This file was created by the Typo3 extension sevenpack version 0.7.0 --- Timezone: CET Creation date: 2025-03-29 Creation time: 21-05-42 --- Number of references 26 article MHSB2015 XML indexing and storage: fulfilling the wish list Computer Science - R&D 2015 1 30 1 51-68 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2012/wishlist-csrd-final.pdf Springer ChristianMathis TheoHärder KarstenSchmidt SebastianBächle article MHSB11.CSRD XML Indexing and Storage: Fulfilling the Wish List Computer Science - Research and Development 27(2) 2012 6 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2012/wishlist-csrd-final.pdf Springer ChristianMathis TheoHärder KarstenSchmidt SebastianBächle article SB11.CSRD Low-overhead decision support for dynamic buffer reallocation Computer Science - Research and Development 2012 2 27 29-43 dbis, xtc fileadmin/SB11.pdf Springer KarstenSchmidt SebastianBächle inproceedings kes2011 WoM: An Open Interactive Platform for Describing, Exploring, and Sharing Mathematical Models 2011 9 126-135 dbis, his, wom fileadmin/publications/2011/GGMS_11.pdf International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES-2011) Jean-MarieGaillourdet ThomasGrundmann MartinMemmel KarstenSchmidt ArndPoetsch-Heffter StefanDeßloch phdthesis Sch11.Diss Self-Tuning Storage and Indexing for Native XML DBMSs 2011 9 Dissertation erh&auml;ltlich im <a href="">Verlag Dr. Hut</a> unter der ISBN <a href="">978-3-8439-0149-9</a> dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2011/schmidt.diss.pdf Dr. Hut Verlag
TU Kaiserslautern 978-3-8439-0149-9 KarstenSchmidt
article BHHOORSSW:11 "Von der Torfabrik zur Denkfabrik" Bericht zur 14. Fachtagung "Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web" Datenbank-Spektrum 2011 8 11 2 135—140 dbis, btw Springer 10.1007/s13222-011-0060-8 SebastianBächle TheoHärder VolkerHöfner JoachimKlein YiOu SteffenReithermann DanielSchall KarstenSchmidt Andreas M.Weiner inproceedings mathwikis10 The Web of Mathematical Models: A Schema-based Wiki-like Interactive Platform 2011 8 Vol. 767 19-27 dbis, his, wom CEUR Workshop Proceedings ITP 2011 Workshop on Mathematical Wikis (MathWikis-2011) Nijmegen Jean-MarieGaillourdet ThomasGrundmann KarstenSchmidt ArndPoetsch-Heffter StefanDeßloch MartinMemmel inproceedings BS11.BTW Lightweight Performance Forecasts for Buffer Algorithms 2011 3 P - 180 147-166 dbis, xtc fileadmin/BS.btw2011_final.pdf LNI 14. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011), Kaiserslautern, Germany SebastianBächle KarstenSchmidt inproceedings SSH10.GvDB Query Processing and Optimization using Compiler Tools Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" 2010 5 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2010/GvD2010.pdf Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" CaetanoSauer KarstenSchmidt TheoHärder inproceedings SH10-SMDB On the Use of Query-driven XML Auto-Indexing 2010 3 1-6 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2010/SH10-SMDB.pdf SMDB Workshop Long Beach ICDE Workshop: SMDB KarstenSchmidt TheoHärder inproceedings HMBSW10.SOFSEM Essential Performance Drivers in Native XML DBMSs (keynote paper) 2010 1 5901 29-46 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2010/HMBSW10.SOFSEM.pdf Springer LNCS Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (Sofsem 2010) Špindlerův Mlýn, Czech Republic TheoHärder ChristianMathis SebastianBächle KarstenSchmidt Andreas M.Weiner inproceedings S09.IDAR Goal-Driven Autonomous Database Tuning Supported by a System Model 2009 6 xtc,dbis fileadmin/publications/2009/Sch09.IDAR.pdf SIGMOD Workshop "Innovative Database Research (IDAR)" Providence, US KarstenSchmidt inproceedings SOH09.C3S2E The Promise of Solid State Disks - Increasing Efficiency and Reducing Cost of DBMS Processing 2009 5 35-41 xtc,dbis,greendb,eessd fileadmin/publications/2009/SOH09.C3S2E.pdf C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering (C3S2E-09) Montreal, Canada KarstenSchmidt YiOu TheoHärder inproceedings SBH09.DASFAA Benchmarking Performance-Critical Components in a Native XML Database System 2009 4 5667 64-78 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2009/SBH09.DASFAA.pdf LNCS DASFAA Workshop "Benchmarking of XML and Semantic Web Applications (BenchmarX'09)" Brisbane, Australia KarstenSchmidt SebastianBächle TheoHärder inproceedings HSOB09.BTW Towards Flash Disk Use in Databases - Keeping Performance While Saving Energy? 2009 3 P-144 167-186 dbis,xtc,greendb, eessd fileadmin/publications/2009/HSOB09.BTW.pdf LNI BTW Münster, Germany TheoHärder KarstenSchmidt YiOu SebastianBächle article MHS09.CSRD Storing and Indexing XML Documents Upside Down Computer Science - Research and Development 2009 24 1-2 51-68 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2009/MHS09.CSRD.pdf Springer ChristianMathis TheoHärder KarstenSchmidt inproceedings SH08.IDEAS Usage-driven Storage Structures for Native XML Databases 2008 9 169-178 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2008/SH08.IDEAS.pdf IDEAS Coimbra, Portugal KarstenSchmidt TheoHärder inproceedings K08.Dagstuhl What about your Database - Green or Fast (Abstract) 2008 7 dbis,xtc,greendb Dagstuhl Seminar 08281 "Software Engineering for Tailor-made Data Management" KarstenSchmidt inproceedings SHKR08.ICEIS Green Computing - A Case for Data Caching and Flash Disks? 2008 6 535-540 dbis,accache,greendb fileadmin/publications/2008/SHKR08.ICEIS.pdf ICEIS Barcelona, Spain KarstenSchmidt TheoHärder JoachimKlein SteffenReithermann inproceedings OS08.WGD Adaptive Resource Management in a Native XDBMS 2008 5 71-75 dbis,xtc,greendb Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" Apolda, Germany YiOu KarstenSchmidt inproceedings HMS07.IDEAS Comparison of Complete and Elementless Native Storage of XML Documents 2007 9 102-113 dbis,xtc IDEAS Banff, Canada TheoHärder ChristianMathis KarstenSchmidt inproceedings SH07.ADBIS Tailor-Made Native XML Storage Structures 2007 9 96-106 dbis,xtc ADBIS Varna, Bulgaria KarstenSchmidt TheoHärder inproceedings SLSS07.SMDB Autonomous Tuning with Soft Indexes 2007 4 dbis SMDB Istanbul, Turkey Kai-UweSattler MartinLühring KarstenSchmidt EikeSchallehn inproceedings SH07.BTW An Adaptive Storage Manager for XML Documents 2007 3 317-328 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2007/SH07.BTW-WS.pdf BTW Workshop "Maßgeschneidertes Datenmanagement" Aachen, Germany KarstenSchmidt TheoHärder inproceedings LSSS07.BTW Autonomes Index-Tuning: DBMS-integrierte Verwaltung von Soft-Indexen 2007 3 152-171 dbis BTW Aachen, Germany MartinLühring Kai-UweSattler EikeSchallehn KarstenSchmidt report MHS07.Int A Unified Approach to Content, Structure, and Combined Indexing of XML Documents 2007 dbis,xtc Submitted ChristianMathis TheoHärder KarstenSchmidt