This file was created by the Typo3 extension sevenpack version 0.7.0 --- Timezone: CET Creation date: 2025-02-12 Creation time: 04-19-32 --- Number of references 8 inproceedings haubold2017controvol ControVol Flex: Flexible Schema Evolution for NoSQL Application Development 2017 his,notaql BTW (Demo Paper) FlorianHaubold JohannesSchildgen StefanieScherzinger StefanDeßloch inproceedings schildgen2017transformations Transformations on Graph Databases for Polyglot Persistence with NotaQL 2017 his,notaql BTW JohannesSchildgen YannickKrück StefanDeßloch phdthesis 2017_Dissertation_JS Datentransformationen in NoSQL-Datenbanken 2017 his,notaql Technische Universität Kaiserslautern JohannesSchildgen inproceedings SLD2016 Cross-System NoSQL Data Transformations with NotaQL 2016 7 1 notaql, his SIGMOD Workshop "Algorithms and Systems for MapReduce and Beyond (BeyondMR)" San Francisco SIGMOD Workshop "Algorithms and Systems for MapReduce and Beyond (BeyondMR)" 10.1145/2926534.2926535 JohannesSchildgen ThomasLottermann StefanDeßloch article 2016_dbsp_notaql Heterogenität überwinden mit der Datentransformationssprache NotaQL Datenbank-Spektrum 2016 his, notaql Springer Verlag 10.1007/s13222-015-0207-0 JohannesSchildgen StefanDeßloch article SampVis20125 Visualisierung von NoSQL-Transformationen unter der Verwendung von Sampling-Techniken Herbsttreffen der Fachgruppe Datenbanken@LWA 2015 2015 10 notaql,his StefanBraun JohannesSchildgen StefanDeßloch inproceedings NotaQL2015 NotaQL Is Not a Query Language! It's for Data Transformation on Wide-Column Stores 2015 7 notaql,his British International Conference on Databases - BICOD 2015 10.1007/978-3-319-20424-6_14 JohannesSchildgen StefanDeßloch inproceedings NotaQLInc2015 Incremental Data Transformations on Wide-Column Stores with NotaQL 9th Symposium and Summer School On Service-Oriented Computing (SummerSoc) 2015 6 notaql,his 9th Symposium and Summer School On Service-Oriented Computing (SummerSoc), Crete, Greece JohannesSchildgen StefanDeßloch