This file was created by the Typo3 extension sevenpack version 0.7.0 --- Timezone: CEST Creation date: 2024-07-04 Creation time: 12-22-03 --- Number of references 17 inproceedings kes2011 WoM: An Open Interactive Platform for Describing, Exploring, and Sharing Mathematical Models 2011 9 126-135 dbis, his, wom fileadmin/publications/2011/GGMS_11.pdf International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES-2011) Jean-MarieGaillourdet ThomasGrundmann MartinMemmel KarstenSchmidt ArndPoetsch-Heffter StefanDeßloch phdthesis Sch11.Diss Self-Tuning Storage and Indexing for Native XML DBMSs 2011 9 Dissertation erh&auml;ltlich im <a href="">Verlag Dr. Hut</a> unter der ISBN <a href="">978-3-8439-0149-9</a> dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2011/schmidt.diss.pdf Dr. Hut Verlag
TU Kaiserslautern 978-3-8439-0149-9 KarstenSchmidt
article BHHOORSSW:11 "Von der Torfabrik zur Denkfabrik" Bericht zur 14. Fachtagung "Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web" Datenbank-Spektrum 2011 8 11 2 135—140 dbis, btw Springer 10.1007/s13222-011-0060-8 SebastianBächle TheoHärder VolkerHöfner JoachimKlein YiOu SteffenReithermann DanielSchall KarstenSchmidt Andreas M.Weiner inproceedings RH11.DEXA Ingredients for Accurate, Fast, and Robust XML Similarity Joins 2011 8 6861 33-42 dbis, xtc fileadmin/DEXA2011-camera.pdf Springer LNCS DEXA 2011 LeonardoRibeiro TheoHärder inproceedings mathwikis10 The Web of Mathematical Models: A Schema-based Wiki-like Interactive Platform 2011 8 Vol. 767 19-27 dbis, his, wom CEUR Workshop Proceedings ITP 2011 Workshop on Mathematical Wikis (MathWikis-2011) Nijmegen Jean-MarieGaillourdet ThomasGrundmann KarstenSchmidt ArndPoetsch-Heffter StefanDeßloch MartinMemmel phdthesis We11.Diss Cost-Based XQuery Optimization in Native XML Database Systems 2011 7 dbis, xtc, weiner fileadmin/publications/2011/PhD-Dissertation-Weiner.pdf Verlag Dr. Hut
University of Kaiserslautern 978-3-8439-0071-3 Andreas M.Weiner
inproceedings SH11.SIGMOD WattDB: An Energy-Proportional Cluster of Wimpy Nodes 2011 6 1229-1232 greendb, dbis, wattdb fileadmin/WattDB-2011.pdf SIGMOD 2011 Conference DanielSchall VolkerHudlet inproceedings HS2011.SEEDM WattDB – An Energy‐proportional DBMS SEEDM 2011 2011 5 1 dbis, greendb, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2011/HS-SEEDM2011.pdf Sustainable Energy Efficient Data Management Workshop Washington D.C. Sustainable Energy Efficient Data Management Workshop VolkerHöfner DanielSchall inproceedings HHOS11.FlashDB Energy Efficiency is not Enough, Energy Proportionality is Needed! Proc. DASFAA'11,1st Int. Workshop on FlashDB 2011 4 6637 226-239 dbis, greendb, eessd, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2011/DASFAA11_FlashDB_keynote01.pdf Springer LNCS DASFAA'11,1st Int. Workshop on FlashDB TheoHärder VolkerHudlet YiOu DanielSchall inproceedings OH11.FlashDB Trading Memory for Performance and Energy 2011 4 6637 241-253 dbis, greendb, eessd fileadmin/publications/2011/DASFAA11_FlashDB_6.pdf Springer LNCS DASFAA'11,1st Int. Workshop on FlashDB YiOu TheoHärder inproceedings Weiner11.BTW Advanced Cardinality Estimation in the XML Query Graph Model 2011 3 2 P - 180 207-226 xtc, dbis, weiner fileadmin/Weiner.btw2011.pdf LNI 14. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011) Kaiserslautern, Germany February 28 -- March 4 Andreas M.Weiner proceedings HLMSS11.BTW Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), 14. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), 2011 3 P - 180 dbis GI LNI TheoHärder WolfgangLehner BernhardMitschang HaraldSchöning HolgerSchwarz inproceedings BS11.BTW Lightweight Performance Forecasts for Buffer Algorithms 2011 3 P - 180 147-166 dbis, xtc fileadmin/BS.btw2011_final.pdf LNI 14. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011), Kaiserslautern, Germany SebastianBächle KarstenSchmidt inproceedings HS11.BTW_Demo Measuring Energy Consumption of a Database Cluster 2011 3 P - 180 734-737 dbis,greenDB, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2011/HS2011.BTW.DEMO.pdf LNI 14. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011), Demo-Programm, Kaiserslautern, Germany VolkerHudlet DanielSchall inproceedings HS11.BTW SSD != SSD - An Empirical Study to Identify Common Properties and Type-specific Behavior 2011 3 P - 180 430-441 dbis, greendb fileadmin/publications/2011/HS2011.BTW.pdf LNI 14. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011), Kaiserslautern, Germany VolkerHudlet DanielSchall inproceedings Klein11.BTW Stets Wertvollständig! - Snapshot Isolation beim Constraint-basierten Datenbank-Caching 2011 3 P - 180 247-266 dbis, accache fileadmin/paper.pdf LNI 14. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011), Kaiserslautern, Germany JoachimKlein article RH10.IS Generalizing Prefix Filtering to Improve Set Similarity Joins Information Systems 36(1) 2011 1 Best papers of ADBIS 2010 62-78 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2010/RH10.IS.pdf LeonardoRibeiro TheoHärder