% % This file was created by the Typo3 extension % sevenpack version 0.7.0 % % --- Timezone: CET % Creation date: 2025-01-23 % Creation time: 04-55-39 % --- Number of references % 17 % @Inproceedings { L1998.GW, title = {Die Nutzung der Erweiterungsm{\"o}glichkeiten von ORDBVS f{\"u}r Client/Server-basierte Anwendungssysteme}, year = {1998}, month = {6}, volume = {63}, pages = {77-81}, tags = {dbis}, url = {fileadmin/publications/1998/Loe98.GDB.pdf}, series = {Konstanzer Schriften in Mathematik und Informatik}, booktitle = {GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken}, event_place = {Konstanz, Germany}, author = {Loeser, Henrik} } @Article { DHMMT1998.VLDBJ, title = {Advanced Data Processing in KRISYS: Modeling Concepts, Implementation Techniques, and Client/Server Issues}, journal = {VLDBJ}, year = {1998}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, pages = {79-95}, tags = {dbis, vldbj,his}, url = {fileadmin/publications/1998/DHMMT98.VLDB.pdf}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, DOI = {10.1007/s007780050055}, author = {Dessloch, Stefan and H{\"a}rder, Theo and Mattos, Nelson Mendon\c{c}a and Mitschang, Bernhard and Thomas, Joachim} } @Article { RH1998.DR, title = {Commercial Database Gateways: Fulfilled and Disappointed Expectations}, journal = {Datenbank Rundbrief}, year = {1998}, volume = {21}, pages = {33-34}, tags = {dbis}, author = {Rezende, Fernando de Ferreira and Hergula, Klaudia} } @Article { AGHLMNRRSZ1998.IFE, title = {Entwicklung gro{\ss}er Systeme mit generischen Methoden - Eine {\"U}bersicht {\"u}ber den Sonderforschungsbereich 501}, journal = {IFE}, year = {1998}, volume = {13}, number = {4}, pages = {227-234}, tags = {dbis, fsb501}, url = {fileadmin/publications/1998/Av98.pdf}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, author = {Avenhaus, J{\"u}rgen and Gotzhein, Reinhard and H{\"a}rder, Theo and Litz, Lothar and Madlener, Klaus and Nehmer, J{\"u}rgen and Richter, Michael M. and Ritter, Norbert and Rombach, H. Dieter and Sch{\"u}rmann, Bernd and Zimmermann, Gerhard} } @Article { KRS1998.IFE, title = {Konfigurierungskonzepte in Entwurfsumgebungen}, journal = {IFE}, year = {1998}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {1-17}, tags = {dbis}, url = {fileadmin/publications/1998/KRS98.IFE.pdf}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, author = {K{\"a}fer, Wolfgang and Ritter, Norbert and Sch{\"o}ning, Harald} } @Article { L1998.IFE, title = {Techniken f{\"u}r Web-basierte Datenbankanwendungen - Anforderungen, Ans{\"a}tze, Architekturen}, journal = {IFE}, year = {1998}, volume = {13}, number = {4}, pages = {196-216}, tags = {dbis}, url = {fileadmin/publications/1998/Loe98.IFE.pdf}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, author = {Loeser, Henrik} } @Inbook { HR1998.READINGS, title = {Readings in Database Systems}, year = {1998}, pages = {235-250}, tags = {dbis}, editor = {M. Stonebreaker and J. Hellerstein}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers}, address = {Burlington, MA, USA}, edition = {Third}, chapter = {Principles of Transaction-Oriented Database Recovery, Reprint of Computing Surveys 15(4): 287-317, 1983}, author = {H{\"a}rder, Theo and Reuter, Andreas} } @Inbook { HR1998.RECOVERY, title = {Recovery in Database Management Systems}, year = {1998}, pages = {-}, tags = {dbis}, editor = {V. Kumar and M. Hsu}, publisher = {Prentice Hall}, chapter = {Principles of Transaction-Oriented Database Recovery, Reprint of Computing Surveys 15(4): 287-317, 1983}, author = {H{\"a}rder, Theo and Reuter, Andreas} } @Inproceedings { RR1998.CAD, title = {Applying ECA-Rules in DB-Based Design Environments}, year = {1998}, pages = {188-201}, tags = {dbis}, url = {fileadmin/publications/1998/RR98.CAD.pdf}, publisher = {Informatik Xpress}, booktitle = {CAD}, author = {Reinert, Joachim and Ritter, Norbert} } @Inproceedings { LH1998.WWCA, title = {dLIMIT - A Middleware Framework for Loosely-Coupled Database Federations}, year = {1998}, volume = {1368}, pages = {412-427}, tags = {dbis}, series = {LNCS}, booktitle = {WWCA}, event_place = {Tsukuba, Japan}, event_date = {March 4-5}, DOI = {10.1007/3-540-64216-1_64}, author = {Loeser, Henrik and H{\"a}rder, Theo} } @Inproceedings { ZH1998.SBBD, title = {Enhanced Support of Relationship Semantics in Object-Relational Database Systems}, year = {1998}, pages = {7-21}, tags = {dbis}, url = {fileadmin/publications/1998/ZH98.SBBD.pdf}, booktitle = {SBBD}, event_place = {Maringa, Brazil}, event_date = {October}, author = {Zhang, Nan and H{\"a}rder, Theo} } @Inproceedings { KMR1998.GIJ, title = {Entwicklung und Einsatz einer Videodatenbank im WWW - ein Erfahrungsbericht}, year = {1998}, pages = {21-25}, tags = {dbis}, url = {fileadmin/publications/1998/KMR98.MS.pdf}, booktitle = {Workshop Multimedia-Systeme, GI-Jahrestagung}, event_place = {Magdeburg, Germany}, event_date = {September}, author = {K{\"o}rndle, Hermann and Marder, Ulrich and Robbert, G{\"u}nter} } @Inproceedings { SZ1998.BNCOD, title = {JPMQ - An Advanced Persistent Message Queuing Service}, year = {1998}, volume = {1405}, pages = {1-18}, tags = {dbis}, url = {fileadmin/publications/1998/SZ98.BNCOD.pdf}, series = {LNCS}, booktitle = {BNCOD}, DOI = {10.1007/BFb0053468}, author = {Steiert, Hans-Peter and Zimmermann, J{\"u}rgen} } @Inproceedings { RH1998.NY, title = {The Heterogeneity Problem and Middleware Technology: Experiences with and Performance of Database Gateways}, year = {1998}, pages = {146-157}, tags = {dbis}, web_url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=671194}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers}, address = {Burlington, MA, USA}, booktitle = {VLDB}, event_place = {New York, NY, USA}, author = {Rezende, Fernando de Ferreira and Hergula, Klaudia} } @Inproceedings { S1998.ISAW3, title = {Towards a Component-based n-tier C/S-Architecture}, year = {1998}, pages = {137-140}, tags = {dbis}, url = {fileadmin/publications/1998/St98.ISAW3.pdf}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, booktitle = {ISA W3}, event_place = {Orlando, FL, USA}, author = {Steiert, Hans-Peter} } @Inproceedings { LZZ1998.CAD, title = {Unterst{\"u}tzung dynamischer Typkonstruktion in Technischen Informationssystemen}, year = {1998}, pages = {167-176}, tags = {dbis}, publisher = {Informatik XPress}, booktitle = {CAD}, event_date = {March}, author = {Loeser, Henrik and Zhang, Nan and Zimmermann, J{\"u}rgen} } @Phdthesis { S1998.PhD, title = {Interoperabilit{\"a}t von Datenbanksystemen bei struktureller Heterogenit{\"a}t - Architektur, Beschreibungs- und Ausf{\"u}hrungsmodell zur Unterst{\"u}tzung der Integration und Migration}, year = {1998}, tags = {dbis, phd}, publisher = {DISDBIS 47, infix}, address = {St. Augustin, Germany}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Sauter, G{\"u}nter} }