Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Deßloch


University of Kaiserslautern

Department of Computer Science

Heterogenous Information Systems Group

P.O. Box 3049

67653 Kaiserslautern, GERMANY

Mail: stefan.dessloch (at)

Room: 36/329

Phone: +49-631-205-3275

Fax: +49-631-205-3299 36/329

Scientific Career


Diploma in Computer Science from the University of Kaiserslautern


PhD (Dr.-Ing.) in Computer Science from the University of Kaiserslautern

1993 – 1995

Post-doctoral Researcher at the IBM Almaden Research Center and the IBM Database Technology Institute, San Jose, California

1995 – 1996

Software Engineer at IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH, Böblingen Lab

1996 – 2002

Senior Software Engineer and Manager, Database Standards at the IBM Silicon Valley Lab, San José, California

since 04/2002

Professor (C3), University of Kaiserslautern


Visiting scientist at IBM Almaden Research Center, San José, California

Stefan Deßloch is a professor at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, where he is heading the research group Heterogeneous Information Systems. Until 2002, he was a database architect at the IBM Database Technology Institute in San Jose, California, where he conducted projects in the areas of information integration architecture and programming models, database & application server integration, and object-relational database extensions, whose outcome helped to shape database-related standards, directly contributed to IBM's product directions and implementations, and resulted in a number of patents. From 2001 to 2002, as a manager, he was responsible for IBM's database-related standardization efforts in the areas of SQL, XML, and Java.

Research Interests

Major areas of interest include

  • information integration,
  • (DB-) middleware technologies,
  • databases and the web,
  • XML and databases,
  • database and application server integration,
  • extensible and object-relational DBMS.

Ongoing research projects are described in our projects section.

AdditionalActivities, Responsibilities, and Memberships

  • Editorial board member of the "Int. Journal of Web Services Research (JWSR)", Idea Group Publishing/Information Science Publishing.
  • Electronic proceedings chair and co-editor of the ACM SIGMOD 2004 conference.
  • Held tutorials on database standards at BTW Datenbank Tutorientage in 2005, 2001, 1999.
  • Program committee and organisation committee member of numerous national and international conferences.
  • Head of the PhD Study Program, Dept. of Computer Science.
  • Member of ACM SIGMOD and the German Informatics Society (GI).



A list of issued patents and published patent applications can be found at the US Patent and Trademark Office web site.