Weiping Zhang - Reports/Publications
in English;
in German;
2001 |
submitting ... |
Zhang, W.P., Ritter, N.:
The Real Benefits of Object-Relational DB-Technology for Object-Oriented
Software Development
appears in: Proc. 18th British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD),
Oxford, UK, July 2001 |
Zhang, W.P., Ritter, N.:
Leistungsuntersuchung von ORDB-gestützten objektorientierten
angenommen für: 9. Fachtagung "Datenbanksysteme in Büro,
Technik und Wissenschaft", Oldenburg, 7.-9. März 2001. |
2000 |
Zhang, W.P., Ritter, N.:
Measuring the Contributions of (O)RDBMS to Object-Oriented Software
Int. Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS'2000),
Yokohama, Japan, September 2000. |
Zhang, W.P., Ritter, N.:
Leistungsuntersuchungen hinsichtlich der Nutzung von (O)RDBVS
als persistente Objektsysteme
12. GI-Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken", 13.-16. Juni 2000, Holsteinische
Schweiz. |
1999 |
Bernhard, R., Flehmig, M., Mahdoui, A,. Ritter, N., Steiert, H-P.,
Zhang, W.P.:
Building a Persistent Class System on top of (O)RDBMS - Concepts
and Evaluations
Internal Report, University of Kaiserslautern, 1999. |
1998 |
Zhang, W.P.:
Evaluation of the First Generation ORDBMSs by Using Bucky Benchmark
Internal Report, University of Kaiserslautern, 1998. |
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in the DBLP Bibliography Server at the University of Trier, Germany.
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