2009 | |
Implementing and Optimizing Fine-Granular Lock Management for XML Document Trees
In: Proc.
DASFAA, LNCS 5463, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 631-645
April 2009
Now it’s Obvious to The Eye—Visually Explaining XQuery Evaluation in a Native XML Database Management System
In: Proc.
BTW, LNI P-144, Münster, Germany, pp. 616-619
March 2009
Towards Flash Disk Use in Databases - Keeping Performance While Saving Energy?
In: Proc.
BTW, LNI P-144, Münster, Germany, pp. 167-186
March 2009
Accurate XML Summarization - Comparison of Differing Approaches
Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 187, pp. 29-40
IOS Press,
ISBN: 978-1-58603-939-4
Storing and Indexing XML Documents Upside Down
Computer Science - Research and Development, 24(1-2), pp. 51-68
2008 | |
S3: Evaluation of Tree-Pattern Queries Supported by Structural Summaries
Data & Knowledge Engineering, 68, pp. 126-145
Similarity Matching in Web-Based Data Management Applications
Datenbank-Spektrum, 26, pp. 17-25
Evaluating Performance and Quality of XML-based Similarity Joins
In: Proc.
ADBIS, LNCS 5207, Pori, Finland, pp. 246-261
September 2008
EXsum - An XML Summarization Framework
In: Proc.
IDEAS, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 139-148
September 2008
Usage-driven Storage Structures for Native XML Databases
In: Proc.
IDEAS, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 169-178
September 2008
XTCcmp, XQuery Compilation on XTC
PVLDB, 1(2), pp. 1400-1403
Tailor-made Support of Transactions in Native XML Databases (Abstract)
In: Proc.
Dagstuhl Seminar 08281 "Software Engineering for Tailor-made Data Management"
July 2008