create distinct type image as varchar(254); create schema authorization swp create table item ( i_id numeric(10,0), -- Unique ID of Item i_title varchar(60), -- Title of Item i_a_id numeric(10,0), -- Author ID of Item i_pub_date date, -- Date of Release of the Product i_publisher varchar(60), -- Publisher of Item i_subject varchar(60), -- Subject of Book i_desc lvarchar, -- Descriptor of Item i_related1 numeric(10,0), -- Unique Item ID (i_id) i_related2 numeric(10,0), -- Unique Item ID (i_id) i_related3 numeric(10,0), -- Unique Item ID (i_id) i_related4 numeric(10,0), -- Unique Item ID (i_id) i_related5 numeric(10,0), -- Unique Item ID (i_id) i_thumbnail image, -- Thumbnail Image of Item or Pointer to Thumbnail Image i_image image, -- Image of Item or Pointer to Image i_srp numeric(15,2), -- Suggested Retail Price i_cost numeric(15,2), -- Cost of Item i_avail date, -- When Item is Available i_stock numeric(4,0), -- Quantity in Stoc i_isbn char(13), -- Product ISBN i_page numeric(4,0), -- Number of Pages of Book i_backing varchar(15), -- Type of Book, Paper, Hard Back i_dimensions varchar(25), -- Size of Book in Inches primary key(i_id), foreign key(i_a_id) references author(a_id) ) create table country ( co_id numeric(4,0), -- Unique Country ID co_name varchar(50), -- Name of Country co_exchange numeric(12,6), -- Exchange Rate to US Dollars co_currency varchar(18), -- Name of Currency primary key(co_id) ) create table author ( a_id numeric(10,0), -- Unique Author ID a_fname varchar(20), -- First Name of Author a_lname varchar(20), -- Last Name of Author a_mname varchar(20), -- Middle Name of Author a_dob date, -- Date of Birth of Author a_bio lvarchar, -- About the Author primary key(a_id) ) create table customer ( c_id numeric(10,0), -- Unique UD per Customer c_uname varchar(20), -- Unique User Name for Customer c_passwd varchar(20), -- User Password for Customer c_fname varchar(15), -- First Name of Customer c_lname varchar(15), -- Last Name of Customer c_addr_id numeric(10,0), -- Address ID of Customer c_phone varchar(16), -- Phone number of customer c_email varchar(50), -- For Sending Purchase Confirmations c_since date, -- Customer Member Since c_last_visit date, -- Time of Last Visit c_login datetime year to second, -- Start of Current Customer Session c_expiration datetime year to second, -- Current Customer Session Expiry c_discount numeric(3,2), -- Percentage Discount for Customer c_balance numeric(15,2), -- Balance of Customer c_ytd_pmt numeric(15,2), -- YTD Payment of Customer c_birthdate date, -- In Case Forget Password c_data lvarchar, -- Misc Information primary key(c_id), foreign key(c_addr_id) references address(addr_id) ) create table orders ( o_id numeric(10,0), -- Unique ID per Order o_c_id numeric(10,0), -- Customer ID of Order o_date datetime year to second, -- Order Date o_sub_total numeric(15,2), -- Subtotal of All Order-Line Items o_tax numeric(15,2), -- Tax over the Subtotal o_total numeric(15,2), -- Total for this Order o_ship_type varchar(10), -- Method of Delivery o_ship_date datetime year to second, -- Order Ship Date o_bill_addr_id numeric(10,0), -- Address ID to Bill o_ship_addr_id numeric(10,0), -- Address ID to Ship Order o_status varchar(15), -- Order Status primary key(o_id), foreign key(o_c_id) references customer(c_id), foreign key(o_bill_addr_id) references address(addr_id), foreign key(o_ship_addr_id) references address(addr_id) ) create table order_line ( ol_id numeric(3,0), -- Unique Order Line Item ID ol_o_id numeric(10,0), -- Order ID of Order Line ol_i_id numeric(10,0), -- Unique Item ID (i_id) ol_qty numeric(3,0), -- Quantity of Item ol_discount numeric(3,2), -- Percentage Discount off of i_srp ol_comments lvarchar, -- Special Instructions primary key(ol_id, ol_o_id), foreign key(ol_i_id) references item(i_id), foreign key(ol_o_id) references orders(o_id) ) create table cc_xacts ( cx_o_id numeric(10,0), -- Unique Order ID (O_ID) cx_type varchar(10), -- Credit Card Type cx_num numeric(16,0), -- Credit Card Number cx_name varchar(31), -- Name on Credit Card cx_expiry date, -- Expiration Date of Credit Card cx_auth_id char(15), -- Authorization for Transaction Amount cx_xact_amt numeric(15,2), -- Amount for this Transaction cx_xact_date datetime year to second, -- Date of Authorization cx_co_id numeric(4,0), -- Country Where Transaction Originated primary key(cx_o_id), foreign key(cx_o_id) references orders(o_id), foreign key(cx_co_id) references country(co_id) ) create table address ( addr_id numeric(10,0), -- Unique Address ID addr_street1 varchar(40), -- Street Address Line 1 addr_street2 varchar(40), -- Street Address Line 2 addr_city varchar(30), -- Name of City addr_state varchar(20), -- Name of State addr_zip varchar(10), -- Zip code or Postal Code addr_co_id numeric(4,0), -- Unique ID of Country primary key(addr_id), foreign key(addr_co_id) references country(co_id) );