% % This file was created by the Typo3 extension % sevenpack version 0.7.0 % % --- Timezone: CET % Creation date: 2025-01-23 % Creation time: 04-54-55 % --- Number of references % 4 % @Article { Hä75, title = {Access models and access times of relational data base systems}, journal = {Conf. of ACM German Chapter (English Version)}, year = {1975}, month = {11}, tags = {dbis}, url = {fileadmin/publications/1977/AccessModels.pdf}, author = {H{\"a}rder, Theo} } @Article { H1975.PRI, title = {Zugriffsmodelle und Zugriffszeiten f{\"u}r Relationale Datenbanksysteme}, journal = {Praxis der Realisierung von Informationssystemen, Tagung des German Chapter of the ACM}, year = {1975}, month = {11}, tags = {dbis}, url = {fileadmin/publications/1977/Zugriffsmodelle.pdf}, author = {H{\"a}rder, Theo} } @Inproceedings { H1975.LNCS, title = {Implementierung von Zugriffspfaden durch Bitlisten}, year = {1975}, month = {10}, volume = {34}, pages = {379-393}, tags = {dbis}, editor = {J. M{\"u}hlbacher}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Dortmund}, series = {LNCS}, booktitle = {GI - 5. Jahrestagung}, author = {H{\"a}rder, Theo} } @Article { H1979.FBIE, title = {Datenbanksysteme als Grundlage von Informationssystemen}, journal = {Fortschrittliche Betriebsf{\"u}hrung und Industrial Engineering}, year = {1975}, month = {4}, tags = {dbis}, author = {H{\"a}rder, Theo} }