% % This file was created by the Typo3 extension % sevenpack version 0.7.0 % % --- Timezone: CET % Creation date: 2025-03-29 % Creation time: 02-48-38 % --- Number of references % 16 % @Article { BHHOORSSW:11, title = {''Von der Torfabrik zur Denkfabrik'' Bericht zur 14. Fachtagung ''Datenbanksysteme f{\"u}r Business, Technologie und Web''}, journal = {Datenbank-Spektrum}, year = {2011}, month = {8}, volume = {11}, number = {2}, pages = {135—140}, tags = {dbis, btw}, publisher = {Springer}, DOI = {10.1007/s13222-011-0060-8}, author = {B{\"a}chle, Sebastian and H{\"a}rder, Theo and H{\"o}fner, Volker and Klein, Joachim and Ou, Yi and Reithermann, Steffen and Schall, Daniel and Schmidt, Karsten and Weiner, Andreas M.} } @Phdthesis { We11.Diss, title = {Cost-Based XQuery Optimization in Native XML Database Systems}, year = {2011}, month = {7}, tags = {dbis, xtc, weiner}, url = {fileadmin/publications/2011/PhD-Dissertation-Weiner.pdf}, web_url = {http://www.dr.hut-verlag.de/978-3-8439-0071-3.html}, publisher = {Verlag Dr. Hut}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, ISBN = {978-3-8439-0071-3}, author = {Weiner, Andreas M.} } @Inproceedings { Weiner11.BTW, title = {Advanced Cardinality Estimation in the XML Query Graph Model}, year = {2011}, month = {3}, day = {2}, volume = {P - 180}, pages = {207-226}, tags = {xtc, dbis, weiner}, url = {fileadmin/Weiner.btw2011.pdf}, series = {LNI}, booktitle = {14. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme f{\"u}r Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011)}, event_place = {Kaiserslautern, Germany}, event_date = {February 28 -- March 4}, author = {Weiner, Andreas M.} } @Inproceedings { WH10.IDEAS, title = {An Integrative Approach to Query Optimization in Native XML Database Management Systems}, year = {2010}, month = {8}, day = {16}, tags = {dbis, xtc, weiner}, url = {fileadmin/publications/2010/WH10.IDEAS.pdf}, booktitle = {IDEAS, Montreal, QC, CA}, author = {Weiner, Andreas M. and H{\"a}rder, Theo} } @Inproceedings { WH10.ICDE, title = {Visualizing Cost-Based XQuery Optimization}, year = {2010}, month = {3}, pages = {1165-1168}, tags = {dbis,xtc}, url = {fileadmin/publications/2010/WH10.ICDE.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE}, booktitle = {ICDE}, event_place = {Long Beach, California, USA}, ISBN = {978-1-4244-5444-0}, author = {Weiner, Andreas M. and H{\"a}rder, Theo and Oliveira da Silva, Renato} } @Inbook { WH10.AASXP, title = {Advanced Applications and Structures in XML Processing: Label Streams, Semantics Utilization, and Data Query Technologies}, year = {2010}, month = {1}, pages = {160-182}, tags = {dbis,xtc}, editor = {C. Li and T. W. Ling}, publisher = {IGI Global}, chapter = {A Framework for Cost-Based Query Optimization in Native XML Database Management Systems}, ISBN = {1-61520-727-9}, DOI = {10.4018/978-1-61520-727-5}, author = {Weiner, Andreas M. and H{\"a}rder, Theo} } @Inproceedings { HMBSW10.SOFSEM, title = {Essential Performance Drivers in Native XML DBMSs (keynote paper)}, year = {2010}, month = {1}, volume = {5901}, pages = {29-46}, tags = {dbis,xtc}, url = {fileadmin/publications/2010/HMBSW10.SOFSEM.pdf}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, booktitle = {Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (Sofsem 2010)}, event_place = {Špindlerův Ml{\`y}n, Czech Republic}, author = {H{\"a}rder, Theo and Mathis, Christian and B{\"a}chle, Sebastian and Schmidt, Karsten and Weiner, Andreas M.} } @Inproceedings { WH09.ADBIS, title = {Using Structural Joins and Holistic Twig Joins for Native XML Query Optimization}, year = {2009}, month = {9}, volume = {5739}, pages = {149-163}, tags = {dbis,xtc}, series = {LNCS}, booktitle = {ADBIS}, event_place = {Riga, Latvia}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-03973-7_12}, author = {Weiner, Andreas M. and H{\"a}rder, Theo} } @Inproceedings { W09.VLDB, title = {Framework-Based Development and Evaluation of Cost-Based Native XML Query Optimization Techniques}, year = {2009}, month = {8}, day = {24}, tags = {dbis,xtc}, url = {fileadmin/publications/2009/We09.VLDB.pdf}, booktitle = {VLDB Ph.D. Workshop}, event_place = {Lyon, France}, author = {Weiner, Andreas M.} } @Inproceedings { WMHH09.BTW, title = {Now it’s Obvious to The Eye—Visually Explaining XQuery Evaluation in a Native XML Database Management System}, year = {2009}, month = {3}, volume = {P-144}, pages = {616-619}, tags = {dbis,xtc}, url = {fileadmin/publications/2009/WMHH09.BTW.pdf}, series = {LNI}, booktitle = {BTW}, event_place = {M{\"u}nster, Germany}, author = {Weiner, Andreas M. and Mathis, Christian and H{\"a}rder, Theo and Hoppen, Caesar Ralf Franz} } @Article { MWHH08.PVLDB, title = {XTCcmp, XQuery Compilation on XTC}, journal = {PVLDB}, year = {2008}, month = {8}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {1400-1403}, tags = {dbis,xtc}, url = {fileadmin/publications/2008/MWHH08.VLDB.pdf}, event_place = {Auckland, New Zealand}, author = {Mathis, Christian and Weiner, Andreas M. and H{\"a}rder, Theo and Hoppen, Caesar Ralf Franz} } @Inproceedings { WMH08.SYRCoDIS, title = {Towards Cost-based Query Optimization in Native XML Database Management Systems}, year = {2008}, month = {5}, pages = {15-26}, tags = {dbis,xtc}, url = {fileadmin/publications/2008/WMH08.SYRCoDIS.pdf}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, booktitle = {SYRCoDIS}, event_place = {St. Petersburg, Russia}, author = {Weiner, Andreas M. and Mathis, Christian and H{\"a}rder, Theo} } @Inproceedings { W08.Informatiktage, title = {Anfrageverarbeitung in nativen XML-Datenbankverwaltungssystemen (Query Processing in Native XML Database Management Systems)}, year = {2008}, month = {3}, pages = {201-204}, tags = {dbis,xtc}, booktitle = {Informatiktage}, event_place = {Bonn, Germany}, author = {Weiner, Andreas M.} } @Inproceedings { WMH08.DataX, title = {Rules for Query Rewrite in Native XML Databases}, year = {2008}, month = {3}, volume = {261}, pages = {21-26}, tags = {dbis,xtc}, url = {fileadmin/publications/2008/We08.DATAX.pdf}, series = {ACM International Conference Proceeding Series}, booktitle = {EDBT Workshop ''Database Technologies for Handling XML Information on the Web (DataX)''}, event_place = {Nantes, France}, author = {Weiner, Andreas M. and Mathis, Christian and H{\"a}rder, Theo} } @Report { WMH08.Int, title = {Associativity Rules for Native XML Databases}, year = {2008}, month = {3}, tags = {dbis,xtc}, url = {fileadmin/publications/2008/WMH08.Int.pdf}, type = {Internal Report}, author = {Weiner, Andreas M. and Mathis, Christian and H{\"a}rder, Theo} } @Diplomathesis { W2007.DA, title = {Plangenerierung zur Anfrageauswertung in nativen XML-Datenbankverwaltungssystemen}, year = {2007}, month = {7}, tags = {dbis, diploma thesis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Weiner, Andreas M.} }