{ "last name": "John", "first name": "Doe", "email": "john@cs.uni-kl.de", "matriculation number": 123456, "current semester (in summer term 2017)": 4, "study program": { "Bachelor Computer Science": "no", "Bachelor Applied Computer Science": "no", "Master Computer Science": "yes", "Master Applied Computer Science": "no", "other: if say which one": "no" }, "related lectures attended": { "Information systems (or equivalent)": "yes", "Database systems (or equivalent)": "yes", "Middleware for heterogeneous and distributed information systems": "no", "Recent developments of data models": "no" }, "field of specialization":{ "Information Systems": "yes", "Communication Systems": "no", "Intelligent Systems": "no", "Software Engineering": "no", "other: if say which one": "no" }, "motivation statement": "I like to attend this project because ...." }