% % This file was created by the Typo3 extension % sevenpack version 0.7.0 % % --- Timezone: CET % Creation date: 2024-12-05 % Creation time: 03-21-58 % --- Number of references % 2 % @Inproceedings { H1976., title = {Die Bestimmung optimaler Operationsfolgen zur Konversion von Daten mit mehrfach vorhandenen Datenelementen}, year = {1976}, month = {10}, pages = {236-250}, tags = {dbis}, series = {Informatik-Fachberichte}, booktitle = {GI - Jahrestagung}, event_place = {Stuttgart}, event_name = {GI - 6. Jahrestagung}, author = {H{\"a}rder, Theo and Deck, M. and Reus, J.} } @Inproceedings { H1976.ECI, title = {Selecting an Optimal Set of Secondary Indices}, year = {1976}, month = {8}, tags = {dbis}, url = {fileadmin/publications/1977/OptimalSetOfIndexes.pdf}, booktitle = {ECI}, author = {H{\"a}rder, Theo} }