This file was created by the Typo3 extension sevenpack version 0.7.0 --- Timezone: CEST Creation date: 2024-07-04 Creation time: 04-23-56 --- Number of references 21 inproceedings D07.FAXD The Simplest XML Retrieval Baseline That Could Possibly Work 2007 12 4862 80-93 dbis LNCS Focused Access to XML Documents, Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval, INEX 2007 Dagstuhl Castle Dagstuhl Castle, Germany PhilippDopichaj phdthesis D07.PhD Content-oriented retrieval on document-centric XML 2007 12 dbis fileadmin/publications/2008/Dop08.Diss.pdf Dr. Hut University of Kaiserslautern 978-3-89963-677-2 PhilippDopichaj article D07.DBSpektrum Space-efficient Indexing of XML Documents for Content-Only Retrieval Datenbank-Spektrum 2007 11 23 21-28 dbis fileadmin/publications/2007/Dop07.DB.pdf dpunkt. PhilippDopichaj inproceedings RH07.SBBD Embedding Similarity Joins into Native XML Databases 2007 10 285-299 dbis,xtc SBBD LeonardoRibeiro TheoHärder inproceedings HMS07.IDEAS Comparison of Complete and Elementless Native Storage of XML Documents 2007 9 102-113 dbis,xtc IDEAS Banff, Canada TheoHärder ChristianMathis KarstenSchmidt inproceedings BK07.IDEAS Examining the Performance of a Constraint-Based Database Cache 2007 9 290-295 dbis,accache fileadmin/publications/2007/BK07.IDEAS.pdf IDEAS Banff, Canada AndreasBühmann JoachimKlein inproceedings SH07.ADBIS Tailor-Made Native XML Storage Structures 2007 9 96-106 dbis,xtc ADBIS Varna, Bulgaria KarstenSchmidt TheoHärder inproceedings D07.BNCOD Improving Content-Oriented XML Retrieval by Exploiting Small Elements 2007 7 68-74 dbis fileadmin/publications/2007/Dop07.BNCOD.pdf BNCOD Glasgow, Scotland PhilippDopichaj article HH07.DATAK An Efficient Infrastructure for Native Transactional XML Processing DATAK 2007 6 61 3 500-523 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2006/HH06.DKE.pdf Elsevier Michael P.Haustein TheoHärder article H07.IFE Editorial zum Themenheft "Datenbanksysteme" Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung 2007 6 21 3:4 125-126 dbis Springer TheoHärder article M07.IFE Extending a Tuple-Based XPath Algebra to Enhance Evaluation Flexibility Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung 2007 6 21 3 147-164 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2007/Ma07.IFE.pdf Springer ChristianMathis inproceedings D07.ICEIS Improving Content-Oriented XML Retrieval by Applying Structural Patterns 2007 6 5-13 dbis fileadmin/publications/2007/Dop07.ICEIS.pdf ICEIS Funchal, Portugal PhilippDopichaj inproceedings SLSS07.SMDB Autonomous Tuning with Soft Indexes 2007 4 dbis SMDB Istanbul, Turkey Kai-UweSattler MartinLühring KarstenSchmidt EikeSchallehn inproceedings BH07.DASFAA Making the Most of Cache Groups 2007 4 4443 349-360 dbis,accache fileadmin/publications/2006/BH06.DASFAA.pdf Springer LNCS DASFAA Bangkok AndreasBühmann TheoHärder inproceedings B07.BTW Agentenbasierte Kopplung von Produktmanagement-Systemen 2007 3 4-7 dbis BTW Studierendenprogramm Aachen, Germany SebastianBächle inproceedings SH07.BTW An Adaptive Storage Manager for XML Documents 2007 3 317-328 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2007/SH07.BTW-WS.pdf BTW Workshop "Maßgeschneidertes Datenmanagement" Aachen, Germany KarstenSchmidt TheoHärder inproceedings LSSS07.BTW Autonomes Index-Tuning: DBMS-integrierte Verwaltung von Soft-Indexen 2007 3 152-171 dbis BTW Aachen, Germany MartinLühring Kai-UweSattler EikeSchallehn KarstenSchmidt inproceedings M07.BTW Integrating Structural Joins into a Tuple-Based XPath Algebra 2007 3 242-261 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2007/Ma07.BTW.pdf BTW Aachen, Germany ChristianMathis article HHMW07.DATAK Node Labeling Schemes for Dynamic XML Documents Reconsidered DATAK 2007 1 60 1 126-149 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2005/HHMW05.DKE.pdf Elsevier TheoHärder Michael P.Haustein ChristianMathis MarkusWagner inproceedings KH07.WGD Eine parametrisierbare Messumgebung für datenintensive verteilte Anwendungen 2007 62-66 dbis,accache Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" Bretten, Germany JoachimKlein TheoHärder report MHS07.Int A Unified Approach to Content, Structure, and Combined Indexing of XML Documents 2007 dbis,xtc Submitted ChristianMathis TheoHärder KarstenSchmidt