
Middleware für heterogene und verteilte Informationssysteme WS 08/09


  • Alonso, G.; Casati, F.; Kuno, H.; Machiraju, V.: Web Services, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2003
  • Allamaraju, S. et. al.: Professional Java Server Programming - J2EE Edition, Wrox Press, Birmingham, UK, 2000
  • Blakeley, B., Harris, H., Lewis, R.: Messaging & Queuing Using the MQI, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995
  • Bradley, N.: The XML companion, Addison-Wesley, Harlow, UK, 1998
  • Geiger, K.: Inside ODBC - Der Entwicklerleitfaden zum Industriestandard für Datenbankschnittstellen, Microsoft Press, Washington, 1995
  • Gray, J., Reuter, A.: Transaction Processing: Concepts und Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, Kalifornien, 1993
  • Harold, E.R.: The XML Bible (2nd ed.), Hungry Minds, Inc., 2001
  • Leymann, F., Roller, D.: Production Workflow, Prentice Hall, 2000
  • Melton, J., Eisenberg, A.: Understanding SQL and Java Together - A Guide to SQLJ, JDBC, and Related Technologies, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2000
  • Monson-Haefel, R.: Enterprise JavaBeans (4th ed.), O'Reilly, 2004
  • Orfali, R., Harkey, D.: Client/Server Programming with JAVA and CORBA, Wiley Computer Publishing Group (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), New York, 1997
  • Siegel, J.: CORBA - Fundmentals and Programming, Wiley Computer Publishing Group (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), New York, 1996
  • Stonebraker, M., Brown, P., Moore, D.: Object-Relational DBMSs - The Next Great Wave, 2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, Kalifornien, 1998

Weitere Literatur

  • J2EE
    • Andrew Eisenberg, Jim Melton
      SQLJ Part 0, Now Known as SQL/OLB (Object-Language Bindings). SIGMOD Record 27(4): 94-100 (1998) GZipped PDF
    • CORBA services specifications HTML
  • Java Data Objects (JDO)
  • Web-based Information Systems
    • Loeser, H.
      Techniken für Web-basierte Datenbankanwendungen - Anforderungen, Ansätze, Architekturen
      in: Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung 13(4), Springer, 1998, pp. 196-216.
      Publikationsseite der AG DBIS
    • Jim Melton, Jan-Eike Michels, Vanja Josifovski, Krishna G. Kulkarni, Peter M. Schwarz
      SQL/MED - A Status Report.
      SIGMOD Record 31(3): 81-89 (2002)
    • Jim Melton, Jan-Eike Michels, Vanja Josifovski, Krishna G. Kulkarni, Peter M. Schwarz, Kathy Zeidenstein
      SQL and Management of External Data.
      SIGMOD Record 30(1): 70-77 (2001)
    • Andrew Eisenberg, Jim Melton
      Advancements in SQL/XML
      SIGMOD Record 33(3): 79-86 (2004)
    • Andrew Eisenberg, Jim Melton
      SQL/XML is Making Good Progress
      SIGMOD Record 31(2): 101-108 (2002)
    • Andrew Eisenberg, Jim Melton
      SQL/XML and the SQLX Informal Group of Companies
      SIGMOD Record 30(3): 105-108 (2001)
  • XQuery
    • XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language W3C-Webseite
    • Don Chamberlin
      XQuery: An XML Query Language
      IBM Systems Journal, vol. 41, no. 4, 2002

Weitere nur Uni-intern zugängliche Literatur

  • Middleware allgemein
    • S. Doraiswamy, M. Altinel, L. Shrinivas, S.L. Palmer, F.N. Parr, B. Reinwald, C. Mohan
      Reweaving the Tapestry: Integrating Database and Messaging Systems in the Wake of New Middleware Technologies
      in T. Härder, W. Lehner (Eds.): Data Management in a Connected World, LNCS 3551, Springer 2005: 91-110
  • Wrappers
    • M. T. Roth, P. Schwarz
      Don’t Scrap It, Wrap It! A Wrapper Architecture for Legacy Data Sources
  • Data Replication Middleware
    • Jim Gray, Pat Helland, Patrick E. O'Neil, Dennis Shasha
      The Dangers of Replication and a Solution
      SIGMOD Conference 1996: 173-182