior specified with base operations:- readCO
- modifyCOPSE
- modifyPSNSE
Read Set = CO , Write Set = PSNSE COPSE - LockRequest[node=CO,lock:NR,PSE:EX,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-]
- LockRequest[node=PS,lock:-,PSE:-,NSE:EX,FCE:-,LCE:-]
- LockRequest[node=PA,lock:CX,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-]
taDOM3 Lock Requests of checked Operation setValue(contextElementNode, valueString) executed on node PAThe setValue operation executed on the context element node CO returns the modified context element itself. In taDOM2(+) the CX lock on PA must be requested additionally in order to prevent an execution of the getChildNodes() method on the parent node.
Bahavior specified with base operations:Read and write sets for execution on PA:Read Set = , Write Set = PA - LockRequest[node=CO,lock:NX,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] on PA
Operations must be compatibleCheck | Existing LockRequest[node=CO,lock:NR,PSE:EX,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] with Requested LockRequest[node=CO,lock:NX,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] on PA | Requested lock CX on AC compatible to existing lock IR. Requested lock NX on PA compatible to existing lock IR.
| Compatible | Check | Existing LockRequest[node=PS,lock:-,PSE:-,NSE:EX,FCE:-,LCE:-] with Requested LockRequest[node=CO,lock:NX,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] on PA | | Compatible | Check | Existing LockRequest[node=PA,lock:CX,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] with Requested LockRequest[node=CO,lock:NX,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] on PA | Requested lock CX on AC compatible to existing lock IX. Requested lock NX on PA compatible to existing lock CX.
| Compatible | Test Case Ok |