Lehrgebiet InformationssystemeFB Informatik |
Product Model Data Representation and Exchange: The STEP Standard
STEP (Industrial Automation Systems and Integration - Product Data Representation and Exchange, see ISO 10303) allows for electronic management of complete product life cycles. For specific domains (i.e. mechanical construction) concrete product models are given described in EXPRESS (a language to express STEP, examples). With SDAI (STEP Data Access Interface) becoming a standardized access interface based on EXPRESS and hiding concrete database technology, heterogenous frameworks with a uniform surface for megaprogramming are supported. By now some implementations of SDAI on OODBMSs and RDBMSs exist. W.r.t aspects of application programming (interfaces, performance), we have been studying prototypes and commercial versions each implemented on OODBSs. We implemented a variant bill of materials prototype in SDAI and did benchmarking on the mentioned systems. Furtheron we have built a STEP-DBS especially to be topped on OODBSs, designed to be easily portable to other systems.