Former Projects


XML Retrieval

Model-Driven Development of Versioning Systems


Web-basierter Metadatenzugang für akademisches Lehr- und Lernmaterial (in German)
Cooperation with UB Regensburg and UB Kaiserslautern

  • AKLEON: AKademisches-LEhrmaterial-ONline (Meta-Akad Prototype)


Web-based Teaching (in German) based on the following related activities:

  • SHARX: Individualisation of Web Environments
  • iWebDB: The Integrated Web Database System Framework (completed)


Supporting Software Engineering Processes by Object-Relational Database Technology

SENSOR is a subproject of the SFB 501: Development of Large Systems with Generic Methods

SENSOR is further divided into the following activities:

  • SFB501-EB: The SFB-501 Experience Base
  • SERUM: Software Engineering Repositories using UML
  • ORIENT: Object-based Relationship Integration Environment
  • VirtualMedia: A Theory of Multimedia Metacomputing
  • OR-Benchmark: Assessing the Performance of ORDBMS


An Integrated Information System for Technical Applications

The following project has been part of RITA:

  • Arktis: A Reliable Kernel for Technical Information Systems


Prototype Implementation of the MAD Model

The following project has been part of PRIMA:

  • Parallelism: Parallel Query-Processing in Complex-Object DBMS


Knowledge Representation and Inference System

The following project has been part of KRISYS:


Controlling Cooperation in Design Environments


Managing Versioned Complex Objects


Integrating DB_technology and STEP/SDAI


An Object-oriented Main Memory Complex-Object Buffer


Industrial Cooperation

Object-Relational Database Technology and SQL:1999-Standard

Cooperation with IBM, San Jose, CA

Integrating Heterogeneous Information Systems

Cooperation with DaimlerChrysler

This project is further divided into the following activities:

  • Kitomer: Integrating heterogeneous Workflows
  • INFINITY, BRIITY: Integration of Heterogeneous Data Sources (completed)
  • Functional Integration of Heterogeneous Information Systems (completed)


Mapping Class Hierarchies to (Object-)Relational DBMS (Cooperation with SAP)


Support of Design and Development of Computer Applications in Industrial Automation

DoCAIA has been part of the program:

  • Cooperative Research with Industrial Partners between Germany and Brazil