This file was created by the Typo3 extension sevenpack version 0.7.0 --- Timezone: CEST Creation date: 2024-07-23 Creation time: 21-19-58 --- Number of references 28 inproceedings M1989.ICSC KRISYS - A Multi-Layered Prototype KBMS Supporting Knowledge Independence 1988 12 31-38 dbis fileadmin/publications/1988/Ma88.ICSC.pdf International Computer Science Conference - Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Applications Hongkong Nelson MendonçaMattos article M1988.CM Verteilte Verarbeitung mit Transaktionsmonitoren Computer Magazin 1988 11 17 47-50 dbis KlausMeyer-Wegener inproceedings M1988.ER Abstraction Concepts: the Basis for Data and Knowledge Modeling 1988 11 331-350 dbis Entity Relationship Approach (ER) Roma, Italy Nelson MendonçaMattos inproceedings FKPU1988.NIPS A Toolkit for Specifying and Implementing Communication Protocols 1988 5 dbis Kiril Boyanov North Holland Publ. Company Network Information Processing Systems Sofia, Bulgarien AlbertFleischmann T.Kunz StefanPappe K.Urbschat inproceedings M1988.EDS Towards a unified view of design data and knowledge representation 1988 4 dbis Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company Expert Database Systems (EDS) Tysons Corner, Virginia, US BernhardMitschang phdthesis R1988.PhD Synchronisation in Mehrrechner-Datenbanksystemen - Konzepte, Realisierungsformen und quantitative Bewertung 1988 4 186 272 dbis Springer
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