This file was created by the Typo3 extension sevenpack version 0.7.0 --- Timezone: CET Creation date: 2025-01-23 Creation time: 05-11-54 --- Number of references 739 article DASP-1-22 Editorial: Best Papers of BTW 2021 Datenbank-Spektrum 22(1) 2022 3 1-4 dbis Springer-Verlag Kai-UweSattler TheoHärder article SSTH-2021 Editorial: Data Engineering for Data Science Datenbank-Spektrum 21(3), pp. 169-171 2021 11 dbis Springer-Verlag RalfSchenkel StefanieScherzinger MarinaTropmann-Frick TheoHärder article STH-DASP-2-21 Editorial: Digitale Lehre im Fachgebiet Datenbanksysteme (II) Datenbank-Spektrum 21(2), pp. 69-71 2021 7 1 dbis Springer-Verlag StefanieScherzinger AndreasThor TheoHärder article STH-DASP-21 Editorial: Digitale Lehre im Fachgebiet Datenbanksysteme Datenbank-Spektrum 21(1), pp. 1-3 2021 3 dbis Springer-Verlag StefanieScherzinger AndreasThor TheoHärder article SKH-DASP-20 Editorial: Data Management for Future Hardware Datenbank-Spektrum 20(3), pp. 195-197 2020 11 dbis Springer-Verlag Kai-UweSattler AlfonsKemper TheoHärder article CHKBZH-DASP-2-20 Editorial: Argumentative Intelligence (Arguing) Datenbank-Spektrum 20(2), pp. 87-91 2020 7 dbis Springer-Verlag PhilippCimiano GerhardHeyer MichaelKohlhase BennoStein JürgenZiegler TheoHärder article SBH-DASP-1-20 Editorial: Trends in Information Retrieval Evaluation Datenbank-Spektrum 20(1), pp. 1-3 2020 3 dbis Springer-Verlag PhilippSchaer KlausBerberich TheoHärder article Hä-DASP-3-19 Editorial: Best Workshop Papers of BTW 2019 Datenbank-Spektrum 19(3), pp. 203-206 2019 11 dbis Springer-Verlag TheoHärder article DNRH.DASP.19 Editorial: Data and Repeatability Datenbank-Spektrum 19(2), pp. 83-85 2019 7 dbis Springer-Verlag JensDittrich FelixNaumann NorbertRitter TheoHärder article Hä-DASP-1-19 Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2019), 18. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs „Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" of LNI 289 2019 3 dbis TorstenGrust FelixNaumann AlexanderBöhm WolfgangLehner TheoHärder ErhardRahm AndreasHeuer MeikeKlettke HolgerMeyer article DASP-RH.19 Editorial: Scalable and intelligent Data Services and Solutions – Results from the Big Data Competence Center ScaDS Dresden/Leipzig Datenbank-Spektrum 19(1) 2019 3 1-3 dbis Springer-Verlag ErhardRahm TheoHärder article SGH-IS Instant restore after a media failure (extended version) Information Systems 2019 3 82 90-101 dbis, instant.recovery fileadmin/publications/2019/InstantRestore_final.pdf Elsevier 0306-4379 CaetanoSauer TheoHärder GoetzGraefe article SKH-DASP-18 Editorial: Data Management on New Hardware Datenbank-Spektrum 18(3) 2018 11 141-143 dbis Springer-Verlag Kai-UweSattler AlfonsKemper TheoHärder article fineline FineLine: Log-structured Transactional Storage and Recovery PVLDB 2018 9 11 13 2249-2262 sauersel, dbis, instant.recovery fileadmin/publications/2018/PVLDB2018-Sauer.pdf PVLDB CaetanoSauer GoetzGraefe TheoHärder article H2018b Dissertationen Datenbank-Spektrum 18(2) 2018 7 133-136 dbis Springer-Verlag TheoHärder article MGSH18 Editorial: Big Data Analysis and Exploration Datenbank-Spektrum 18(2) 2018 7 75-77 dbis Springer-Verlag SebastianMichel RainerGemulla RalfSchenkel TheoHärder article Hä2018a Dissertationen Datenbank-Spektrum 18(1) 2018 3 63-70 dbis Springer-Verlag TheoHärder article MSH18 Editorial: Data Processing in Industrie 4.0 Datenbank-Spektrum 18(1) 2018 3 1-4 dbis Springer-Verlag BernhardMitschang HaraldSchöning TheoHärder article Hä-Diss-3-17 Dissertationen Datenbank-Spektrum 17(3) 2017 11 295-300 dbis Springer-Verlag TheoHärder article Hä-DASP-3-17 Editorial - Best Workshop Papers of BTW 2017 Datenbank-Spektrum 17(3) 2017 11 203-206 dbis TheoHärder inproceedings SGH2017 Instant restore after a media failure 2017 9 311-325 dbis, instant.recovery fileadmin/publications/2017/Instant-Restore-ADBIS-2017.pdf LNCS 10509 ADBIS 2017 CaetanoSauer GoetzGraefe TheoHärder phdthesis Sauer2017 Modern techniques for transaction-oriented database recovery 2017 8 dbis, instant.recovery, sauersel fileadmin/publications/2017/PhD_Thesis_Caetano_Sauer.pdf Verlag Dr. Hut
University of Kaiserslautern CaetanoSauer
article VPH2017 Editorial - Big Graph Data Management Datenbank-Spektrum 17(2) 2017 7 97-100 dbis Springer-Verlag HannesVoigt MarcusParadies TheoHärder article RH.WIS.16 Pushing Similarity Joins Down to the Storage Layer in XML Databases International Journal of Web Information Systems 2017 5 13 1 55-71 dbis Emerald Group Publishing Limited 10.1108/IJWIS-04-2016-0019 LeonardoRibeiro TheoHärder inproceedings GSH-GvDB2017 Evaluation of Pointer Swizzling for Database Buffer Management 2017 5 42-47 dbis fileadmin/publications/2017/GvDB2017_paper_8-4.pdf GvDB-Workshop Max FabianGilbert CaetanoSauer TheoHärder article HBLH-DASP-17 Editorial - Innovative vertikale Suchlösungen: Konzeption, Umsetzung und Einsatz Datenbank-Spektrum 17(1) 2017 3 1 - 4 dbis Springer-Verlag AndreasHenrich DanielBlank DirkLewandowski TheoHärder proceedings MNLSHTHKW-2017 Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2017), 17. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs „Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" 2017 3 dbis LNI 265 BernhardMitschang DanielaNicklas FrankLeymann HaraldSchöning MelanieHerschel JensTeubner TheoHärder OliverKopp MatthiasWieland inproceedings InstantRecoveryDemo Come and crash our database! – Instant recovery in action EDBT 2017 3 554-557 dbis, instant.recovery fileadmin/publications/2017/InstantRecoveryDemo.pdf EDBT 2017 CaetanoSauer GilsonSouza GoetzGraefe TheoHärder article ARXIV-02-17 Instant restore after a media failure arXiv:1702.08042 2017 2 26 dbis, sauersel, instant.recovery CaetanoSauer GoetzGraefe TheoHärder article OLTPContinuumCIDR Exploring a continuum between main-memory and disk-oriented OLTP systems CIDR Abstracts 2017 dbis, instant.recovery fileadmin/publications/2017/cidr2017_OLTP_continuum.pdf CaetanoSauer article DHM-2016 Die Arbeitsgruppen für Datenbanken und Informationssysteme an der TU Kaiserslautern Datenbank-Spektrum 2016 11 16 3 237-245 dbis Springer-Verlag StefanDeßloch TheoHärder SebastianMichel article SKH2016 Editorial: Data Management for Bio- and Geosciences Datenbank-Spektrum 2016 11 16 3 191-194 dbis Springer-Verlag BernhardSeeger BirgittaKönig-Ries TheoHärder inproceedings SLHG.ADBIS16 Update propagation strategies for high-performance OLTP (best paper award) 2016 8 9809 152-165 dbis, instant.recovery, sauersel fileadmin/publications/2016/UpdatePropagationStrategies.pdf Springer-Verlag LNCS ADBIS 2016 CaetanoSauer LucasLersch TheoHärder GoetzGraefe article FBH.DASP16 Editorial: Schutz der Privatsphäre in einer ubiquitären Welt Datenbank-Spektrum 2016 7 16 2 103-106 dbis Springer-Verlag Johann-ChristophFreytag ErikBuchmann TheoHärder inproceedings LSH.GvDB.2016 Decoupling Persistence Services from DBMS Buffer Management 2016 5 dbis, instant.recovery fileadmin/publications/2016/DecoupledPersistence.pdf Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" (GvDB2016) LucasLersch CaetanoSauer TheoHärder article HSH-DASP-1-2016 Editorial: Big Data & IR Datenbank-Spektrum 2016 3 16 1 1-4 dbis Springer-Verlag MatthiasHagen BennoStein TheoHärder article GXHHCH PCMLogging: Optimizing Transaction Logging and Recovery Performance with PCM IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) 2015 12 27 12 3332-3346 dbis fileadmin/publications/2015/PCMLogging_TKDE.pdf ShenGao JianliangXu TheoHärder BingshengHe ByronChoi HaiboHu article Hä-DASP-3-15 Editorial: Best Workshop Papers of BTW 2015 Datenbank-Spektrum 15(3) 2015 11 171-174 dbis TheoHärder article GSGH2015 Instant recovery with write-ahead logging Datenbank-Spektrum 15(3) 2015 11 235-239 dbis, instant.recovery fileadmin/publications/2015/InstantRecovery.pdf GoetzGraefe CaetanoSauer WeyGuy TheoHärder inproceedings DSH2015 Optimizing Sort in Hadoop using Replacement Selection 2015 9 9282 365-379 dbis fileadmin/publications/2015/HadoopReplacementSelection.pdf Springer LNCS ADBIS 2015, Poitiers, France PedroDusso CaetanoSauer TheoHärder article MNH2015 Editorial: Data Management for Mobility Datenbank-Spektrum 15(2) 2015 7 95-98 dbis BernhardMitschang DanielaNicklas TheoHärder inproceedings SH2015 Dynamic Physiological Partitioning on a Shared-nothing Database Cluster 2015 4 1095-1106 dbis, greendb, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2015/paper.pdf ICDE, Seoul, Korea DanielSchall TheoHärder inproceedings SMRH2015 Performance Prediction for Set Similarity Joins 2015 4 967-972 dbis fileadmin/publications/2015/SAC2015-DTTA-Camera.pdf SAC, Salamanca, Spain ChristianeFaleiro Sidney DiegoSarmento Mendes LeonardoAndrade Ribeiro TheoHärder article HR-Datenbank-Spektrum2015 30 Jahre "Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web" - Die BTW im Wandel der Datenbank-Zeiten Datenbank-Spektrum 2015 3 15 1 81-90 DBIS fileadmin/publications/2015/BTW-1.pdf Springer TheoHärder ErhardRahm article HHSH2015 Editorial: Informationsmanagement für Digital Humanities Datenbank-Spektrum 15(1) 2015 3 1-6 dbis AndreasHenrich GerhardHeyer ChristophSchlieder TheoHärder proceedings SRSSHFW-2015 Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), 16. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" 2015 3 dbis LNI 241 Hamburg ThomasSeidl NorbertRitter HaraldSchöning Kai-UweSattler TheoHärder SteffenFriedrich WolframWingerath inproceedings SH-BTW2015 Energy and Performance - Can Wimpy-Node Cluster Challenge a Brawny Server? 2015 3 197-216 dbis, greendb, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2015/BigServer.pdf LNI 241 BTW Hamburg DanielSchall TheoHärder inproceedings SGH2015 Single-pass restore after a media failure 2015 3 217-236 dbis, instant.recovery, sauersel fileadmin/publications/2015/SinglePassRestore.pdf LNI 241 BTW Hamburg CaetanoSauer GoetzGraefe TheoHärder inproceedings GPSH2015 Visualizing the Behaviour of an Elastic, Energy-Efficient Database Cluster 2015 3 691-694 dbis, greendb, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2015/demo-paper.pdf LNI 241 BTW Hamburg SandyGanza ThomasPsota DanielSchall TheoHärder phdthesis Schall-1-2015 Energy Efficiency in Databases 2015 2 dbis, wattdb, greendb fileadmin/publications/2015/Dissertation.Schall.pdf University of Kaiserslautern DanielSchall article MHSB2015 XML indexing and storage: fulfilling the wish list Computer Science - R&D 2015 1 30 1 51-68 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2012/wishlist-csrd-final.pdf Springer ChristianMathis TheoHärder KarstenSchmidt SebastianBächle article HT2014 Editorial : Data Management on New Hardware Datenbank-Spektrum 2014 11 14 3 dbis, greendb, wattdb Springer TheoHärder JensTeubner article SYNTH-11-2014 Instant Recovery with Write-Ahead Logging: Page Repair, System Restart, and Media Restore Synthesis Lectures on Data Management 2014 11 sauersel, dbis, instant.recovery Morgan & Claypool Publishers GoetzGraefe WeyGuy CaetanoSauer article DH-DASP2014 WattDB - A Journey towards Energy Efficiency Datenbank-Spektrum 2014 11 14 3 183-198 dbis, greendb, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2014/datenbankspektrum-final.pdf Springer DanielSchall TheoHärder article ARXIV-09-2014 A novel recovery mechanism enabling fine-granularity locking and fast, REDO-only recovery arXiv:1409.3682 2014 9 13 sauersel, dbis, instant.recovery CaetanoSauer TheoHärder inproceedings HSH.2014 Observations on Fine-grained Locking in XML DBMSs 2014 9 337-351 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2014/ADBIS.pdf Springer LNCS 8716 ADBIS 2014 MartinHiller CaetanoSauer TheoHärder article BS2014.DASP Unleashing XQuery for Data-independent Programming Datenbank-Spektrum 2014 7 14 2 135-150 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2014/Unleash.2014.pdf SebastianBächle CaetanoSauer incollection SH-CoRR.1-2014 Dynamic Physiological Partitioning on a Shared-nothing Database Cluster 2014 7 dbis, greendb, wattdb CoRR abs/1407.0120 DanielSchall TheoHärder incollection SH.CoRR.2-2014 Energy and Performance - Can a Wimpy-Node Cluster Challenge a Brawny Server? 2014 7 dbis, greendb, wattdb CoRR abs/1407.0386 DanielSchall TheoHärder inproceedings SGH.RDSS2014 An empirical analysis of database recovery costs 2014 6 dbis, instant.recovery, sauersel fileadmin/publications/2014/RecoveryCosts.2014.pdf RDSS 2014 (SIGMOD Workshops) Snowbird, UT RDSS 2014 (Sigmod Workshops) CaetanoSauer GoetzGraefe TheoHärder inproceedings OCXH2014 Wear-Aware Algorithms for PCM-Based Database Buff er Pools 2014 6 165-176 dbis, greendb, eessd fileadmin/publications/2014/WAIM14_HardBD_6.pdf Springer LNCS 8597, ISBN 978-3-319-11537-5 Web Age Information Management (WAIM 2014) YiOu LeiChen JianliangXu TheoHärder inproceedings SHW2014 Evaluating a row store data model for full-content DICOM management 2014 5 193-198 dbis IEEE 27th Int. Symposium on Computer-based Medical Systems (CBMS 2014) New York AlexandreSavaris TheoHärder Aldovon Wangenheim article OJH14.IJKBO Flash-Aware Buffer Management for Database Systems Int. Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IJKBO) 2014 4 3 4 22-39 dbis, greendb, eessd fileadmin/1-Manuscript.pdf YiOu PeiquanJin TheoHärder inproceedings SH-DASFAA2014 Approximating an Energy-Proportional DBMS by a Dynamic Cluster of Nodes 2014 4 8421 297-311 dbis, greendb, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2014/dasfaa2014.pdf LNCS DASFAA Conf. Bali, Indonesia DanielSchall TheoHärder article SAW2014 DCMDSM: a DICOM decomposed storage model Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) 2014 2 12 5 917-924 dbis J Am Med Inform Assoc doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2013-002337 AlexandreSavaris TheoHärder Aldovon Wangenheim article Hae-DASP2013 Editorial Datenbank-Spektrum 2013 11 13(3) 163-166 dbis Springer TheoHärder inproceedings SBH.ADBIS13 Versatile XQuery Processing in MapReduce 2013 9 8133 204-217 dbis,xtc, sauersel fileadmin/publications/2013/ Springer LNCS ADBIS 2013 CaetanoSauer SebastianBächle TheoHärder inproceedings SBH2013 BrackitMR: Flexible XQuery Processing in MapReduce 2013 6 7923 806-808 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2013/WAIM2013.pdf Springer LNCS WAIM 2013 CaetanoSauer SebastianBächle TheoHärder inproceedings SH.Damon13 Energy-proportional Query Execution using a Cluster of Wimpy Nodes 2013 6 dbis, greendb, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2013/damon_paper.pdf SIGMOD Workshop "Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN)", DanielSchall TheoHärder inproceedings Ha-GVD13 WattDB - a Rocky Road to Energy Proportionality (invited talk) Proc. 25. GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2013 5 dbis,greendb 25. GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken TheoHärder inproceedings VS.GvD13 XQuery Processing over NoSQL Stores 2013 5 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2013/ValerGvD2013.pdf 25. GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken HenriqueValer CaetanoSauer TheoHärder proceedings MHW-2.2013 Advances in Databases and Information Systems 2013 4 dbis Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 186 Poznan, Poland ADBIS 2012 TadeuszMorzy TheoHärder RobertWrembel phdthesis Baechle.2013 Separating Key Concerns in Query Processing - Set Orientation, Physical Data Independence, and Parallelism 2013 4 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2013/Dissertation-Baechle.pdf Dr. Hut Verlag
University of Kaiserslautern SebastianBächle
article SH2013.DASP Compilation of Query Languages into MapReduce Datenbank-Spektrum 2013 3 13 1 5-15 dbis, sauersel fileadmin/publications/2013/Compilation.DASP.1-2013.pdf Springer 10.1007/s13222-012-0112-8 CaetanoSauer TheoHärder article Hae13.DASP Editorial Datenbank-Spektrum 2013 3 13 1 1-3 dbis Springer TheoHärder article LLHX2013 Update XML Views CoRR abs/1302.1923 2013 3 dbis, xtc JixueLiu ChengfeiLiu TheoHärder JeffreyXu Yu proceedings BTW2013 Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW) 2013 2013 3 LNI 214 dbis VolkerMarkl GunterSaake Kai-UweSattler GregorHackenbroich BernhardMitschang TheoHärder VeitKöppen inproceedings SH2013.BTW Towards an Energy-Proportional Storage System using a Cluster of Wimpy Nodes 2013 3 311-326 dbis, greendb, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2013/Energy-proportionalStorageSystem.pdf LNI 214 15. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2013) DanielSchall TheoHärder proceedings MHW.2012 Advances in Databases and Information Systems 2012 9 dbis Springer LNCS 7503 Poznan, Poland ADBIS 2012 TadeuszMorzy TheoHärder RobertWrembel inproceedings KHH12.GI Lastprognose für energieeffiziente verteilte DBMS 2012 9 397-411 dbis, greendb, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2012/EEbs2012-prediction.pdf GI LNI 208 42. Gi-Jahrestagung 2012 ChristopherKramer VolkerHöfner TheoHärder inproceedings RH12.ADBIS Leveraging the Storage Layer to Support XML Similarity Joins in XDBMSs 2012 9 1-14 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2012/adbis2012.pdf Springer LNCS 7503 ADBIS 2012 LeonardoRibeiro TheoHärder inproceedings OXH.DEAX12 Towards an Efficient Flash-Based Mid-Tier Cache 2012 9 LNCS 7446 55-70 dbis, eessd, greendb fileadmin/publications/2012/OXH12.DEXA.pdf Springer DEXA 2012 YiOu JianliangXu TheoHärder inproceedings HS12.GI WattDB - A Cluster of Wimpy Processing Nodes to Approximate Energy Proportionality 2012 9 394-396 dbis, greendb, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2012/EEbS2012.pdf GI LNI 208 42. Gi-Jahrestagung 2012 TheoHärder DanielSchall inproceedings SHK11.TPCTC Towards an Enhanced Benchmark Advocating Energy-Efficient Systems 2012 8 31-45 The growing energy consumption of data centers has become an area of research interest lately. For this reason, the research focus has broadened from a solely performance-oriented system evaluation to an exploration where energy efficiency is considered as well. The Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) has also reflected this shift by introducing the TPC-Energy benchmark. In this paper, we recommend extensions, refinements, and variations for such benchmarks. For this purpose, we present performance measurements of real-world DB servers and show that their mean utilization is far from peak and, thus, benchmarking results, even in conjunction with TPC-Energy, lead to inadequate assessment decisions, e.g., when a database server has to be purchased. Therefore, we propose a new kind of benchmarking paradigm that includes more realistic power measures. Our proposal will enable appraisals of database servers based on broader requirement profiles instead of focusing on sole performance. Furthermore, our energy-centric benchmarks will encourage the design and development of energy-proportional hardware and the evolution of energy-aware DBMSs. dbis, greendb, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2011/SHM-TPCTC2011.pdf Springer LNCS 7144 TPCTC 2011 DanielSchall VolkerHöfner ManuelKern phdthesis Ou12 Caching for flash-based databases and flash-based caching for databases 2012 8 dbis, greendb, eessd fileadmin/publications/2012/Ou.diss.pdf Verlag Dr. Hut
University of Kaiserslautern YiOu
article MHSB11.CSRD XML Indexing and Storage: Fulfilling the Wish List Computer Science - Research and Development 27(2) 2012 6 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2012/wishlist-csrd-final.pdf Springer ChristianMathis TheoHärder KarstenSchmidt SebastianBächle inproceedings OH12.FlashDB Improving Database Performance Using a Flash-Based Write Cache 2012 4 7240 2-13 dbis, greendb, eessd fileadmin/publications/2012/FlashDB2012.pdf Springer LNCS DASFAA'12, 2nd Int. Workshop on FlashDB YiOu TheoHärder inproceedings LLHY11.DASFAA Update of Typical XML Views 2012 4 7238 126-140 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2012/LLHX2012.pdf Springer LNCS DASFAA Conference 2012 JixueLiu ChengfeiLiu TheoHärder JeffreyYu article HM12.CSRD Editorial to the special issue: “Trends and advances in database systems research” Computer Science - Reasearch and Development 2012 2 27 1-2 dbis Springer TheoHärder BernhardMitschang article SB11.CSRD Low-overhead decision support for dynamic buffer reallocation Computer Science - Research and Development 2012 2 27 29-43 dbis, xtc fileadmin/SB11.pdf Springer KarstenSchmidt SebastianBächle article JOHL11.DKE AD-LRU: An Efficient Buffer Replacement Algorithm for Flash-Based Databases Data & Knowledge Engineering 72: 83-102 2012 1 dbis, greendb, eessd fileadmin/publications/2011/JOHL11.DKE.pdf Elsevier 10.1016/j.datak.2011.09.007 PeiquanJin YiOu TheoHärder ZhiLi article IHH11.DKE S3: Processing tree-pattern XML queries with all logical operators Data & Knowledge Engineering 72: 31-62 2012 1 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2011/IHH11.DKE.pdf Elsevier 10.1016/j.datak.2011.09.003 KamyarIzadi MostafaHaghjoo TheoHärder inproceedings kes2011 WoM: An Open Interactive Platform for Describing, Exploring, and Sharing Mathematical Models 2011 9 126-135 dbis, his, wom fileadmin/publications/2011/GGMS_11.pdf International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES-2011) Jean-MarieGaillourdet ThomasGrundmann MartinMemmel KarstenSchmidt ArndPoetsch-Heffter StefanDeßloch phdthesis Sch11.Diss Self-Tuning Storage and Indexing for Native XML DBMSs 2011 9 Dissertation erh&auml;ltlich im <a href="">Verlag Dr. Hut</a> unter der ISBN <a href="">978-3-8439-0149-9</a> dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2011/schmidt.diss.pdf Dr. Hut Verlag
TU Kaiserslautern 978-3-8439-0149-9 KarstenSchmidt
article BHHOORSSW:11 "Von der Torfabrik zur Denkfabrik" Bericht zur 14. Fachtagung "Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web" Datenbank-Spektrum 2011 8 11 2 135—140 dbis, btw Springer 10.1007/s13222-011-0060-8 SebastianBächle TheoHärder VolkerHöfner JoachimKlein YiOu SteffenReithermann DanielSchall KarstenSchmidt Andreas M.Weiner inproceedings RH11.DEXA Ingredients for Accurate, Fast, and Robust XML Similarity Joins 2011 8 6861 33-42 dbis, xtc fileadmin/DEXA2011-camera.pdf Springer LNCS DEXA 2011 LeonardoRibeiro TheoHärder inproceedings mathwikis10 The Web of Mathematical Models: A Schema-based Wiki-like Interactive Platform 2011 8 Vol. 767 19-27 dbis, his, wom CEUR Workshop Proceedings ITP 2011 Workshop on Mathematical Wikis (MathWikis-2011) Nijmegen Jean-MarieGaillourdet ThomasGrundmann KarstenSchmidt ArndPoetsch-Heffter StefanDeßloch MartinMemmel phdthesis We11.Diss Cost-Based XQuery Optimization in Native XML Database Systems 2011 7 dbis, xtc, weiner fileadmin/publications/2011/PhD-Dissertation-Weiner.pdf Verlag Dr. Hut
University of Kaiserslautern 978-3-8439-0071-3 Andreas M.Weiner
inproceedings SH11.SIGMOD WattDB: An Energy-Proportional Cluster of Wimpy Nodes 2011 6 1229-1232 greendb, dbis, wattdb fileadmin/WattDB-2011.pdf SIGMOD 2011 Conference DanielSchall VolkerHudlet inproceedings HS2011.SEEDM WattDB – An Energy‐proportional DBMS SEEDM 2011 2011 5 1 dbis, greendb, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2011/HS-SEEDM2011.pdf Sustainable Energy Efficient Data Management Workshop Washington D.C. Sustainable Energy Efficient Data Management Workshop VolkerHöfner DanielSchall inproceedings HHOS11.FlashDB Energy Efficiency is not Enough, Energy Proportionality is Needed! Proc. DASFAA'11,1st Int. Workshop on FlashDB 2011 4 6637 226-239 dbis, greendb, eessd, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2011/DASFAA11_FlashDB_keynote01.pdf Springer LNCS DASFAA'11,1st Int. Workshop on FlashDB TheoHärder VolkerHudlet YiOu DanielSchall inproceedings OH11.FlashDB Trading Memory for Performance and Energy 2011 4 6637 241-253 dbis, greendb, eessd fileadmin/publications/2011/DASFAA11_FlashDB_6.pdf Springer LNCS DASFAA'11,1st Int. Workshop on FlashDB YiOu TheoHärder inproceedings Weiner11.BTW Advanced Cardinality Estimation in the XML Query Graph Model 2011 3 2 P - 180 207-226 xtc, dbis, weiner fileadmin/Weiner.btw2011.pdf LNI 14. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011) Kaiserslautern, Germany February 28 -- March 4 Andreas M.Weiner proceedings HLMSS11.BTW Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), 14. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), 2011 3 P - 180 dbis GI LNI TheoHärder WolfgangLehner BernhardMitschang HaraldSchöning HolgerSchwarz inproceedings BS11.BTW Lightweight Performance Forecasts for Buffer Algorithms 2011 3 P - 180 147-166 dbis, xtc fileadmin/BS.btw2011_final.pdf LNI 14. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011), Kaiserslautern, Germany SebastianBächle KarstenSchmidt inproceedings HS11.BTW_Demo Measuring Energy Consumption of a Database Cluster 2011 3 P - 180 734-737 dbis,greenDB, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2011/HS2011.BTW.DEMO.pdf LNI 14. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011), Demo-Programm, Kaiserslautern, Germany VolkerHudlet DanielSchall inproceedings HS11.BTW SSD != SSD - An Empirical Study to Identify Common Properties and Type-specific Behavior 2011 3 P - 180 430-441 dbis, greendb fileadmin/publications/2011/HS2011.BTW.pdf LNI 14. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011), Kaiserslautern, Germany VolkerHudlet DanielSchall inproceedings Klein11.BTW Stets Wertvollständig! - Snapshot Isolation beim Constraint-basierten Datenbank-Caching 2011 3 P - 180 247-266 dbis, accache fileadmin/paper.pdf LNI 14. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2011), Kaiserslautern, Germany JoachimKlein article RH10.IS Generalizing Prefix Filtering to Improve Set Similarity Joins Information Systems 36(1) 2011 1 Best papers of ADBIS 2010 62-78 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2010/RH10.IS.pdf LeonardoRibeiro TheoHärder inproceedings HM10.LNCS Key Concepts for Native XML Processing 2010 10 6462 1-19 dbis, xtc Springer LNCS Buchmann Festschrift (Papers in Honor of A. Buchmann on His 60th Birthday) TheoHärder ChristianMathis phdthesis Rib10.Diss A Framework for XML Similarity Joins 2010 10 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2010/Rib10.DissOnline.pdf Verlag Dr. Hut
University of Kaiserslautern LeonardoAndrade Ribeiro
inproceedings OH10.ADBIS CFDC: A Flash-Aware Buffer Management Algorithm for Database Systems 2010 9 6295 435-449 dbis, greendb, eessd fileadmin/publications/2010/OHJ10.ADBIS.pdf Springer LNCS ADBIS 2010 Novi Sad, Serbia YiOu TheoHärder PeiquanJin inproceedings Kl10.ADBIS Concurrency and Replica Control for Constraint-based Database Caching 2010 9 6295 305-319 dbis, accache LNCS ADBIS 2010 Novi Sad, Serbia JoachimKlein inproceedings WH10.IDEAS An Integrative Approach to Query Optimization in Native XML Database Management Systems 2010 8 16 dbis, xtc, weiner fileadmin/publications/2010/WH10.IDEAS.pdf IDEAS, Montreal, QC, CA Andreas M.Weiner TheoHärder inproceedings OH10.IDEAS Clean First or Dirty First? A Cost-Aware Self-Adaptive Buffer Replacement Policy 2010 8 7-14 dbis, greendb, eessd fileadmin/publications/2010/OH10.IDEAS.pdf IDEAS, Montreal, QC, CA YiOu TheoHärder inproceedings OHS10.DEXA Performance and Power Evaluation of Flash-Aware Buffer Algorithms 2010 8 6261 183-197 dbis, greendb, eessd fileadmin/OHS10.DEXA.pdf LNCS DEXA 2010 Bilbao, Spain YiOu TheoHärder DanielSchall inproceedings BH10.NDT A Scalable Framework for Serializable XQuery (keynote paper) CCIS Series of LNCS 2010 7 CCIS 88 683-698 xtc, dbis fileadmin/publications/2010/BH10.NDT.pdf Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science NDT 2010 SebastianBächle TheoHärder article GHPSS10.SIGMOD The SIGMOD 2010 Programming Contest - A Distributed Query Engine SIGMOD Record 2010 6 39 2 61-64 dbis, greendb, wattdb fileadmin/publications/2010/ProgContest.sigmod2010.pdf ClementGenzmer VolkerHudlet HyunjungPark DanielSchall PierreSenellart inproceedings OH10.BNCOD Issues of Flash-Aware Buffer Management for Database Systems 2010 6 6121 127-130 dbis, greendb, eessd Springer LNCS BNCOD 2010 Dundee, Scotland YiOu TheoHärder article SHH10.C3S2E Enhancing Energy Efficiency of Database Applications Using SSDs C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering (C3S2E-10) 2010 5 1-9 dbis, greendb fileadmin/SHH10.C3S2E.pdf IEEE
Montreal, Canada
DanielSchall VolkerHudlet TheoHärder
inproceedings SSH10.GvDB Query Processing and Optimization using Compiler Tools Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" 2010 5 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2010/GvD2010.pdf Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" CaetanoSauer KarstenSchmidt TheoHärder inproceedings Hu10.GvDB True Energy-efficient Data Processing is Only Gained by Energy-proportional DBMSs 2010 5 dbis, greenDB, wattdb Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" VolkerHudlet inproceedings SH10-SMDB On the Use of Query-driven XML Auto-Indexing 2010 3 1-6 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2010/SH10-SMDB.pdf SMDB Workshop Long Beach ICDE Workshop: SMDB KarstenSchmidt TheoHärder inproceedings WH10.ICDE Visualizing Cost-Based XQuery Optimization 2010 3 1165-1168 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2010/WH10.ICDE.pdf IEEE ICDE Long Beach, California, USA 978-1-4244-5444-0 Andreas M.Weiner TheoHärder RenatoOliveira da Silva phdthesis A10.PHD Summarizing XML Documents: Contributions, Empirical Studies, and Challenges 2010 3 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2010/Aguiar-Diss.pdf TU Kaiserslautern JoseAguiar Moraes Filho article HHMW10.SBBD DeweyIDs - The Key to Fine-Grained Management of XML Documents Journal of Information and Data Management (republication as a paper of SBBD 2005) 2010 2 1 1 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2010/HHMW10.SBBD.pdf Brazilian Computer Society MichaelHaustein TheoHärder ChristianMathis MarkusWagner article HM10.JIDM Notes on "DeweyIDs - The Key to Fine-Grained Management of XML Documents" Journal of Information and Data Management 2010 2 1 1 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2010/HM10.JIDM.pdf Brazilian Computer Society TheoHärder ChristianMathis inbook WH10.AASXP Advanced Applications and Structures in XML Processing: Label Streams, Semantics Utilization, and Data Query Technologies 2010 1 160-182 dbis,xtc C. Li and T. W. Ling IGI Global A Framework for Cost-Based Query Optimization in Native XML Database Management Systems 1-61520-727-9 10.4018/978-1-61520-727-5 Andreas M.Weiner TheoHärder inproceedings HMBSW10.SOFSEM Essential Performance Drivers in Native XML DBMSs (keynote paper) 2010 1 5901 29-46 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2010/HMBSW10.SOFSEM.pdf Springer LNCS Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (Sofsem 2010) Špindlerův Mlýn, Czech Republic TheoHärder ChristianMathis SebastianBächle KarstenSchmidt Andreas M.Weiner article AHS09.IJDTA Enhancing the Estimation Quality of Element-centered XML Summarization Methods Int. Journal of Database Theory and Application (IJDTA) 2009 12 2 4 39-57 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2009/ahs-ijdta09.pdf SERSC Korea 2005-4270 JoseAguiar Moraes Filho TheoHärder CaetanoSauer inproceedings AH09.DTA Enhanced Statistics for Element-centered XML Summaries 2009 12 99-106 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2009/AH09.DTA.pdf Springer CCIS Database Theory and Application (DTA) Jeju Island, Korea JoseAguiar Moraes Filho TheoHärder CaetanoSauer article FH09.CSRD Editorial to the Special Issue: Database Systems Computer Science - Research and Development 2009 10 24 3 101-102 dbis Springer Johann-ChristophFreytag TheoHärder incollection H09.ADBIS Some Long-term Observations on Successful Industry Projects 2009 9 dbis fileadmin/publications/2009/adbispanel2009.ppt ADBIS Panel "Academic and Industrial Interactions: Models and Experiences" Riga, Latvia TheoHärder inproceedings RHP09.IDEAS A Cluster-Based Approach to XML Similarity Joins 2009 9 182-193 xtc,dbis fileadmin/publications/2009/RHP09.IDEAS.pdf IDEAS Cetraro, Italy LeonardoRibeiro TheoHärder Fernanda Sant AnnaPimenta inproceedings RH09.ADBIS Efficient Set Similarity Joins using Min-prefixes 2009 9 5739 88-102 xtc,dbis fileadmin/publications/2009/RH09.ADBIS.pdf LNCS ADBIS Riga, Latvia LeonardoRibeiro TheoHärder inproceedings KB09.ADBIS Optimizing Maintenance of Constraint-based Database Caches 2009 9 5739 219-234 dbis,accache fileadmin/publications/2009/KB09.ADBIS.pdf LNCS ADBIS Riga, Latvia JoachimKlein SusanneBraun inproceedings BH09.DEXA The Real Performance Drivers Behind XML Lock Protocols 2009 9 5690 38-52 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2009/BH09.DEXA.pdf LNCS DEXA Linz, Austria SebastianBächle TheoHärder inproceedings WH09.ADBIS Using Structural Joins and Holistic Twig Joins for Native XML Query Optimization 2009 9 5739 149-163 dbis,xtc LNCS ADBIS Riga, Latvia 10.1007/978-3-642-03973-7_12 Andreas M.Weiner TheoHärder inproceedings W09.VLDB Framework-Based Development and Evaluation of Cost-Based Native XML Query Optimization Techniques 2009 8 24 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2009/We09.VLDB.pdf VLDB Ph.D. Workshop Lyon, France Andreas M.Weiner phdthesis M2009.PhD Storing, Indexing, and Querying XML Documents in Native Database Management Systems 2009 7 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2009/Mathis.diss.pdf Verlag Dr. Hut
University of Kaiserslautern ChristianMathis
inproceedings SL09.WGD Anforderungen an die Anwendungsprotokollierung 2009 6 81-85 dbis fileadmin/publications/2009/SL09.WGD.pdf Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany DanielSchall HenrikLoeser inproceedings OHJ09.DAMON CFDC - A Flash-aware Replacement Policy for Database Buffer Management 2009 6 xtc,dbis,greendb,eessd fileadmin/publications/2009/OHJ09.DaMoN.pdf SIGMOD Workshop "Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN)" Providence, US YiOu TheoHärder PeiquanJin inproceedings S09.IDAR Goal-Driven Autonomous Database Tuning Supported by a System Model 2009 6 xtc,dbis fileadmin/publications/2009/Sch09.IDAR.pdf SIGMOD Workshop "Innovative Database Research (IDAR)" Providence, US KarstenSchmidt inproceedings SOH09.C3S2E The Promise of Solid State Disks - Increasing Efficiency and Reducing Cost of DBMS Processing 2009 5 35-41 xtc,dbis,greendb,eessd fileadmin/publications/2009/SOH09.C3S2E.pdf C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering (C3S2E-09) Montreal, Canada KarstenSchmidt YiOu TheoHärder inproceedings SBH09.DASFAA Benchmarking Performance-Critical Components in a Native XML Database System 2009 4 5667 64-78 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2009/SBH09.DASFAA.pdf LNCS DASFAA Workshop "Benchmarking of XML and Semantic Web Applications (BenchmarX'09)" Brisbane, Australia KarstenSchmidt SebastianBächle TheoHärder inproceedings BHH09.DASFAA Implementing and Optimizing Fine-Granular Lock Management for XML Document Trees 2009 4 5463 631-645 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2009/BHH09.DASFAA.pdf LNCS DASFAA Brisbane, Australia SebastianBächle TheoHärder Michael P.Haustein inproceedings THK09.BTW Aspekte der Konsistenzsicherung beim Constraint-basierten Datenbank-Caching 2009 3 dbis,accache BTW Studierendenprogramm Münster, Germany MartinTritschler VolkerHudlet JoachimKlein inproceedings WMHH09.BTW Now it’s Obvious to The Eye—Visually Explaining XQuery Evaluation in a Native XML Database Management System 2009 3 P-144 616-619 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2009/WMHH09.BTW.pdf LNI BTW Münster, Germany Andreas M.Weiner ChristianMathis TheoHärder Caesar Ralf FranzHoppen inproceedings KBM09.BTW Selektives Laden und Entladen von Prädikatsextensionen beim Constraint-basierten Datenbank-Caching 2009 3 P-144 347-366 dbis,accache LNI BTW Münster, Germany JoachimKlein SusanneBraun GustavoMachado inproceedings HSOB09.BTW Towards Flash Disk Use in Databases - Keeping Performance While Saving Energy? 2009 3 P-144 167-186 dbis,xtc,greendb, eessd fileadmin/publications/2009/HSOB09.BTW.pdf LNI BTW Münster, Germany TheoHärder KarstenSchmidt YiOu SebastianBächle inproceedings HT09.Informatiktage Towards Providing Complete Knowledge in Constraint-based Database Caching 2009 3 161-166 dbis,accache Informatiktage Bonn, Germany VolkerHudlet MartinTritschler article H09.GreenComputing Green Computing - ein neues Forschungsthema der Informatik Uni-Spektrum 2009 2 dbis,greendb fileadmin/publications/2009/Ha09.GreenComputing.pdf TU Kaiserslautern TheoHärder article AH09.AIA Accurate XML Summarization - Comparison of Differing Approaches Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2009 187 29-40 dbis,xtc IOS Press 978-1-58603-939-4 JoseAguiar Moraes Filho TheoHärder article H09.CDRD Editorial to the Special Issue: XML Data Management Computer Science - Research and Development 2009 24 1-2 33-35 dbis Springer TheoHärder article MHS09.CSRD Storing and Indexing XML Documents Upside Down Computer Science - Research and Development 2009 24 1-2 51-68 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2009/MHS09.CSRD.pdf Springer ChristianMathis TheoHärder KarstenSchmidt incollection H09.CrashRecovery Crash Recovery 2009 517-522 dbis fileadmin/publications/2009/Ha09.CrashRecovery.pdf M. Tamer Özsu and Ling Lui Springer Encyclopedia of Database Systems TheoHärder inproceedings KW09.Informatiktage Dynamische Konfiguration von Cache Groups beim Constraint-basierten Datenbank-Caching 2009 167-170 dbis,accache Informatiktage Bonn, Germany JoachimKlein HaraldWonneberger article IHH08.DKE S3: Evaluation of Tree-Pattern Queries Supported by Structural Summaries Data & Knowledge Engineering 2008 9 18 68 126-145 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2009/IHH09.DKE.pdf Elsevier 10.1016/j.datak.2008.09.001 KamyarIzadi TheoHärder Mostafa S.Haghjoo article RH08.DBSpektrum Similarity Matching in Web-Based Data Management Applications Datenbank-Spektrum 2008 9 26 17-25 dbis,xtc LeonardoRibeiro TheoHärder inproceedings RH08.ADBIS Evaluating Performance and Quality of XML-based Similarity Joins 2008 9 5207 246-261 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2008/RH08.ADBIS.pdf LNCS ADBIS Pori, Finland LeonardoRibeiro TheoHärder inproceedings AH08.IDEAS EXsum - An XML Summarization Framework 2008 9 139-148 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2008/AH08.IDEAS.pdf IDEAS Coimbra, Portugal JoseAguiar Moraes Filho TheoHärder inproceedings SH08.IDEAS Usage-driven Storage Structures for Native XML Databases 2008 9 169-178 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2008/SH08.IDEAS.pdf IDEAS Coimbra, Portugal KarstenSchmidt TheoHärder article MWHH08.PVLDB XTCcmp, XQuery Compilation on XTC PVLDB 2008 8 1 2 1400-1403 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2008/MWHH08.VLDB.pdf Auckland, New Zealand ChristianMathis Andreas M.Weiner TheoHärder Caesar Ralf FranzHoppen article HB08.VLDB Value Complete, Column Complete, Predicate Complete – Magic Words Driving the Design of Cache Groups VLDB Journal 2008 7 17 4 805-826 dbis,accache fileadmin/publications/2008/HB08.VLDB.pdf Springer 10.1007/s00778-006-0035-9 TheoHärder AndreasBühmann inproceedings H08.Dagstuhl Tailor-made Support of Transactions in Native XML Databases (Abstract) 2008 7 dbis,xtc Dagstuhl Seminar 08281 "Software Engineering for Tailor-made Data Management" TheoHärder inproceedings K08.Dagstuhl What about your Database - Green or Fast (Abstract) 2008 7 dbis,xtc,greendb Dagstuhl Seminar 08281 "Software Engineering for Tailor-made Data Management" KarstenSchmidt inproceedings SHKR08.ICEIS Green Computing - A Case for Data Caching and Flash Disks? 2008 6 535-540 dbis,accache,greendb fileadmin/publications/2008/SHKR08.ICEIS.pdf ICEIS Barcelona, Spain KarstenSchmidt TheoHärder JoachimKlein SteffenReithermann inproceedings AH08.DBIS Tailor-made XML Synopses 2008 6 25-36 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2008/AH08.Baltic.pdf DB&IS Tallinn, Estonia 978-9985-59-789-7 JoseAguiar Moraes Filho TheoHärder inproceedings HBM08.ICEIS Transactional Support in Native XML Databases 2008 6 368-373 dbis,xtc ICEIS Barcelona, Spain TheoHärder SebastianBächle ChristianMathis inproceedings OS08.WGD Adaptive Resource Management in a Native XDBMS 2008 5 71-75 dbis,xtc,greendb Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" Apolda, Germany YiOu KarstenSchmidt inproceedings AH08. Database Caching: A Constraint-Based Approach Applied to XPath and XQuery Predicates 2008 5 66-70 dbis,accache Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken Apolda, Germany MayceAli Ibrahim TheoHärder inproceedings IHH08.DATAK Processing and Optimizing Tree Pattern Queries in Native XML Database Management Systems 2008 5 76-80 dbis,xtc Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" Apolda, Germany KamyarIzadi TheoHärder Mostafa S.Haghjoo inproceedings BH08.SYRCoDIS Realizing Fine-Granular and Scalable Transaction Isolation in Native XML Databases 2008 5 355 41-52 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2008/BH08.SYRCoDIS.pdf CEUR Workshop Proceedings SYRCoDIS St. Petersburg, Russia SebastianBächle TheoHärder inproceedings WMH08.SYRCoDIS Towards Cost-based Query Optimization in Native XML Database Management Systems 2008 5 15-26 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2008/WMH08.SYRCoDIS.pdf CEUR Workshop Proceedings SYRCoDIS St. Petersburg, Russia Andreas M.Weiner ChristianMathis TheoHärder article HH08.DKE Optimizing Lock Protocols for Native XML Processing DATAK 2008 4 65 1 147-173 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2008/HH09.DKE.pdf Elsevier 10.1016/j.datak2007.11.001 Michael P.Haustein TheoHärder inproceedings AH08.SAC Accurate Histogram-based XML Summarization 2008 3 998-1002 dbis,xtc SAC Fortaleza, Brasil JoseAguiar Moraes Filho TheoHärder inproceedings W08.Informatiktage Anfrageverarbeitung in nativen XML-Datenbankverwaltungssystemen (Query Processing in Native XML Database Management Systems) 2008 3 201-204 dbis,xtc Informatiktage Bonn, Germany Andreas M.Weiner inproceedings B08.Informatiktage Mehrbenutzersynchronisation für XQuery in nativen XML-Datenbankmanagement-Systemen 2008 3 149-152 dbis,xtc Informatiktage Bonn, Germany SebastianBächle inproceedings O08.Informatiktage Performance Analysis and Optimization of an XML Database System 2008 3 189-192 dbis,xtc Informatiktage Bonn, Germany YiOu inproceedings WMH08.DataX Rules for Query Rewrite in Native XML Databases 2008 3 261 21-26 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2008/We08.DATAX.pdf ACM International Conference Proceeding Series EDBT Workshop "Database Technologies for Handling XML Information on the Web (DataX)" Nantes, France Andreas M.Weiner ChristianMathis TheoHärder inproceedings BH08.SETMDM Tailor-made Lock Protocols and their DBMS Integration 2008 3 330 18-23 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2008/SETMDM-2008.pdf ACM International Conference Proceeding Series EDBT Workshop "Software Engineering for Tailor-made Data Management (SETMDM) Nantes, France SebastianBächle TheoHärder report WMH08.Int Associativity Rules for Native XML Databases 2008 3 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2008/WMH08.Int.pdf Internal Report Andreas M.Weiner ChristianMathis TheoHärder inproceedings D07.FAXD The Simplest XML Retrieval Baseline That Could Possibly Work 2007 12 4862 80-93 dbis LNCS Focused Access to XML Documents, Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval, INEX 2007 Dagstuhl Castle Dagstuhl Castle, Germany PhilippDopichaj phdthesis D07.PhD Content-oriented retrieval on document-centric XML 2007 12 dbis fileadmin/publications/2008/Dop08.Diss.pdf Dr. Hut University of Kaiserslautern 978-3-89963-677-2 PhilippDopichaj article D07.DBSpektrum Space-efficient Indexing of XML Documents for Content-Only Retrieval Datenbank-Spektrum 2007 11 23 21-28 dbis fileadmin/publications/2007/Dop07.DB.pdf dpunkt. PhilippDopichaj inproceedings RH07.SBBD Embedding Similarity Joins into Native XML Databases 2007 10 285-299 dbis,xtc SBBD LeonardoRibeiro TheoHärder inproceedings HMS07.IDEAS Comparison of Complete and Elementless Native Storage of XML Documents 2007 9 102-113 dbis,xtc IDEAS Banff, Canada TheoHärder ChristianMathis KarstenSchmidt inproceedings BK07.IDEAS Examining the Performance of a Constraint-Based Database Cache 2007 9 290-295 dbis,accache fileadmin/publications/2007/BK07.IDEAS.pdf IDEAS Banff, Canada AndreasBühmann JoachimKlein inproceedings SH07.ADBIS Tailor-Made Native XML Storage Structures 2007 9 96-106 dbis,xtc ADBIS Varna, Bulgaria KarstenSchmidt TheoHärder inproceedings D07.BNCOD Improving Content-Oriented XML Retrieval by Exploiting Small Elements 2007 7 68-74 dbis fileadmin/publications/2007/Dop07.BNCOD.pdf BNCOD Glasgow, Scotland PhilippDopichaj article HH07.DATAK An Efficient Infrastructure for Native Transactional XML Processing DATAK 2007 6 61 3 500-523 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2006/HH06.DKE.pdf Elsevier Michael P.Haustein TheoHärder article H07.IFE Editorial zum Themenheft "Datenbanksysteme" Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung 2007 6 21 3:4 125-126 dbis Springer TheoHärder article M07.IFE Extending a Tuple-Based XPath Algebra to Enhance Evaluation Flexibility Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung 2007 6 21 3 147-164 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2007/Ma07.IFE.pdf Springer ChristianMathis inproceedings D07.ICEIS Improving Content-Oriented XML Retrieval by Applying Structural Patterns 2007 6 5-13 dbis fileadmin/publications/2007/Dop07.ICEIS.pdf ICEIS Funchal, Portugal PhilippDopichaj inproceedings SLSS07.SMDB Autonomous Tuning with Soft Indexes 2007 4 dbis SMDB Istanbul, Turkey Kai-UweSattler MartinLühring KarstenSchmidt EikeSchallehn inproceedings BH07.DASFAA Making the Most of Cache Groups 2007 4 4443 349-360 dbis,accache fileadmin/publications/2006/BH06.DASFAA.pdf Springer LNCS DASFAA Bangkok AndreasBühmann TheoHärder inproceedings B07.BTW Agentenbasierte Kopplung von Produktmanagement-Systemen 2007 3 4-7 dbis BTW Studierendenprogramm Aachen, Germany SebastianBächle inproceedings SH07.BTW An Adaptive Storage Manager for XML Documents 2007 3 317-328 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2007/SH07.BTW-WS.pdf BTW Workshop "Maßgeschneidertes Datenmanagement" Aachen, Germany KarstenSchmidt TheoHärder inproceedings LSSS07.BTW Autonomes Index-Tuning: DBMS-integrierte Verwaltung von Soft-Indexen 2007 3 152-171 dbis BTW Aachen, Germany MartinLühring Kai-UweSattler EikeSchallehn KarstenSchmidt inproceedings M07.BTW Integrating Structural Joins into a Tuple-Based XPath Algebra 2007 3 242-261 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2007/Ma07.BTW.pdf BTW Aachen, Germany ChristianMathis article HHMW07.DATAK Node Labeling Schemes for Dynamic XML Documents Reconsidered DATAK 2007 1 60 1 126-149 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2005/HHMW05.DKE.pdf Elsevier TheoHärder Michael P.Haustein ChristianMathis MarkusWagner inproceedings KH07.WGD Eine parametrisierbare Messumgebung für datenintensive verteilte Anwendungen 2007 62-66 dbis,accache Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" Bretten, Germany JoachimKlein TheoHärder report MHS07.Int A Unified Approach to Content, Structure, and Combined Indexing of XML Documents 2007 dbis,xtc Submitted ChristianMathis TheoHärder KarstenSchmidt inproceedings HHL06.VLDB Contest of XML Lock Protocols 2006 6 1069-1080 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2006/HHL06.VLDB.pdf VLDB Seoul, Korea Michael P.Haustein TheoHärder KonstantinLuttenberger inproceedings RH06.WGD Entity Identification in XML Documents 2006 6 130-134 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2006/RH06.GWS.pdf Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" Wittenberg, Germany LeonardoRibeiro TheoHärder inproceedings MHH06.SIGMOD Locking-Aware Structural Join Operators for XML Query Processing 2006 6 467-478 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2006/MHH06.SIGMOD.pdf SIGMOD Chicago, US ChristianMathis TheoHärder Michael P.Haustein inproceedings AH06.WGD Statistics for Cost-Based XML Query Optimization 2006 6 110-114 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2006/AH06.GWS.pdf Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" Wittenberg, Germany JoseAguiar Moraes Filho TheoHärder inproceedings MH06.ICDE Twig Query Processing under Concurrent Updates 2006 4 141 dbis,xtc ICDE Ph.D. Workshop Atlanta, US ChristianMathis TheoHärder inproceedings MH06.DATAX Hash-Based Structural Join Algorithms 2006 3 4254 136-149 dbis,xtc fileadmin/publications/2006/MH06.DATAX.pdf Springer LNCS EDBT Workshop "Database Technologies for Handling XML Information on the Web (DataX)" Munich, Germany ChristianMathis TheoHärder article B06.IFE Ein Schritt zurück ist kein Rückschritt Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung 2006 20 4 184-195 dbis,accache fileadmin/publications/2005/Bue05.IFE.pdf AndreasBühmann inproceedings BHM06.ADBIS A Middleware-Based Approach to Database Caching 2006 4152 184-199 dbis,accache fileadmin/publications/2006/BHM06.ADBIS.pdf
LNCS ADBIS AndreasBühmann TheoHärder ChristianMerker
inproceedings D06.SIGIR Element Retrieval in Digital Libraries: Reality Check 2006 1-4 dbis fileadmin/publications/2006/Dop06.ERW.pdf SIGIR Workshop "XML Element Retrieval Methodology" PhilippDopichaj inproceedings D06.INEX The University of Kaiserslautern at INEX 2006 2006 4518 223-232 dbis LNCS INEX 10.1007/978-3-540-73888-6 PhilippDopichaj report KH06.Int Model-Driven Development of Versioning Systems: An Evaluation of Different Approaches 2006 dbis fileadmin/publications/2005/KH05.IFE.pdf Internal Report JerneiKovse TheoHärder article H05.IFE Editorial zum Themenheft "Datenbanksysteme" Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung 2005 12 3 20 119-120 dbis TheoHärder phdthesis H05.PhD Feingranulare Transaktionsisolation in nativen XML-Datenbanksystemen 2005 12 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2005/Haustein.diss.pdf Verlag Dr. Hut
University of Kaiserslautern 978-3899632804 MichaelHaustein
inproceedings D05.INEX The University of Kaiserslautern at INEX 2005 2005 11 3977 196-210 dbis Springer LNCS INEX Dagstuhl Castle, Germany PhilippDopichaj inproceedings HHMW05.SBBD DeweyIDs - The Key to Fine-Grained Management of XML Documents 2005 10 85-99 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2005/HHMW05.SBBD.pdf SBBD Michael PeterHaustein TheoHärder ChristianMathis MarkusWagner article MH05.IS Towards a Theory of Multimedia Metacomputing Information Systems 2005 9 30:6 444-466 dbis fileadmin/publications/2005/MH05.InformationSystems.pdf Elsevier Science UlrichMarder TheoHärder inproceedings H05.XMLTage Verhinderung von Phantomen in XML-Datenbanksystemen mit wertbasierten Achsensperren 2005 9 79-92 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2005/Hau05.BXMLT.pdf Berliner XML Tage Berlin, Germany Michael PeterHaustein inproceedings H05.ADBIS XML Databases and Beyond - Plenty of Architectural Challenges Ahead 2005 9 3631 1-16 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2005/Hae05.ADBIS.pdf Johann Eder and Hele-Mai Haav and Ahto Kalja and Jaan Penjam Springer LNCS ADBIS Tallinn, Estonia 10.1007/11547686_1 TheoHärder article H05b.DBSpektrum DBMS Architecture - New Challenges Ahead Datenbank-Spektrum 2005 8 14 38-48 dbis fileadmin/publications/2005/Hae05b.DBSpektrum.pdf dpunkt TheoHärder inproceedings K05.Schriftenreihe Model-Driven Development of Versioning Systems 2005 8 23 dbis FB Informatik Schriftenreihe TU Kaiserslautern JernejKovse techreport HHL05.INTERNAL Contest of XML Lock Protocols 2005 7 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2005/HHL05.Int-Report.pdf TU Kaiserslautern Michael PeterHaustein TheoHärder KonstantinLuttenberger techreport HH05.INTERNAL Optimizing Concurrent XML Processing 2005 7 dbis, xtc TU Kaiserslautern Michael PeterHaustein TheoHärder proceedings HL05.Birthday Data Management in a Connected World, Essays Dedicated to Hartmut Wedekind on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday 2005 6 3551 371 dbis Springer LNCS Data Management in a Connected World 3-540-26295-4 TheoHärder WolfgangLehner inproceedings H05.Birthday Caching over the Entire User-to-Data Path in the Internet 2005 6 3551 67-89 dbis, accache fileadmin/publications/2005/Hae05.Dagstuhl.pdf Springer LNCS Data Management in a Connected World TheoHärder phdthesis F05.PHD Datenintegration über das Web mit SHARX - Datengetriebene, XML-basierte Datenintegrationskonzepte und Systemarchitekturen in unternehmensweiten Anwendungen 2005 6 dbis Akademische V.-G. Aka
University of Kaiserslautern 3898384888 MarcusFlehmig
article H05.DBSpektrum DBMS Architecture - The Layer Model and its Evolution Datenbank-Spektrum 2005 5 13 45-57 dbis fileadmin/publications/2005/Hae05a.DBSpektrum.pdf dpunkt TheoHärder inproceedings MH05.GI A Query Processing Approach for XML Database Systems 2005 5 17 89-93 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2005/MatH05.GWS.pdf Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" Wörlitz, Sachsen-Anhalt ChristianMathis TheoHärder inproceedings H05.BTW DBMS Architecture - Still an Open Problem 2005 3 65 2-28 dbis fileadmin/publications/2005/Hae05.BTW.pdf GI LNI BTW Karlsruhe, Germany TheoHärder inproceedings H0105.BTW Eine XML-Programmierschnittstelle zur transaktionsgeschützten Kombination von DOM, SAX und XQuery 2005 3 65 265-284 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2004/Hau04.BTW.pdf GI LNI BTW Karlsruhe, Germany Michael PeterHaustein inproceedings B05.BTW Einen Schritt zurück zum negativen Datenbank-Caching 2005 3 65 107-124 dbis, accache fileadmin/publications/2004/Bue04.BTW.pdf GI LNI BTW Karlsruhe, Germany AndreasBühmann inproceedings D05.BTW Element Relationship: Exploiting Inline Markup for Better XML Retrieval 2005 3 65 285-294 dbis fileadmin/publications/2005/Dop05.BTW.pdf GI LNI BTW Karlsruhe, Germany PhilippDopichaj phdthesis K05.PhD Model-Driven Development of Versioning Systems 2005 3 dbis University of Kaiserslautern JernejKovse article KH05.ITFokus Domänenspezifische Modellierungssprachen - Vorteile modellgetriebener Entwicklung IT Fokus 2005 11/12 18-21 dbis JernejKovse TheoHärder inproceedings KWH04.ER Metaprogramming for Relational Databases 2004 11 654-667 dbis Springer LNCS 3288 Conceptual Modeling (ER2004) Shanghai, China JernejKovse ChristianWeber TheoHärder inproceedings HH04.SBBD A Lock Manager for Collaborative Processing of Natively Stored XML Documents 2004 10 230-244 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2004/HH04.SBBD.pdf SBBD Brasilia, Brazil Michael PeterHaustein TheoHärder inproceedings KG04.GPCE VS-Gen: A Case Study of a Product Line for Versioning Systems 2004 10 396-415 dbis fileadmin/publications/2004/KG04.GPCE.pdf Springer LNCS 3286 Generative Programming and Component Engineering Vancouver, Canada JernejKovse ChristianGebauer inproceedings HB04.ADBIS Database Caching – Towards a Cost Model for Populating Cache Groups 2004 9 215-229 dbis, accache fileadmin/publications/2004/HB04.ADBIS.pdf Springer LNCS 3255 ADBIS Budapest, Hungary TheoHärder AndreasBühmann phdthesis B04.PhD Modellierung und Abwicklung von Datenflüssen in unternehmensübergreifenden Geschäftsprozessen 2004 9 dbis Logos
University of Kaiserslautern MarkusBon
inproceedings HH04.XSYM Adjustable Transaction Isolation in XML Database Management Systems 2004 8 173-188 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2004/HH04.XSYM.pdf Springer LNCS 3186 XSym Toronto, Canada Michael PeterHaustein TheoHärder report HF04.INNO Erweiterung und Nutzung neuer Informationstechniken beim Web-basierten Lehren und Lernen 2004 8 115 dbis fileadmin/publications/2004/HF04.INNO.pdf Projektabschlussbericht TheoHärder MarcusFlehmig inproceedings F04.ICWE A Scalable Component-based Architecture for Online Services of Library Catalogs 2004 7 396-401 dbis fileadmin/publications/2004/Fle04.ICWE.pdf ICWE Munich, Germany MarcusFlehmig inproceedings D04.BNCOD Exploiting Background Knowledge for Better Similarity Calculation in XML Retrieval 2004 7 dbis BNCOD (Doctoral Consortium) Edinburgh PhilippDopichaj report HH04.INTERNAL Fine-Grained Management of Natively Stored XML Documents 2004 7 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2004/HH04.Int-Report.pdf Internal Report Michael PeterHaustein TheoHärder article HB04.DEB Query Processing in Constraint-Based Database Caches Data Engineering Bulletin 2004 6 27:2 3-10 dbis, accache fileadmin/publications/2004/HB04.DEB.pdf TheoHärder AndreasBühmann inproceedings DH04.GL Conflation Methods and Spelling Mistakes – A Sensitivity Analysis in Information Retrieval 2004 6 48-52 dbis fileadmin/publications/2004/DH04.GL.pdf Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" Monheim, Germany PhilippDopichaj TheoHärder inproceedings B04.GL Database Caching: Analysis of Constraint-based Approaches Exemplified by Cache Groups 2004 6 38-42 dbis, accache fileadmin/publications/2004/BH04.GL.pdf Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" Monheim, Germany AndreasBühmann inproceedings KH04.CAISE MT-Flow – An Environment for Workflow-Supported Model Transformations in MDA 2004 6 160-174 dbis fileadmin/publications/2004/KH04.CAISE.pdf Springer LNCS 3084 CAiSE Riga, Latvia JernejKovse TheoHärder phdthesis M04.PhD Komponentenbasierter Schemaentwurf für objekt-relationale Datenbankverwaltungssysteme 2004 5 dbis University of Kaiserslautern WolfgangMahnke article HB04.IFE Datenbank-Caching – Eine systematische Analyse möglicher Verfahren Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung 2004 19/1 2-16 dbis, accache fileadmin/publications/2004/HB04.IFE.pdf Springer TheoHärder AndreasBühmann inproceedings KH03.WebDB V-Grid - A Versioning Services Framework for the Grid 2003 10 140-154 dbis fileadmin/publications/2003/KH03.WebDB.pdf Workshop Web Datenbanken, Berliner XML Tage Berlin, Germany JernejKovse TheoHärder phdthesis H03.PhD Daten- und Funktionsintegration durch Föderierte Datenbank 2003 10 dbis University of Kaiserslautern KlaudiaHergula inproceedings KH03.OOIS DSL-DIA - An Environment for Domain-Specific Languages for Database-Intensive Applications 2003 9 304-310 dbis fileadmin/publications/2003/KH03.OOIS.pdf Object-Oriented Information Systems Geneva JernejKovse TheoHärder inproceedings H03.Datenbankarbeitsgruppentreffen Synchronisation auf XML-Dokumenten 2003 9 dbis,xtc Datenbankarbeitsgruppentreffen Rathen, Germany Michael P.Haustein inproceedings HH03.ADBIS taDOM: A Tailored Synchronization Concept with Tunable Lock Granularity for the DOM API 2003 9 88-102 dbis, xtc fileadmin/publications/2003/HH03.ADBIS.pdf ADBIS Dresden, Germany Michael PeterHaustein TheoHärder report FGKL03.METAAKAD Metadatenzugang für akademisches Lehr- und Lernmaterial (Meta-Akad) 2003 9 63 dbis fileadmin/publications/2003/FGKL03.METAAKAD.pdf Projektbericht MarcusFlehmig FriedrichGeißelmann HelgeKnüttel BarbaraLeiwesmeyer NorbertRitter MartinSchmettow GiselaWeber inproceedings HMR03.BNCOD Demonstration of Index Techniques for Similarity-based Search in ORDBMSs 2003 7 1-3 dbis fileadmin/publications/2003/HMR03.BNCOD.pdf Workshop Engineering Federated Information Systems (BNCOD Posters) Coventry, UK Michael PeterHaustein WolfgangMahnke NorbertRitter inproceedings KM03.CAISE Introducing Custom Language Extensions to SQL:1999 2003 6 193-208 dbis fileadmin/publications/2003/KM03.CAISE.pdf CAiSE Klagenfurt/Velden JernejKovse WolfgangMahnke inproceedings HH02.GI taDOM: A Synchronization Concept for the DOM API 2003 6 80-84 dbis, xtc Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" Tangermünde, Germany Michael PeterHaustein TheoHärder inproceedings M03.SFB Generic Components in Object-Relational Database Systems 2003 3 89-100 dbis fileadmin/publications/2003/Ma03.SFB.pdf SFB 501 Software Reuse - Requirements, Technologies and Applications Kaiserslautern, Germany WolfgangMahnke inproceedings BRS03.BTW Modellierung und Abwicklung von Datenflüssen in unternehmensübergreifenden Prozessen 2003 3 433-442 dbis fileadmin/publications/2003/BRS03.BTW.pdf BTW Leipzig, Germany MarkusBon NorbertRitter Hans-PeterSteiert inproceedings BRS03b.BTW Modellierung und Abwicklung von Datenflüssen in unternehmensübergreifenden Prozessen (extended version) 2003 3 dbis fileadmin/publications/2003/BRS03b.BTW.pdf BTW Leipzig, Germany MarkusBon NorbertRitter Hans-PeterSteiert article HH03.DB-Spek Anfrageoptimierung bei der Funktionsintegration in Föderierten Datenbanksystemen Datenbank-Sprektrum 2003 33-42 dbis fileadmin/publications/2003/HH03.DB-Spek.pdf dpunkt KlaudiaHergula TheoHärder article M03.IFE Multimedia-Metacomputing - eine Perspektive für Peer-to-Peer-Architekturen Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung 2003 18:1 1-10 dbis Springer UlrichMarder phdthesis M02.PhD Multimedia-Metacomputing in Web-basierten multimedialen Informationssystemen 2002 12 dbis Logos Berlin University of Kaiserslautern 978-3832501518 UlrichMarder phdthesis Z02.PhD Supporting Object-Oriented Software Development by Object-Relational Database Technology - A Performance Study 2002 12 dbis University of Kaiserslautern WeipingZhang techreport MMR02.SFB Adaptive Dokumentbereitstellung von Erfahrungsdaten 2002 12 04/2002 dbis fileadmin/publications/2002/MMR02.SFB.pdf TU Kaiserslautern SFB 501 Report WolfgangMahnke UlrichMarder NorbertRitter report FH02.INNO DB-orientierte Aufbereitung und Suchunterstützung für Lehr-/Lerndokumente 2002 12 38 dbis fileadmin/publications/2002/FH02.INNO.pdf Projektbericht MarcusFlehmig TheoHärder report FKLRSW02c.Report Metadatenzugang für akademisches Lehr- und Lernmaterial (Meta-Akad) 2002 10 30 dbis Forschungsbericht MarcusFlehmig HelgeKnüttel BarbaraLeiwesmeyer NorbertRitter MartinSchmettow GiselaWeber article HH02.IFE Ankopplung heterogener Anwendungssysteme an Föderierte Datenbanksysteme durch Funktionsintegration Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung 2002 9 17 3 135-148 dbis fileadmin/publications/2002/HH02.IFE.pdf TheoHärder KlaudiaHergula inproceedings H02.IFE Editorial für das Themenheft Datenintegration 2002 9 17:3 99-100 dbis Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung TheoHärder inproceedings KH02.OOIS Generic XMI-Based UML Model Transformations 2002 9 192-198 dbis fileadmin/publications/2002/KH02.OOIS.pdf Object-Oriented Information Systems Montpellier JernejKovse TheoHärder inproceedings K02.OOPSLAMDAWS Kov02.OOPSLAMDAWS 2002 9 dbis fileadmin/publications/2002/Kov02.OOPSLAMDAWS.pdf Workshop Generative Techniques in the context of Model Driven Architecture (OOPSLA) Seattle, USA JernejKovse inproceedings MMS02.VLDB Extending an ORDBMS: The StateMachineModule 2002 8 1079-1082 dbis fileadmin/publications/2002/MMS02.vldb.pdf VLDB - Software Demonstration Session Hong Kong, China WolfgangMahnke ChristianMathis Hans-PeterSteiert article BBHHLMMR02.IFE Architektur Multimedialer Informationssysteme Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung 2002 7 17:2 77-89. dbis fileadmin/publications/2002/BBHHLMMR02.SFB.pdf HenrikeBerthold FrankBinkowski AndreasHenrich SilviaHollfelder WolfgangLindner UlrichMarder KlausMeyer-Wegener GünterRobbert report CHJMPT02.IESE MShop - Das Open Source Praktikum 2002 7 dbis fileadmin/publications/2002/CHJMPT02.IESE.pdf IESE-Report 035.02/D MarcusCiolkowski JensHeidrich IsabelJohn WolfgangMahnke FrankPrzybilla KristianTrottenberg inproceedings M02.CAISEDC Towards a modular, object-relational schema design 2002 5 61-71 dbis fileadmin/publications/2002/Ma02.CAISEDC.pdf Doctoral Consortium (CAiSE) Toronto, Canada WolfgangMahnke inproceedings FKLRSW02.DFN Virtuelle Lehre im Angebot der Universitätsbibliothek 2002 5 P-17 249-259 dbis LNI DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze Düsseldorf MarcusFlehmig HelgeKnüttel BarbaraLeiwesmeyer NorbertRitter MartinSchmettow GiselaWeber report FKLRSW02b.Report Metadatenzugang für akademisches Lehr- und Lernmaterial (Meta-Akad) 2002 4 51 dbis Forschungsbericht MarcusFlehmig HelgeKnüttel BarbaraLeiwesmeyer NorbertRitter MartinSchmettow GiselaWeber inproceedings HH02.EDBT Coupling of FDBS and WfMS for Integrating Database and Application Systems: Architecture, Complexity, Performance 2002 3 372-389 dbis fileadmin/publications/2002/HH02.EDBT.pdf Springer LNCS 2287 EDBT Prague KlaudiaHergula TheoHärder inproceedings BRH02.CAD Sharing Product Data among Heterogeneous Workflow Environments 2002 3 139-149 dbis fileadmin/publications/2002/BRH02.CAD.pdf CAD 2002 - Corporate Engineering Research Dresden, Germany MarkusBon NorbertRitter TheoHärder inproceedings K02.GI Specifying Customized Versioning Facilities of Software Engineering Repositories by Using UML-based Design Templates 2002 3 61-65 dbis fileadmin/publications/2002/Kov02.GRUNDLAGEN.pdf Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken" Fischland/Darß JernejKovse inproceedings KHR02.CAD Supporting Mass Customization by Generating Adjusted Repositories for Product Configuration Knowledge 2002 3 17-26 dbis fileadmin/publications/2002/KHR02.CAD.pdf CAD 2002 - Corporate Engineering Research Dresden, Germany JernejKovse TheoHärder NorbertRitter inproceedings MR02.EDBT The ORDB-based SFB-501-Reuse-Repository 2002 3 745-748 dbis fileadmin/publications/2002/MR02.EDBT.pdf EDBT - Software Demonstration Session Prague WolfgangMahnke NorbertRitter report FKLRSW02.Report Metadatenzugang für akademisches Lehr- und Lernmaterial (Meta-Akad) 2002 2 57 dbis Forschungsbericht MarcusFlehmig HelgeKnüttel BarbaraLeiwesmeyer NorbertRitter MartinSchmettow GiselaWeber report HF02.Report Erweiterung und Nutzung neuer Informationstechniken beim Web-basierten Lehren und Lernen 2002 1 47 dbis Projektbericht TheoHärder MarcusFlehmig phdthesis S01.PhD Aspekte der generativen Entwicklung von ORDBMS-basierten Datenverwaltungsdiensten 2001 12 dbis Logos Berlin University of Kaiserslautern 978-3-89722-955-6 Hans-PeterSteiert report BHR01.Report Produktdaten-Verwaltung in heterogenen Workflow-Umgebungen 2001 12 34 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/BHR01.Int.pdf Internal Report MarkusBon TheoHärder NorbertRitter inproceedings HH01.CIKM How Foreign Function Integration Conquers Heterogeneous Query Processing 2001 11 215-222 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/HH01.CIKM.pdf CIKM Atlanta KlaudiaHergula TheoHärder inproceedings MK01.WMIS Multimedia Metacomputing 2001 11 173-182 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/MK01.MIS.pdf Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems Capri, Italy UlrichMarder JernejKovse inproceedings MS01.GI Es ist an der Zeit, die Prinzipien komponentenbasierten Software Engineerings im objekt-relationalen Datenbankentwurf anzuwenden! 2001 9 823-828 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/MS01.GI.pdf GI/OCG-Jahrestagung Informatik Wien WolfgangMahnke Hans-PeterSteiert inproceedings BH01.COOPIS Global Semantic Serializability: An Approach to Increase Concurrency in Multidatabase Systems 2001 9 301-315 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/BH01.COOPIS.pdf Springer LNCS 2172 Cooperative Information Systems Trento, Italy AngeloBrayner TheoHärder inproceedings F01.ECDPvA Integration und Personalisierung - Zur Realisierung essentieller Aspekte in Portal-Systemen 2001 9 895-901 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/Fle01.ECDPvA.pdf GI/OCG-Jahrestagung Informatik Wien MarcusFlehmig inproceedings KHRSM01.GI Supporting Collaborative Authoring of Web Content by a Customizable Resource Repository 2001 9 358-367 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/KHRSM01.GI.pdf GI/OCG-Jahrestagung Informatik Wien JernejKovse TheoHärder NorbertRitter Hans-PeterSteiert WolfgangMahnke inproceedings HBH01.ICEIS Supporting Query Processing Across Application Systems - Aspects of Wrapper-Based Foreign Function Integration 2001 7 110-115 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/HBH01.ICEIS.pdf ICEIS Setubal, Portugal KlaudiaHergula GunnarBeck TheoHärder inproceedings ZR01.BNCOD The Real Benefits of Object-Relational DB-Technology for Object-Oriented Software Development 2001 7 89-104 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/ZR01.BNCOD.pdf Springer LNCS 2097 BNCOD Oxford WeipingZhang NorbertRitter inproceedings BRZ01.GI Interoperabilität heterogener Workflows 2001 6 11-15 dbis Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken", GI-FG 2.5.1 Holsteinische Schweiz MarkusBon NorbertRitter JürgenZimmermann inproceedings MS01b.GI Modularity in ORDBMSs - A new Challenge 2001 6 83-87 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/MS01.GRUNDLAGEN.pdf Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken", GI-FG 2.5.1 Magdeburg WolfgangMahnke Hans-PeterSteiert inproceedings F01.WIIW Data-Driven, XML-Based Web Management in Highly Personalized Environments 2001 4 81-88 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/Fle01.WIIW.pdf Workshop on Information Integration on the Web Rio de Janeiro, Brazil MarcusFlehmig inproceedings ZRH01.CODAS Enriched Relationship Processing in Object-Relational Database Management Systems 2001 4 53-62 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/ZRH01.CODAS.pdf CODAS Bejing NanZhang NorbertRitter TheoHärder inproceedings MS01.CODAS To a Man with an ORDBMS everything looks like a Row in a Table 2001 4 69-75 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/MS01.CODAS.pdf CODAS Bejing WolfgangMahnke Hans-PeterSteiert report L01.Report ORDBS-gestützte Dokumentenaktualisierung für Web-Informationssysteme 2001 4 dbis Internal Report HenrikLoeser report M01.Report Transformation Independence for Multimedia Systems 2001 4 24 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/Ma01b.pdf Internal Report UlrichMarder inproceedings FL01.BTW Ansätze der Nutzung von Erweiterbarkeitsmechanismen zur Anwendungsintegration in ORDBS - Eine qualitative und quantitative Evaluierung 2001 3 332-341 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/FL01.BTW.pdf A. Heuer Springer BTW Oldenburg MarcusFlehmig HenrikLoeser inproceedings RSSHM01.BTW Komponenten-Middleware - Der nächste Schritt zur Interoperabilität von IT-Systemen 2001 3 322-331 dbis A. Heuer Springer BTW Oldenburg JochenRütschlin GünterSauter JürgenSellentin KlaudiaHergula BernhardMitschang inproceedings ZR01.BTW Leistungsuntersuchung von ORDB-gestützten objektorientierten Anwendungssystemen 2001 3 227-243 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/ZR01.BTW.pdf A. Heuer Springer BTW Oldenburg WeipingZhang NorbertRitter inproceedings M01.BTW On Realizing Transformation Independence in Open, Distributed Multimedia Information Systems 2001 3 424-433 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/Ma01.BTW.pdf A. Heuer Springer BTW Oldenburg UlrichMarder inproceedings H01.BTWS Unterstützung ähnlichkeitsbasierter Suche in der ORDB-gestützten SFB-501-Erfahrungsdatenbank 2001 3 48-49 dbis Studentenprogramm BTW Oldenburg Michael PeterHaustein inproceedings H01.BTW Wrapper und Konnektoren - geht die Rechnung auf? 2001 3 461-466 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/He01.BTW.pdf A. Heuer Springer BTW Oldenburg KlaudiaHergula article H01.Spektrum Datenbankgruppen vorgestellt: AG DBIS der Universität Kaiserslautern Datenbank-Sprektrum 2001 1/2001 80-84 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/Hae01.DBSpek.pdf TheoHärder report GH01.Report Supporting Parallel Navigation in Object-Relational Database Management Systems 2001 dbis Internal Report MichaelGesmann TheoHärder techreport M00b.Report Transformation Independence in Multimedia Information Systems 2000 11 SFB-Report 11/2000 dbis fileadmin/publications/2000/Ma00c.pdf TU Kaiserslautern SFB 501 UlrichMarder inproceedings H00.ProSTEP A Mapping Language Based on XML for the Integration of Heterogeneous Application Systems 2000 9 241-251 dbis ProSTEP Science Days Sindelfingen 3-8167-5585-2 KlaudiaHergula inproceedings L00.IDEAS Keeping Web Pages Up-To-Date With SQL:1999 2000 9 219-233 dbis fileadmin/publications/2000/Loe00.IDEAS.pdf IDEAS Yokohama, Japan HenrikLoeser inproceedings ZR00.IDEAS Measuring the Contributions of (O)RDBMS to Object-Oriented Software Development 2000 9 243-249 dbis IDEAS Yokohama, Japan WeipingZhang NorbertRitter phdthesis L2000.PhD Einsatz objekt-relationaler Datenbanksysteme für Web-Informationssysteme 2000 9 dbis Springer
University of Kaiserslautern HenrikLoeser
phdthesis Z2000.PhD Supporting Semantically Rich Relationships in Extensible Object-Relational Database Management Systems 2000 9 dbis Shaker Verlag GmbH
University of Kaiserslautern NanZhang
report L00.Report ORDBS-Integration eines Index zur strukturbasierten Suche in XML-Dokumenten 2000 9 dbis Internal Report HenrikLoeser techreport MMQRS.SFB Integrierte Produkt- und Erfahrungsdatenverwaltung 2000 8 SFB-Report 08/2000, dbis fileadmin/publications/2000/MMQRS00.SFB.pdf TU Kaiserslautern SFB 501 WolfgangMahnke UlrichMarder StefanQueins NorbertRitter BerndSchürmann inproceedings FGMRR00.TOOLS An ORDBMS-based Reuse Repository Supporting the Quality Improvement Paradigm - Exemplified by the SDL-Pattern Approach 2000 7 125-136 dbis fileadmin/publications/2000/Fe00.TOOLS.pdf TOOLS Santa Barbara, CA Raimund L.Feldmann BirgitGeppert WolfgangMahnke NorbertRitter FrankRößler inproceedings HH00.WISE A Middleware Approach for Combining Heterogeneous Data Sources - Integration of Generic Query and Predefined Function Access 2000 6 22-29 dbis fileadmin/publications/2000/HH00.WISE.pdf WISE Hongkong KlaudiaHergula TheoHärder inproceedings ZR00.GI Leistungsuntersuchungen hinsichtlich der Nutzung von (O)RDBVS als persistente Objektsysteme 2000 6 111-115 dbis Workshop "Grundlagen von Datenbanken", GI-FG 2.5.1 Holsteinische Schweiz WeipingZhang NorbertRitter inproceedings L00.WISE Shift it to the Server! - Let the Database Server Update Your Web Sites 2000 6 46-50 dbis fileadmin/publications/2000/Loe00.WISE.pdf WISE Hongkong HenrikLoeser inproceedings SH00.WISE XML Content Management based on Object-Relational Database Technology 2000 6 64-73 dbis fileadmin/publications/2000/SRL00.WISE.pdf WISE Hongkong BudiSurjanto TheoHärder inproceedings RS00.IRMA Enforcing Modeling Guidelines in an ORDBMS-based UML Repository 2000 5 269-273 dbis fileadmin/publications/2000/RS00.IRMA.pdf Information Modeling Methods and Methodologies Track of IRMA 2000 Anchorage, Alaska NorbertRiter Hans-PeterSteiert inproceedings LS00.CAD Effizienter Informationsaustausch durch ORDBS-basiertes Web Content Management 2000 3 51-67 dbis fileadmin/publications/2000/LS00.CAD.pdf CAD Berlin, Germany HenrikLoeser BudiSurjanto inproceedings M00.EDBT VirtualMedia: Making Multimedia Database Systems Fit for World-wide Access, Extended Abstract 2000 3 47-50 dbis fileadmin/publications/2000/Ma00.EDBT.pdf Ph. D. Workshop (EDBT) Konstanz, Germany UrlichMarder inproceedings MS00.CAD Zum Einsatzpotential von ORDBVS in Entwurfsumgebungen 2000 3 219-239 dbis fileadmin/publications/2000/MS00.CAD2000.pdf CAD Berlin, Germany WolfgangMahnke Hans-PeterSteiert report HLZZ01.Report Rechnergestützte Informationssysteme für technische Anwendungen - Modellierung, Workflow-Management, Client/Server-Architekturen 2000 3 62 dbis fileadmin/publications/2001/HLZZ01.RITA.pdf Mainz Forschungsbericht der Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Innovation (Projektabschlussbericht) TheoHärder HenrikLöser NanZhang JürgenZimmermann techreport M00.Report Towards a Universal Media Server 2000 2 SFB-Report 03/2000 25 dbis fileadmin/publications/2000/Ma00.SFB.pdf TU Kaiserslautern SFB 501 UlrichMarder article HMRS00.ICIS Generating Versioning Facilities for a Design-Data Repository Supporting Cooperative Applications Intelligent & Cooperative Information Systems 2000 9:1-2 117-146 dbis fileadmin/publications/2000/HMRS00.IJCIS.pdf TheoHärder WolfgangMahnke NorbertRitter Hans-PeterSteiert article HNR00.IFE Generierte DB-Aufrufschnittstellen - Anwendungsspezifische Zugriffsoptimierung durch Bindungsflexibilität Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung 2000 15:2 67-82 dbis TheoHärder UdoNink NorbertRitter report RS00.Report Exploiting Reuse Techniques in the SERUM Approach 2000 dbis Internal Report NorbertRitter Hans-PeterSteiert inproceedings BH1999.SBBD Recovery in Multidatabase Systems 1999 10 91-107 dbis fileadmin/publications/1999/BH99.SBBD.pdf SBBD Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil AngeloBrayner TheoHärder incollection B1999.DEXA Downgrading of Locks: An Approach to Increase Inter-Transaction Parallelism in Advanced Database Applications 1999 9 330-339 dbis LNCS 2113 DEXA Florence, Italy 10.1007/3-540-44759-8_33 AngeloBrayner phdthesis B1999b.PhD Transaction Management in Multidatabase Systems 1999 5 dbis Shaker Verlag GmbH
University of Kaiserslautern AngeloBrayner
phdthesis N1999.PhD Anbindung von Entwurfsdatenbanken an objektorientierte Programmiersprachen 1999 3 dbis Shaker
University of Kaiserslautern UdoNink
article MRHT1999.JBCs Global DB Views in a Federation of Autonomous DBS JBCS 1999 6 2 dbis 10.1590/S0104-65001999000300005 JoséMauro Volkmer de Castilho R.P.da Rocha TheoHärder JoachimThomas article BRH1999.DKE Semantic Serializability: A Correctness Criterion for Processing Transactions in Advanced Database Applications DKE 1999 31 1 1-24 dbis Elsevier
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
AngeloBrayner NorbertRitter TheoHärder
article HST1999.VLDBJ The Intrinsic Problems of Structural Heterogeneity and an Approach to their Solution VLDBJ 1999 8 1 25-43 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
10.1007/s007780050072 TheoHärder GünterSauter JoachimThomas
inproceedings MRS1999.OOPSLA A DBMS-based Approach for Checking OCL Constraints 1999 dbis fileadmin/publications/1999/MRS99.OOPSLA_WS.pdf OOPSLA Workshop "Rigourous Modeling and Analysis with the UML: Challenges and Limitations" Denver, Co, USA UlrichMarder NorbertRitter Hans-PeterSteiert inproceedings RSMF1999.IRMA An Object-Relational SE-Repository with Generated Services 1999 986-990 dbis fileadmin/publications/1999/RSMF99.IRMA.pdf IDEA Group IRMA Hershey, PA, USA NorbertRitter Hans-PeterSteiert WolfgangMahnke RaimundFeldmann inproceedings HH1999.FD Eine Abbildungsbeschreibung zur Funktionsintegration in heterogenen Anwendungssystemen 1999 dbis fileadmin/publications/1999/HH99.FDBS.pdf Workshop "Föderierte Datenbanken" - Integration heterogener Informationsquellen Berlin, Germany November KlaudiaHergula TheoHärder inproceedings NHR1999.VLDB Generating Call-Level Interfaces for Advanced Database Application Programming 1999 575-586 dbis VLDB Edinburgh, UK UdoNink TheoHärder NorbertRitter inproceedings HMRS1999.CODAS Generating Repository Managers for Cooperative Design Applications (Keynote Paper) 1999 177-191 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
CODAS Singapore March 27-28 TheoHärder WolfgangMahnke NorbertRitter Hans-PeterSteiert
inproceedings L1999.BTW iWebDB - Eine integrierte Web-Datenbank auf Basis objekt-relationaler DB-Technologie 1999 20-37 dbis fileadmin/publications/1999/Loe99.BTW.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik Aktuell BTW Freiburg, Germany March HenrikLoeser
inproceedings LR1999.IDEAS iWebDB - Integrated Web Content Management based on Object-Relational Database Technology 1999 92-97 dbis IDEAS Montreal, Canada August HenrikLoeser NorbertRitter inproceedings M1999.BTW Medienspezifische Datentypen für objekt-relationale DBMS: Abstraktionen und Konzepte 1999 210-231 dbis fileadmin/publications/1999/Ma99.BTW.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik Aktuell BTW Freiburg, Germany March UlrichMarder
inproceedings ZH1999.IDEAS On a Buzzword "Extensibility" - What we have learned from the ORIENT Project 1999 360-369 dbis IDEAS Montreal, Canada August NanZhang TheoHärder inproceedings MRS1999.BTW Towards Generating Object-Relational Software Engineering Repositories 1999 251-270 dbis fileadmin/publications/1999/MRS99.BTW.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik Aktuell BTW Freiburg, Germany March WolfgangMahnke NorbertRitter Hans-PeterSteiert
report RS1999.IR Exploiting Reuse Techniques in the SERUM Approach 1999 dbis AG DBIS University of Kaiserslautern Internal Report NorbertRitter Hans-PeterSteiert report FGMRR1999.SFBR The ORDBMS-based SFB 501 Experience Base - Exemplified by the SDL-Pattern Approach 1999 08/99 sfb501, dbis University of Kaiserslautern SFB 501 R. L.Feldmann B.Geppert WolfgangMahnke NorbertRitter F.Roessler inproceedings L1998.GW Die Nutzung der Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten von ORDBVS für Client/Server-basierte Anwendungssysteme 1998 6 63 77-81 dbis fileadmin/publications/1998/Loe98.GDB.pdf Konstanzer Schriften in Mathematik und Informatik GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken Konstanz, Germany HenrikLoeser article DHMMT1998.VLDBJ Advanced Data Processing in KRISYS: Modeling Concepts, Implementation Techniques, and Client/Server Issues VLDBJ 1998 7 2 79-95 dbis, vldbj,his fileadmin/publications/1998/DHMMT98.VLDB.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
10.1007/s007780050055 StefanDessloch TheoHärder Nelson MendonçaMattos BernhardMitschang JoachimThomas
article RH1998.DR Commercial Database Gateways: Fulfilled and Disappointed Expectations Datenbank Rundbrief 1998 21 33-34 dbis Fernando de FerreiraRezende KlaudiaHergula article AGHLMNRRSZ1998.IFE Entwicklung großer Systeme mit generischen Methoden - Eine Übersicht über den Sonderforschungsbereich 501 IFE 1998 13 4 227-234 dbis, fsb501 fileadmin/publications/1998/Av98.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
JürgenAvenhaus ReinhardGotzhein TheoHärder LotharLitz KlausMadlener JürgenNehmer Michael M.Richter NorbertRitter H. DieterRombach BerndSchürmann GerhardZimmermann
article KRS1998.IFE Konfigurierungskonzepte in Entwurfsumgebungen IFE 1998 13 1 1-17 dbis fileadmin/publications/1998/KRS98.IFE.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
WolfgangKäfer NorbertRitter HaraldSchöning
article L1998.IFE Techniken für Web-basierte Datenbankanwendungen - Anforderungen, Ansätze, Architekturen IFE 1998 13 4 196-216 dbis fileadmin/publications/1998/Loe98.IFE.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
inbook HR1998.READINGS Readings in Database Systems 1998 235-250 dbis M. Stonebreaker and J. Hellerstein Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
Burlington, MA, USA
Third Principles of Transaction-Oriented Database Recovery, Reprint of Computing Surveys 15(4): 287-317, 1983 TheoHärder AndreasReuter
inbook HR1998.RECOVERY Recovery in Database Management Systems 1998 - dbis V. Kumar and M. Hsu Prentice Hall Principles of Transaction-Oriented Database Recovery, Reprint of Computing Surveys 15(4): 287-317, 1983 TheoHärder AndreasReuter inproceedings RR1998.CAD Applying ECA-Rules in DB-Based Design Environments 1998 188-201 dbis fileadmin/publications/1998/RR98.CAD.pdf Informatik Xpress CAD JoachimReinert NorbertRitter inproceedings LH1998.WWCA dLIMIT - A Middleware Framework for Loosely-Coupled Database Federations 1998 1368 412-427 dbis LNCS WWCA Tsukuba, Japan March 4-5 10.1007/3-540-64216-1_64 HenrikLoeser TheoHärder inproceedings ZH1998.SBBD Enhanced Support of Relationship Semantics in Object-Relational Database Systems 1998 7-21 dbis fileadmin/publications/1998/ZH98.SBBD.pdf SBBD Maringa, Brazil October NanZhang TheoHärder inproceedings KMR1998.GIJ Entwicklung und Einsatz einer Videodatenbank im WWW - ein Erfahrungsbericht 1998 21-25 dbis fileadmin/publications/1998/KMR98.MS.pdf Workshop Multimedia-Systeme, GI-Jahrestagung Magdeburg, Germany September HermannKörndle UlrichMarder GünterRobbert inproceedings SZ1998.BNCOD JPMQ - An Advanced Persistent Message Queuing Service 1998 1405 1-18 dbis fileadmin/publications/1998/SZ98.BNCOD.pdf LNCS BNCOD 10.1007/BFb0053468 Hans-PeterSteiert JürgenZimmermann inproceedings RH1998.NY The Heterogeneity Problem and Middleware Technology: Experiences with and Performance of Database Gateways 1998 146-157 dbis Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
Burlington, MA, USA
VLDB New York, NY, USA Fernando de FerreiraRezende KlaudiaHergula
inproceedings S1998.ISAW3 Towards a Component-based n-tier C/S-Architecture 1998 137-140 dbis fileadmin/publications/1998/St98.ISAW3.pdf ACM Press
New York, NY, USA
ISA W3 Orlando, FL, USA Hans-PeterSteiert
inproceedings LZZ1998.CAD Unterstützung dynamischer Typkonstruktion in Technischen Informationssystemen 1998 167-176 dbis Informatik XPress CAD March HenrikLoeser NanZhang JürgenZimmermann phdthesis S1998.PhD Interoperabilität von Datenbanksystemen bei struktureller Heterogenität - Architektur, Beschreibungs- und Ausführungsmodell zur Unterstützung der Integration und Migration 1998 dbis, phd DISDBIS 47, infix
St. Augustin, Germany
University of Kaiserslautern GünterSauter
article RM1997.IFE Die Assistenzfunktion kooperativer Designflows - verdeutlicht am Beispiel von CONCORD IFE 1997 12 2 91-100 dbis fileadmin/publications/1997/RM97.IFE.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
NorbertRitter BernhardMitschang
article RH1996.DKE Exploiting Abstraction Relationships' Semantics for Transaction Synchronization in KBMSs DKE 1997 22 3 233-259 dbis fileadmin/publications/1997/RH97.DKE.pdf Elsevier
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
10.1016/S0169-023X(96)00049-3 Fernando de FerreiraRezende TheoHärder
article H1997.IFE Guest editor for "Workflow-Management" and Editorial IFE 1997 12 2 51 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
article RHZ1997.CJ Transaction Identifiers in Nested Transactions: Implementation Schemes and Performance The Comp. Journal 1997 40 5 245-258 dbis fileadmin/publications/1997/RHZ97.pdf Oxford Press
Fernando de FerreiraRezende TheoHärder JanZielinski
inproceedings G1997.DASFAA A Cost Model for Parallel Navigational Access in Complex-Object DBMSs 1997 1-10 dbis fileadmin/publications/1997/Ge97.DASFAA.pdf World Scientific
DASFAA Melbournce, Australia April MichaelGesmann
inproceedings NR1997.BTW Database Application Programming with Versioned Complex Objects 1997 172-191 dbis fileadmin/publications/1997/NR97.BTW.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik Aktuell BTW Ulm, Germany March UdoNink NorbertRitter
inproceedings L1997.BTW Datenbankanbindung an das WWW - Techniken, Tools und Trends 1997 83-99 dbis fileadmin/publications/1997/Loe97.BTW.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik Aktuell BTW Ulm, Germany March HenrikLoeser
inproceedings HST1997.EFDBS Design and Architecture of the FDBS Prototype INFINITY 1997 57-68 dbis fileadmin/publications/1997/HST97.EFDBS.pdf EFDBS Barcelona, Spain June TheoHärder GünterSauter JoachimThomas inproceedings RHGL1997.BNCOD Detection Arcs for Deadlock Management in Nested Transactions and their Performance 1997 1271 54-68 dbis fileadmin/publications/1997/RHGL97.BNCOD.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
LNCS BNCOD Londo, UK July 10.1007/3-540-63263-8_4 Fernando de FerreiraRezende TheoHärder AndreasGloeckner JörgLutze
inproceedings ZHT1997.NGITS Enriching Object-Relational Databases with Relationship Semantics 1997 215-222 dbis fileadmin/publications/1997/ZHT97.NGITS.pdf NGITS Isreael June NanZhang TheoHärder JoachimThomas inproceedings R1997.SAC Group-Authoring in CONCORD: A DB-based Approach 1997 158-165 dbis fileadmin/publications/1997/Ri97.SAC.pdf SAC San Jose, CA, USA February NorbertRitter inproceedings RS1997.BTW Objektorientierte Softwareentwicklung datenintensiver Mehrbenutzeranwendungen für relationale Datenbanksysteme 1997 370-388 dbis fileadmin/publications/1997/RS97.BTW.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik Aktuell BTW Ulm, Germany March JoachimReinert Hans-PeterSteiert
inproceedings ZH1997.ADBIS On the Modeling Power of Object-Relational Data Models in Technical Applications 1997 318-325 dbis fileadmin/publications/1997/ZH97.ADBIS.pdf ADBIS St. Petersburg, Russian Federation NanZhang TheoHärder inproceedings HLZ1997.DEXA Supporting Adaptable Technical Information Systems in Heterogeneous Environments - Using WWW and ORDBMS 1997 295-303 dbis fileadmin/publications/1997/HLZ97.DEXA.pdf IEEE Computer Society Press
Washington, DC, USA
DEXA Workshop Toulouse, France September 1-2 TheoHärder HenrikLoeser NanZhang
inproceedings N1997.SSDBM Using the STEP Standard and Databases in Science 1997 196-207 dbis fileadmin/publications/1997/Ni97.SSDBM.pdf SSDBM Olympia, WA, USA August UdoNink phdthesis H1997.PhD Anwendungsorientiertes DB-Archivieren - Neue Konzepte zur Archivierung in Datenbanksystemen 1997 181 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
University of Kaiserslautern AxelHerbst
phdthesis RI1997.PhD DB-gestützte Kooperationsdienste für technische Entwurfsanwendungen 1997 dbis, phd infix
St. Augustin, Germany
University of Kaiserslautern NorbertRitter
phdthesis G1997.PhD Parallele Anfrageverarbeitung in Komplexobjekt-Datenbanksystemen: Verarbeitungsk onzepte, Realisierungsaspekte und Betriebssystemeinbettung 1997 PhD, dbis Shaker
University of Kaiserslautern MichaelGesmann
phdthesis R1997.PhD Transaction Services for Knowledge Base Management Systems - Modeling Aspects, Architectural Issues and Realization Techniques 1997 dbis infix
St. Augustin, Germany
DISDBIS 35 University of Kaiserslautern Fernando de FerreiraRezende
article HR1996.VLDBJ Access Path Support for Referential Integrity in SQL2 VLDBJ 1996 5 3 196-214 dbis fileadmin/publications/1996/HR96.VLDBJ.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
TheoHärder JoachimReinert
article F1996.JBCS Recovery on the Basis of Objects JBCS 1996 2 3 30-49 dbis fileadmin/publications/1996/Re96.JBCS.pdf Fernandode Ferreira Rezende inbook RH1996.BOOK Multimedia, Knowledge-Based, and Object-Oriented Databases 1996 126-148 dbis fileadmin/publications/1996/RH96.Hong-Kong.pdf J. Fong and B. Siu Springer Multiple Granularity Locks for the KBMS Environment Fernando de FerreiraRezende TheoHärder inproceedings R1996.CAD Aktive DBMS zur Konsistenzsicherung in CAD-Umgebungen 1996 415-429 dbis fileadmin/publications/1996/Re96.CAD.pdf D. Ruland Informatik Xpress CAD Kaiserslautern, Germany March JoachimReinert inproceedings RH1996.SBBD An Approach to Multi-User KBMS in Workstation/Server Environments 1996 58-72 dbis fileadmin/publications/1996/RH96.SBBD.pdf SBBD São Carlos, Brazil October Fernando de FerreiraRezende TheoHärder inproceedings KSH1996.STAK ArchivTransaktionen: Ein Ansatz für asynchrones, transaktionsgesichertes Archivieren in Datenbanksystemen 1996 195-211 dbis STAK Munich, Germany March KlausKüspert RalfSchaarschmidt AxelHerbst inproceedings SK1996.STAK BRIITY - A Mapping Language Bridging Heterogeneity 1996 213-227 dbis STAK Munich, Germany March GünterSauter WolfgangKäfer inproceedings RMH1996.DKSME Conflict Management in CONCORD 1996 81-100 dbis DKSME Tempe, AZ, USA October NorbertRitter BernhardMitschang TheoHärder inproceedings MHR1996.RITE Design Management in CONCORD: Combining Transaction Management, Workflow Management and Cooperation Control 1996 160-168 dbis RITE New Orleans, LA, USA February BernhardMitschang TheoHärder NorbertRitter inproceedings N1996.CAD Effizienzbetrachtungen zu SDAI auf OODBS 1996 430-445 dbis fileadmin/publications/1996/Ni96.CAD.pdf D. Ruland Informatik XPress CAD Kaiserslautern, Germany March UdoNink inproceedings RB1996.DR Eine WAL-basierte und objekt-orientierte Recovery-Strategie 1996 17 dbis fileadmin/publications/1996/RB96.WTK.pdf GI-Datenbank-Rundbrief Workshop Transaktionskonzepte Nieheim-Ostwestfalen, Germany Fernando de FerreiraRezende ThomasBaier inproceedings RB1996.DEXA Employing Object-Based LSNs in a Recovery Strategy 1996 116-129 dbis fileadmin/publications/1996/RB96.DEXA.pdf DEXA Zurich, Switzerland September Fernando de FerreiraRezende ThomasBaier inproceedings RHZ1996.SBC Implementing Identifiers for Nested Transactions 1996 119-130 dbis fileadmin/publications/1996/RHZ96.SBC.pdf SBC-SEMISH Recife, Brazil August Fernando de FerreiraRezende TheoHärder JanZielinski inproceedings G1996.Euro-Par Mapping a Parallel Compex-Object DBMS to Operating System Processes 1996 1124 852-861 dbis fileadmin/publications/1996/Ge96.EUROPAR.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
LNCS Euro-Par Lyon, France August 26-29 MichaelGesmann
inproceedings HT1996.STAK RITA - ein rechnergestütztes Informationssystem für technische Anwendungen 1996 111-126 dbis fileadmin/publications/1996/HT96.STAK.pdf STAK Munich, Germany März TheoHärder JoachimThomas inproceedings FH1996.ISATA SDAI-integrated Archiving of Product Data with Focus on STEP's Part 23 1996 99-106 dbis ISATA Böblingen, Germany September C.Farrenkopf A.Herbst inproceedings R1996.TA Synchronisation in CONCORD 1996 17 dbis GI-Datenbank-Rundbrief Workshop "Transaktionskonzepte" Nieheim-Ostwestfalen, Germany March NorbertRitter inproceedings S1996.EUG The BRIITY Approach to the Mapping Language of STEP 1996 dbis EUG October GünterSauter inproceedings R1996.STAK The C3-Locking Protocol - A Concurrency Control Mechanism for Design Environments 1996 95-110 dbis STAK Munich, Germany March NorbertRitter inproceedings EHWS1996.CIKM The Personal Electronic Program Guide - Towards the Pre-Selection of Individual TV Programs 1996 243-250 cikm, dbis fileadmin/publications/1996/EHWS96.CIKM.pdf
ACM Press, New York, NY, USA
CIKM Rockville, MD, USA November 12-16 MichaelEhrmanntraut TheoHärder HartmutWittig RalfSteinmetz
inproceedings LMR1996.WORK Towards a Logical Semantics for Referential Actions in SQL 1996 dbis fileadmin/publications/1996/LMR96.IIDB.pdf Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Informatik Workshop "Foundations and Languages for Data and Objects" Dagstuhl, Germany September BertramLudäscher WolfgangMay JoachimReinert phdthesis T1996.PhD An Approach to Query Processing in Advanced Database Systems 1996 dbis, phd infix
St. Augustin, Germany
DISDBIS 16 University of Kaiserslautern JoachimThomas
phdthesis R1996.PhD Ein Regelsystem zur Integritätssicherung in aktiven relationalen Datenbanksystemen 1996 dbis infix
St. Augustin, Germany
University of Kaiserslautern JoachimReinert
report RM1996.DAG Cooperative Designflows in CONCORD 1996 152 (9629) dbis Dagstuhl, Germany Transactional Workflows, Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report NorbertRitter BernhardMitschang phdthesis M1995.PhD Parallele Anfrageausführung in Shared-Nothing-Datenbanksystemen - Architektur, Leistungsanalyse und -optimierung 1995 6 dbis University of Kaiserslautern R.Marek phdthesis C1995.PhD Processing of Recursive Rules in Knowledge-based Systems - Algorithms and Performance Measurements for Handling Recursive Rules and Negation information 1995 2 dbis University of Kaiserslautern YangjunChen article R1995.RITA Concurrency Control Techniques and the KBMS Environment: A Critical Analysis RITA (J. for Theo. and Appl.Comp. Sci.) 1995 2 1 37-76 dbis fileadmin/publications/1995/Re95.RITA.pdf Fernandode Ferreira Rezende article HMNR1995.IFE Workstation/Server-Architekturen für datenbankbasierte Ingenieuranwendungen IFE 1995 10 2 55-72 dbis fileadmin/publications/1995/HMNR95.IFE.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
TheoHärder BernhardMitschang UdoNink NorbertRitter
inbook H1995.DATACOM Lean Information Management 1995 136-153 dbis V. Brosda and T. Jaspersen Datacom Datenbankarchivierung von Produktdaten AxelHerbst inproceedings R1995.CCD Ambiguity for Referential Integrity is Undecidable 1995 1034 132-147 dbis fileadmin/publications/1995/Re95.CDBS.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
LNCS CONTESSA Workshop on Constraint Databases 10.1007/3-540-60794-3_18 JoachimReinert
inproceedings HMR1995.CSEFA An Infrastructure for Cooperative Work Arrangements 1995 407-424 dbis CSEFA Workshop Lisboa, Portugal TheoHärder BernhardMitschang NorbertRitter inproceedings H1995.BTW Anwendungsorientiertes Archivieren in Datenbanksystemen - vertieft am Beispiel von EXPRESS und SDAI 1995 194-211 dbis fileadmin/publications/1995/He95.BTW.pdf BTW Dresden, Germany March AxelHerbst inproceedings F1995.TA Concurrency Control in KBMSs - The LARS Protocol 1995 dbis fileadmin/publications/1995/Re95.WTK.pdf GI-Datenbank-Rundbrief Workshop Transaktionskonzepte Bad Honnef, Germany May Fernando de FerreiraRezende inproceedings RH1995.DEXA Concurrency Control in Nested Transactions with Enhanced Lock Modes for KBMSs 1995 604-613 dbis fileadmin/publications/1995/RH95.DEXA.pdf DEXA London, UK September Fernando de FerreiraRezende TheoHärder inproceedings HKS1995.SE Datenarchivierungsfunktionalität in der SQLx-Norm 1995 31-40 dbis Kolloquium Software Entwicklung Technische Akademie Esslingen Esslingen September Kolloquium Softwareentwicklung AxelHerbst KlausKüspert RalfSchaarschmidt inproceedings DMMT1995.BTW Design and Implementation of Advanced Knowledge Processing in the KBMS KRISYS 1995 403-422 btw, dbis,his fileadmin/publications/1995/DMMT95.BTW.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik Aktuell BTW Dresden, Germany March 22-24 StefanDessloch Nelson MendonçaMattos BernhardMitschang JoachimThomas
inproceedings TBM1995.SIGMOD Design and Implementation of Advanced Knowledge Processing in the KBMS KRISYS 1995 dbis,his SIGMOD Exhibits Program San Jose, CA, USA May JoachimThomas StefanDessloch Nelson MendonçaMattos inproceedings TGHM1995.DASFAA Dynamic Code Assembly for Client-Based Query Processing 1995 264-272 dbis fileadmin/publications/1995/TGHM95.DASFAA.pdf DASFAA Singapore April JoachimThomas T.Gerbes TheoHärder BernhardMitschang inproceedings RM1995.VLDB Dynamic Multi-Resource Load Balancing in Parallel Database Systems 1995 395-406 dbis fileadmin/publications/1995/RM95.VLDB.pdf VLDB Zurich, Switzerland September ErhardRahm RobertMarek inproceedings M1995.BTW Ein Kostenmodell der parallelen Anfragebearbeitung in Shared-Nothing-Datenbanksystemen 1995 232-251 dbis fileadmin/publications/1995/Ma95.BTW.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik Aktuell BTW Dresden, Germany March RobertMarek
inproceedings ST1995.BTW Ein objektorientierter Ansatz zur Restrukturierung der betrieblichen Informationsverarbeitung 1995 348-357 dbis fileadmin/publications/1995/ST95.BTW.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik Aktuell BTW Dresden, Germany March GünterSauter JoachimThomas
inproceedings HM1995.KnowRight Electronic Archiving in the Light of Product Liability, Intellectual Property Rights and New Technologies 1995 155-160 dbis Oldenbourg
Munich, Germany
KnowRight Vienna, Austria August AxelHerbst BernhardMalle
inproceedings SK1995.EUG EXPRESS as the Common Data Model in Federated Database Systems 1995 dbis EUG Grenoble, France October GünterSauter WolfgangKäfer inproceedings N1995.BTW SDAI auf DBS implementieren und anwenden 1995 383-292 dbis fileadmin/publications/1995/Ni95.BTW.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik Aktuell BTW Dresden, Germany March UdoNink
inproceedings G1995.BTW Strategien zum dynamischen Aufbau komplexer Objekte in der Anfrageverarbeitung 1995 282-301 dbis fileadmin/publications/1995/Ge95.BTW.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
BTW Dresden, Germany March 22-24 MichaelGesmann
article BM1994.IFE Beanspruchungsgerechtes Konstruieren Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 1994 9 4 201-212 dbis C.Bies BernhardMitschang P.Mitschang article HMSL1994.IS Composite-object views in relational DBMS: an implementation perspective Information Systems, Special Issue on 'Extended Database Techology' 1994 19 1 69-88 dbis HamidPirahesh BernhardMitschang NorbertSüdkamp BruceG. Lindsay article GK1994.CR Langzeitarchivierung in ProSTEP CAD/CAM Report 1994 4 48-53 dbis Dressler H.Grabowski J.Kunz S.Rude AxelHerbst B.Malle incollection MP1994.QPfADA Integration of Composite Objects into Relational Query Processing: The SQL/XNF Approach 1994 35-62 Starburst Dagstuhl 1991 Germany workshop Freytag Vossen Maier dbis J. C. Freytag, G. Vossen and D. Maier Morgan Kaufmann
San Francisco, CA
Query Processing for Advanced Database Applications BernhardMitschang H.Pirahesh
inproceedings RH1994.CIKM A Lock Method for KBMSs Using Abstraction Relationships' Semantics 1994 112-121 dbis fileadmin/publications/1994/RH1994.CIKM.pdf ACM CIKM Fernandode Ferreira Rezende TheoHärder inproceedings R1994.CSCW An Infrastructure for Cooperative Applications based on Conventional Database Transactions 1994 dbis
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
CSCW Infrastructure Workshop NorbertRitter
inproceedings H1994.EUG Archiving of Data in an EXPRESS/SDAI Database 1994 dbis US-Pro.
GreenvilleGreenville, SC
4th Int. EXPRESS Users Group Conf. (EUG'94) AxelHerbst
inproceedings RMHGS1994.ICDE Capturing Design Dynamics the Concord Approach 1994 440-451 dbis fileadmin/publications/1994/RMHGS1994.ICDE.pdf IEEE Computer Society ICDE 0-8186-5400-7 NorbertRitter BernhardMitschang TheoHärder MichaelGesmann HaraldSchöning inproceedings R1994.Dhaun Capturing more Semantics with a Concurrency Control Technique Tailored to KBMSs 1994 dbis
Schloß Dhaun
5. Workshop Transaktionskonzepte Fernandode Ferreira Rezende
inproceedings HMSL1994b.EDBT Composite-Object Views in Relational DBMS: An Implementation Perspective 1994 779 23-30 dbis Matthias Jarke and Janis A. Bubenko Jr. and Keith G. Jeffery Springer LNCS EDBT 3-540-57818-8 10.1007/3-540-57818-8_38 HamidPirahesh BernhardMitschang NorbertSüdkamp BruceG. Lindsay inproceedings HM1994.ATA Core functions of a long-term archiving system for product data 1994 381-388 dbis
27th Int. Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, Dedicated Conference on Mechatronics AxelHerbst B.Malle
inproceedings H1994.SSDBM Long-Term Database Support for EXPRESS Data 1994 207-216 dbis James C. French and Hans Hinterberger IEEE Computer Society
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
7th International Working Conf. on Scientific and Statistical Database Management 0-8186-6610-2 AxelHerbst
inproceedings CH1994.DEXA On the Optimal Top-down Evaluation of Recursive Queries 1994 47-56 dbis Springer 5th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications 3-540-58435-8 YangjunChen TheoHärder inproceedings G1994.PDIS Performance Evaluation of the Remote Cooperation System in PRIMA 1994 257-260 client-server architecture &amp; cache management, dbis IEEE Computer Society
Austin, Texas, USA
3rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems (PDIS'94) MichaelGesmann
inproceedings HM1994.CAD Perspektiven für die Archivierung von CAD-Daten in einer STEP-Umgebung 1994 583-600 dbis Hanser
Proc. CAD'94 AxelHerbst B.Malle
inproceedings R1994.SRICADES Supporting Cooperative Work by Conventional Database Transactions 1994 169-175 dbis G.E. Lasker Int. Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics
7th Int. Conf. on Systsems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, Advances in Database and Expert Systems NorbertRitter
inproceedings MR1994.CIKM TID Hash Joins 1994 42-49 dbis ACM
Gaithersburg, MD
CIKM RobertMarek ErhardRahm
inproceedings RMHN1994.STAK Unterstützung der Ablaufsteuerung in Entwurfsumgebungen durch Versionierung und Konfiguration 1994 135-159 dbis
STAK'94 NorbertRitter BernhardMitschang TheoHärder U.Nink
techreport RH1994.ZRI Capturing Abstraction Relationships' Semantics for Concurrency Control in KBMSs 1994 dbis fileadmin/publications/1994/RH1994.ZRI.pdf ZRI-Bericht 6/94 University of Kaiserslautern F.Rezende TheoHärder techreport G1994.Report Performance Evaluation of the Remote Cooperation System in PRIMA 1994 dbis University of Kaiserslautern SFB-Bericht 23/94 MichaelGesmann techreport G1994b.Report Strategien zum dynamischen Aufbau komplexer Objekte in der Anfrageverarbeitung 1994 dbis University of Kaiserslautern SFB-Bericht 24/94 MichaelGesmann phdthesis D1993.PhD Semantic Integrity in Advanced Database Management Systems 1993 9 dbis,his University of Kaiserslautern StefanDessloch article RF1993.IS Cache management for shared sequential data access Information Systems 1993 18 4 197-213 dbis ErhardRahm DonaldFerguson article HH1993.CIM CIM-Datenintegration mittels komplexer Objekte CIM-Management 1993 5 29-34 dbis AxelHerbst F.Hanewinckel article HR1993.VLDBJ Concurrency Control Issues in Nested Transactions VLDB J. 1993 2 1 39-74 dbis fileadmin/publications/1993/HR1993.VLDBJ.pdf TheoHärder KurtRothermel article R1993.TODS Empirical Performance Evaluation of Concurrency and Coherency Control Protocols for Database Sharing Systems ACM Trans. on Database Sys. 1993 18 2 333-377 TODS dbis ErhardRahm article MMM1993.DKE Grand tour of concepts for object-orientation from a database point of view Data Knowl. Eng. 1993 9 321-352 dbis fileadmin/publications/1993/MMM1993.DKE.pdf NelsonM. Mattos KlausMeyer-Wegener BernhardMitschang article S1993.IFE Modellierung von Entwurfsumgebungen und deren Abbildung in ein Datenbank-integriertes Ingenieursystem Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 1993 8 3 137-151 dbis BerndSutter article Rahm93b Parallel Query Processing in Shared Disk Database Systems ACM SIGMOD Record 1993 22 4 32 dbis ErhardRahm article R1993.IFE Referentielle Integrität - Schemaklassifikation und Algorithmen Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 1993 8 2 79-96 dbis JoachimReinert inbook BH1993.WI Wirtschaftsinformatik'93 1993 362-377 dbis Kurbel, K. Physica
Werkzeugunterstützte Datenintegration - Die Realisierung eines CIM-Systems V.Brosda A.Herbst
inproceedings C1993.ICDE A bottom-up query evaluation method for stratified databases 1993 568-568 dbis ICDE YangjunChen inproceedings TH1993.VLDB A Plan-Operator Concept for Client-Based Knowledge Progressing 1993 555-566 dbis,his VLDB JoachimThomas StefanDessloch inproceedings GG1993.RIDE-IMS A Remote Cooperation System Supporting Interoperability in Heterogeneous Environments 1993 152-160 dbis RIDE-IMS MichaelGesmann AndreasGrasnickel HaraldSchöning inproceedings RM1993.VLDB Analysis of Dynamic Load Balancing Strategies for Parallel Shared Nothing Database Systems 1993 182-193 very large data bases; VLDB dbis Rakesh Agrawal and Sean Baker and David Bell Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
Los Altos, CA 94022, USA
VLDB 1-55860-152-X ErhardRahm RobertMarek
inproceedings TMMD1993.CIKM Enhancing Knowledge Processing in Client/Server Environments 1993 324–334 dbis,his fileadmin/publications/1993/TMMD1993.CIKM.pdf CIKM JoachimThomas BernhardMitschang Nelson MendonçaMattos StefanDessloch inproceedings R1993.ICDCS Evaluation of Closely Coupled Systems for High Performance Database Processing 1993 performance studies, dbis IEEE
Pittsburgh Hilton, Pittsburgh, PA
13th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems ErhardRahm
inproceedings KM1993.BTW Flexible Entwurfsdatenverwaltung für CAD-Frameworks: Konzepte, Realisierung und Bewertung 1993 144-163 dbis
BTW WolfgangKäfer BernhardMitschang
inproceedings IF1993.BTW Implementing a Design Management and Cooperation Model on the Basis of KRISYS 1993 256-265 dbis BTW CiranoIochpe Fernandode Ferreira Rezende NelsonM. Mattos JoachimThomas inproceedings MR1993.PARLE On the Performance of Parallel Join Processing in Shared Nothing Database Systems 1993 694 622-633 dbis Arndt Bode and Mike Reeve and Gottfried Wolf Springer
Munich, Germany
LNCS Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe (PARLE) 3-540-56891-3 RobertMarek ErhardRahm
inproceedings R1993.WHPTS Parallel Query Processing in Shared Disk Database Systems 1993 dbis
Asilomar (CA), USA
5th Int. Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems ErhardRahm
inproceedings MPLPS1993.ICDE SQL/XNF - Processing Composite Objects as Abstractions over Relational Data 1993 272-282 dbis
ICDE BernhardMitschang H.Pirahesh B.Lindsay P.Pistor N.Suedkamp
inproceedings K1993.ITD Temporal Selection, Temporal Projection, and Temporal Join Revised 1993 dbis R.~T. Snodgrass
Arlington, TX
International Workshop on an Infrastructure for Temporal Databases Wolfgangäfer
inproceedings DLMT1993.BTW The KRISYS Project: a Summary of What We Have Learned so far 1993 124-143 dbis,his fileadmin/publications/1993/DLMT1993.BTW.pdf BTW StefanDessloch Franz-JosefLeick NelsonMendonça Mattos JoachimThomas techreport S1993.Report Das Molekül-Atom-Datenmodell und seine Anfragesprache MQL - Beschreibung des aktuellen Standes der Realisierung 1993 dbis SFB-Bericht 23/93 University of Kaiserslautern HaraldSchöning techreport R1993.Report Parallel Query Processing in Shared Disk Database Systems 1993 1/93 dbis ZRI-Bericht University of Kaiserslautern ErhardRahm phdthesis S1992.PhD Anfrageverarbeitung in Komplexobjekt-Datenbanksystemen 1992 12 dbis Deutscher Universitätsverlag
University of Kaiserslautern 978-3824420414 HaraldSchöning
phdthesis S1992b.PhD Ansätze zur Integration in technischen Entwurfsanwendungen - angepaßte Modellierungswerkzeuge, durchgängige Entwurfsunterstützung, datenorientierte Integration 1992 7 dbis University of Kaiserslautern B.Sutter phdthesis K1992.PhD Geschichts- und Versionsmodellierung komplexer Objekte - Anforderungen und Realisierungsmöglichkeiten am Beispiel des NDBS PRIMA 1992 7 dbis University of Kaiserslautern WolfgangKäfer phdthesis H1992.PhD Ein Verarbeitungsmodell für datenbankgestützte Ingenieuranwendungen in einer arbeitsplatzrechnerorientierten Ablaufumgebung 1992 2 dbis University of Kaiserslautern ChristophHübel article R1992.JSS A Framework for Workload Allocation in Distributed Transaction Processing Systems The Journal of Systems and Software 1992 18 3 171-190 dbis 0164-1212 ErhardRahm article HMS1992.DKE Query Processing for Complex Objects Data and Knowledge Engineering 1992 7 181-200 dbis fileadmin/publications/1992/HMS1992.DKE.pdf TheoHärder BernhardMitschang HaraldSchöning article HS1992.EwC Supporting Engineering Applications by New Data Base Processing Concepts - an Experience Report Engineering with Computers 1992 8 31-49 dbis Springer ChristophHübel BerndSutter incollection BH1992.IA Kolloquium, Objektbanken für Experten 1992 dbis Springer-Verlag Berlin
Informatik Aktuell 3-540-56074-2 R.Bayer TheoHärder P.Lockemann
inproceedings S1992.IDS A Graphical Interface to a Complex-Object Database Management System 1992 193-208 dbis
Glasgow, Scotland
Int. Workshop on Interfaces to Database Systems (IDS) HaraldSchöning
inproceedings PH1992.CAD Ansätze einer adaptierbaren Datenorganisation in einer integrierten Entwurfsumgebung 1992 233-253 dbis Springer
GI-Fachtagung "CAD'92 - Neue Konzepte zur Realisierung anwendungsorientierter CAD-Systeme" HorstPahle ChristophHübel
inproceedings BR1992.AvRS Architekturansätze zur Unterstützung heterogener Datenbanken 1992 106-118 dbis fileadmin/publications/1992/BR1992.AvRS.pdf Alfons J. Jammel Springer
Informatik Aktuell Architektur von Rechensystemen (12. GI/ITG-Fachtagung) 3-540-55340-1 Karl-LudwigButsch ErhardRahm
inproceedings HK1992.EDAC Controlling Cooperation Through Design-Object Specification - a Database-Oriented Approach 1992 dbis
European Conference on Design Automation EDAC-92 ChristophHübel Wolfgangäfer BerndSutter
inproceedings DHLMLRSS1992.OfE COOCON and KRISYS - A Comparison 1992 179-196 dbis,his Objektbanken für Experten StefanDessloch TheoHärder Franz-JosefLeick NelsonMendonça Mattos ChristianLaasch ChristianRich MarcH. Scholl Hans-JörgSchek inproceedings SHR1992.CAD Ein Entwurfsmodell als Grundlage für eine integrierte Informationsverarbeitung in der Konstruktion 1992 108-126 dbis Springer
GI-Fachtagung CAD'92 - Neue Konzepte zur Realisierung anwendungsorientierter CAD-Systeme ErnstSiepmann ChristophHübel DetlevRuland
inproceedings CH1992.ICSC Eliminating Redundant Computation from RQA/FQI 1992 273-279 dbis
2nd International Computer Science Conference (ICSC'92) - Data and Knowledge Engineering: Theory and Applications YangjunChen TheoHärder
inproceedings RF1992.SIGMETRICS High Performance Cache Management for Sequential Data Access 1992 243-244 dbis ACM Press
New York, NY, USA
SIGMETRICS 0-89791-508-9 ErhardRahm DonaldFerguson
inproceedings CH1992.ISMM Improving RQA/FQI Recursive Query Algorithm 1992 dbis
Baltimore, Maryland
1st Int. Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management (ISMM) YangjunChen TheoHärder
inproceedings DHLM1992.OfE KRISYS - a KBMS Supporting the Development and Processing of Advanced Engineering Applications 1992 83-106 dbis fileadmin/publications/1992/DHLM1992.OfE.pdf Objektbanken für Experten StefanDeßloch TheoHärder Franz-JosefLeick NelsonM. Mattos inproceedings KS1992.ICDE Mapping a Version Model to a Complex-Object Data Model 1992 348-357 dbis
Tempe, Arizona
ICDE Wolfgangäfer HaraldSchöning
inproceedings S1992.Dagstuhl Optimization of Complex-Object Queries in PRIMA - Statement of Problems 1992 dbis Dagstuhl-Workshop HaraldSchöning inproceedings R1992.SIGMOD Performance Evaluation of Extended Storage Architectures for Transaction Processing 1992 21_2 308-317 dbis Michael Stonebraker ACM Press
New York, NY, USA
SIGMOD Record SIGMOD 0-89791-522-4 ErhardRahm
inproceedings MR1992.PARLE Performance Evaluation of Parallel Transaction Processing in Shared Nothing Database Systems 1992 295-310 dbis D. Etiemble and J.-C. Syre Springer
Paris, France
LNCS Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe (PARLE) RobertMarek ErhardRahm
inproceedings GGHH1992.SIGMOD PRIMA - a database system supporting dynamically defined composite objects 1992 5-5 dbis fileadmin/publications/1992/GGHH1992.SIGMOD.pdf ACM
San Diego, California, USA
SIGMOD 0-89791-521-6 10.1145/130283.130287 MichaelGesmann AndreasGrasnickel TheoHärder ChristophHübel WolfgangKäfer BernhardMitschang HaraldSchöning
inproceedings M1992.SBBD PRIMA - A Testbed for Database Processing 1992 21-39 dbis 7th Brazilian Symposium On Database Systems BernhardMitschang inproceedings KS1992.SIGMOD Realizing a Temporal Complex-Object Data Model 1992 266-275 dbis
San Diego, CA
SIGMOD Wolfgangäfer HaraldSchöning
inproceedings ES1992.CAD Technisch-funktionale Abhängigkeiten im technischen Modellierungsvorgang und deren Verwaltung durch einen DB-orientierten Systemansatz 1992 254-274 dbis fileadmin/publications/1992/ES1992.CAD.pdf Rechnerunterstütztes Entwerfen und Konstruieren (CAD) P.Englesos BerndSutter inproceedings M1992b.SBBD Towards Integration of Composite Objects into Relational Query Processing 1992 3-20 dbis 7th Brazilian Symposium On Database Systems BernhardMitschang inproceedings HM1992.RIDE-TQP Using PRIMA-DBMS as a Testbed for Parallel Complex-Object Processing 1992 38-45 dbis RIDE-TQP ChristophHübel BernhardMitschang MichaelGesmann AndreasGrasnickel WolfgangKäfer HaraldSchöning TheoHärder techreport HR1992a.ZRI Einsatz von Grid Files zur Sicherung der Referentiellen Integrität in SQL2 1992 dbis fileadmin/publications/1992/HR1992a.ZRI.pdf University of Kaiserslautern TheoHärder JoachimReinert techreport H1992.ZRI Mehrdimensionale Zugriffspfade in Relationalen Datenbanksystemen 1992 dbis fileadmin/publications/1992/H1992.ZRI.pdf University of Kaiserslautern TheoHärder techreport H1992a.ZRI Referentielle Integrität-Ansätze zur Symmetrie in SQL3 1992 dbis fileadmin/publications/1992/H1992a.ZRI.pdf University of Kaiserslautern TheoHärder techreport R1992.Report Sicherung der Referentiellen Integrität - Optimierung durch Schemaanalyse 1992 dbis ZRI-Bericht 5/92 University of Kaiserslautern JoachimReinert techreport HPS1992.SFB Supporting Parallelism in Engineering Databases by Nested Transactions 1992 dbis fileadmin/publications/1992/HPS1992.SFB.pdf University of Kaiserslautern SFB-Bericht 31/92, SFB 124 TheoHärder M.Profit HaraldSchöning techreport HR1992b.ZRI Zugriffspfad-Unterstützung zur Sicherung der Relationalen Invarianten 1992 dbis fileadmin/publications/1992/HR1992b.ZRI.pdf University of Kaiserslautern TheoHärder ErhardRahm phdthesis Y1991.PhD Auswertung rekursiver Anfragen in Deduktiven Datenbanksystemen - eine Untersuchung der Strategien, des Leistungsverhaltens und der Realisierungsmöglichkeiten 1991 10 dbis University of Kaiserslautern WeixiaYan article DHMS1991.IJSARA Handling functional constraints of technical modeling systems in a KBMS environment INT. J. SYST. AUTOM. RES. APPLIC. 1991 1 4 347-367 dbis,his fileadmin/publications/1991/DHMS1991.IJSARA.pdf StefanDeßloch Christophübel NelsonM. Mattos BerndSutter article HM1991.DKE Query processing for complex objects Data Knowl. Eng. 1991 7 181-200 dbis TheoHärder BernhardMitschang HaraldSchöning inproceedings K1991.DASFAA A Framework for Version-based Cooperation Control 1991 2 527-535 dbis Akifumi Makinouchi World Scientific Advanced Database Research and Development Series DASFAA 981-02-1055-8 WolfgangKäfer inproceedings MDL1991.IEA-AIE A Knowledge-based Approach to Intelligent CAD for Architectural Design 1991 409-418 dbis,his fileadmin/publications/1991/MDL1991.IEA-AIE.pdf
Kauai, Hawaii
IEA/AIE Nelson M.Mattos StefanDessloch Franz-JosefLeick
inproceedings M1991.ISKI An Approach to DBS-based Knowledge Management 1991 474 127-152 dbis Dimitris Karagiannis Springer LNCS Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence: Integration Aspects 3-540-53557-8 10.1007/3-540-53557-8_25 NelsonM. Mattos inproceedings M1991.ICCI An Architecture for a Multimedia Database Managenient Systeni Supporting Content Search 1991 304-313 dbis Springer
Berlin - Heidelberg - New York
Advances in Computing and Information (ICCI '90) 3-540-53504-7 V.Y. Lum KlausMeyer-Wegener
inproceedings RT1991.PARBASE Distributed Optimistic Concurrency Control for High Performance Transaction Processing 1991 490-495 Hybrid Optimistic Concurrency Control Schema, which is based on I/O request shipping, distributed validation and 2PC. In the case of a conflict it retains the locks on used objects get for validation and repeats the computation holding these locks until the successful end of the transaction. fault tolerance, dbis IEEE-CS Press
Miami Beach, Florida
PARBASE ErhardRahm AlexanderThomasian
inproceedings HRS1991.BTW Ein Ansatz zur Informationsstrukturierung in durchgängigen Entwurfsumgebungen 1991 438-445 dbis BTW ChristophHübel JoachimReinert BerndSutter inproceedings HKS1991.GI Ein Client/Server-System als Basiskomponente für ein kooperierendes Datenbanksystem 1991 267 216-231 dbis Wolfgang Effelsberg and Hans Werner Meuer and Günter Müller Springer
Informatik-Fachberichte Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen, Grundlagen, Anwendungen, Betrieb (GI/ITG-Fachtagung) 3-540-53721-X ChristophHübel WolfgangKäfer BerndSutter
inproceedings BH1991.GI Extended Memory Support for High Performance Transaction Systems 1991 92-108 dbis fileadmin/publications/1991/BH1991.GI.pdf Springer Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechensystemen (6. GI/ITG-Fachtagung) 3-540-54550-6 VolkerBohn TheoHärder ErhardRahm inproceedings D1991.BTW Handling Integrity in a KBMS Architecture for Workstation/Server Environments 1991 89-108 dbis fileadmin/publications/1991/D1991.BTW.pdf BTW StefanDeßloch inproceedings C1991.TAI Improving Han and Lee's path consistency algorithm 1991 346-350 dbis Third International Conference on Tools for Artificial Intelligence (TAI'91) YangjunChen inproceedings R1991.GI-W Klassifikation und Vergleich verteilter Transaktionssysteme 1991 8 47-56 dbis
Datenbank-Rundbrief Nr. 8 der GI-Fachgruppe Datenbanken GI-Workshop "Verteilte Datenbanksysteme und verteilte Datenverwaltung in Forschung und Praxis" ErhardRahm
inproceedings G1991.GI Messen und Bewerten paralleler Client/Server-Architekturen - am Beispiel des kooperierenden Non-Standard-Datenbanksystems PRIMA 1991 286 61-75 dbis Axel Lehmann and Fritz Lehmann Springer
Informatik-Fachberichte Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechensystemen (GI/ITG-Fachtagung) 3-540-54550-6 MichaelGesmann ChristophHübel WolfgangKäfer HaraldSchöning BerndSutter
inproceedings S1991.BTW Praktische Behandlung von Nullwerten - Realisierung im Molekül-Atom-Datenmodell 1991 270 502-507 dbis H.J. Appelrath Springer
Informatik-Fachberichte BTW HaraldSchöning
inproceedings BSW1991.GI Rechnergestützte Administration von heterogenen Netzen-Eine Anforderungsanalyse 1991 267 406-420 dbis Wolfgang Effelsberg and Hans Werner Meuer and Günter Müller Springer
Informatik-Fachberichte Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen, Grundlagen, Anwendungen, Betrieb, (GI/ITG-Fachtagung) 3-540-53721-X VolkerBohn RuthScheel BrianWorden
inproceedings R1991.FTCS Recovery Concepts for Data Sharing Systems 1991 368-375 dbis IEEE Computer Society Press
Montreal, Canada
International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing (21st FTCS'91) ErhardRahm
inproceedings PS1991.BTW Technisches Modellieren - Ein Zugang zur integrierten Produktdatenverwaltung 1991 270 288-307 dbis H.-J. Appelrath Springer Informatik-Fachberichte BTW RolfPaul BerndSutter inproceedings KS1991.WT Temporal Queries to Complex Objects 1991 dbis Workshop Tolouse Wolfgangäfer HaraldSchöning inproceedings MD1991.ISAI The Role of Abstraction Concepts and their Built-in Reasoning in Document Representation and Structuring 1991 dbis
Cancun, Mexico
4th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence NelsonM. Mattos A.Dengel
inproceedings R1991.WHPTS Use of Global Extended Memory for Distributed Transaction Processing 1991 dbis
Asilomar (CA), USA
4th Int. Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems ErhardRahm
techreport S1991.Report Das Molekül-Atom-Datenmodell in der praktischen Anwendung - eine Zwischenbilanz 1991 dbis SFB-Bericht 21/91 University of Kaiserslautern HaraldSchöning techreport M1991.ZRI KRISYS - a KBMS Supporting Development and Processing of Knowledge-based Applications in Workstation/Server Environments 1991 dbis fileadmin/publications/1991/M1991.ZRI.pdf ZRI-Bericht 5/91 University of Kaiserslautern NelsonM. Mattos phdthesis P1990.PhD Datenbankzugriff in offenen Rechnernetzen 1990 3 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
University of Kaiserslautern 978-3540532323 StefanPappe
article MM1990.SIGOIS An approach to integrated office document processing and management SIGOIS Bulletin 1990 11 2-3 118-122 The authors propose an approach towards a integrated document processing and management system that has the intention to capture essentially freely structured documents, like those typically used in the office domain. The document analysis system ANASTASIL is able to reveal the structure as well as the contents of complex paper documents. Moreover, it facilitates the handling of the information contained. Analyzed documents are stored in the management system KRISYS that is connected to several different subsequent services. The system can be considered as a ideal extension of the human clerk, making his tasks in information processing easier. The symbolic representation of the analysis results allow an easy transformation in a given international standard, e.g. ODA/ODIF or SGML, and to interchange it via global networks. University of Kaiserslautern, Germany ANASTASIL; Document analysis system; Freely structured documents; Global networks; Integrated document processing and management system; KRISYS; ODA/ODIF; Office domain; SGML; Symbolic representation dbis
Cambridge, MA, USA
1990 Conference on Office Information Systems 0894-0819 NelsonM. Mattos BernhardMitschang
article HP1990.CSE Datenbank-gestützte technische Modellierung-ein Ansatz für die CAD/CAP-Integration CIM-Management-Produkte, Strategien, Entscheidungshilfen 1990 2 90 dbis Oldenbourg ChristophHübel R.Paul BerndSutter article HM1990.IFE Transaktionssysteme in Workstation/Server-Umgebungen Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 1990 5 3 127-143 dbis fileadmin/publications/1990/HM1990.IFE.pdf TheoHärder KlausMeyer-Wegener inbook H1990.CIM CIM-Expertenwissen für die Praxis 1990 265-277 dbis H. Krallmann Oldenbourg Die Rolle von Datenbanken in CIM TheoHärder inbook H1990.KDuW Wissensrepräsentation 1990 69-85 dbis P. Struß Oldenbourg Klassische Datenmodelle und Wissensrepräsentation TheoHärder inproceedings TR1990.ICDCS A New Distributed Optimistic Concurrency Control Method and a Comparison of its Performance with Two-Phase Locking 1990 294-301 dbis IEEE Computer Society 10th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS '90) 0-8186-2048-X AlexanderThomasian ErhardRahm inproceedings M1990.ISKI An Approach to DBS-based Knowledge Management (invited lecture) 1990 dbis
Ulm, Germany
1st Workshop "Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence" NelsonM. Mattos
inproceedings H1990.PRISMA An Approach to Implement Dynamically Defined Complex Objects (Invited Lecture) 1990 503 71--98 dbis fileadmin/publications/1990/H1990.PRISMA.pdf Lecture Notes of Computer Science PRISMA Workshop Nordwijk, Holland TheoHärder inproceedings HM1990.TECHNO-DATA An Enhanced DBMS Architecture Supporting Intelligent CAD (Invited Lecture) 1990 28-50 dbis D. Richter and H. Grabowski Akademie, Berlin, Germany Engineering Information in Data Bases and Knowledge Based Systems - TECHNO-DATA '90 TheoHärder NelsonM. Mattos inproceedings DM1990.AoAI An Integrated Document Management System 1990 368-379 dbis
Orlando, Florida
Applications of Artificial Intelligence VIII A.Dengel NelsonM. Mattos BernhardMitschang
inproceedings HKPS1990.EuBvS Basismechanismen zur Kooperation beim parallelen VLSI-Entwurf 1990 264 260-283 dbis Theo Härder and Hartmut Wedekind and Gerhard Zimmermann Springer
Informatik-Fachberichte Entwurf und Betrieb verteilter Systeme, Fachtagung des Sonderforschungsbereiche 124 und 182 3-540-53490-3 ChristophHübel WolfgangKäfer HorstPahle ErnstSiepmann
inproceedings De1990.FMLDO Enforcing Integrity in the KBMS KRISYS 1990 123-138 dbis FMLDO StefanDeßloch inproceedings SS1990.PARBASE Extending and Configuring an Enhanced Database Management System (extended abstract) 1990 dbis
Miami Beach, Florida
PARBASE'90 Andreas SikelerHarald Schöning
inproceedings SD1990.IEA KBMS Support for Technical Modeling in Engineering Systems 1990 2 790-799 dbis IEA/AIE BerndSutter StefanDeßloch ChristophHübel NelsonM. Mattos inproceedings HR1990.ITG-GI Nutzung neuer Speicherarchitekturen in Hochleistungs-Transaktionssystemen 1990 123-137 dbis fileadmin/publications/1990/HR1990.ITG-GI.pdf VDE-Verlag GmbH 11. ITG/GI-Fachtagung, Architektur von Rechensystemen 3-8007-1688-7 TheoHärder ErhardRahm inproceedings M1990b.ISKI Performance Measurements and Analyses of Coupling Approaches of Database and Expert Systems and Consequences to their Integration 1990 dbis
Ulm, Germany
1st Workshop "Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence" NelsonM. Mattos
inproceedings M1990c.ISKI Performance Measurements and Analysis of Coupling Approaches of Database and Expert Systems and Consequences to their Integration 1990 474 283-288 dbis Dimitris Karagiannis Springer LNCS Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence: Integration Aspects 3-540-53557-8 10.1007/3-540-53557-8_33 NelsonM. Mattos inproceedings S1990.ICSS Preserving Consistency in Nested Transactions 1990 2 472-480 dbis 23rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HaraldSchöning inproceedings S1990.Dagstuhl Realisierungskonzepte für die parallele Bearbeitung von Anfragen auf komplexen Objekten 1990 264 204-220 dbis Theo Härder and Hartmut Wedekind and Gerhard Zimmermann Springer Informatik-Fachberichte Entwurf und Betrieb verteilter Systeme 3-540-53490-3 HaraldSchöning inproceedings KRS1990.VLDB Support for Temporal Data by Complex Objects 1990 24-35 dbis Dennis McLeod and Ron Sacks-Davis and H.-J Schek Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
Los Altos, CA 94022, USA
VLDB 1-55860-149-X WolfgangKäfer NorbertRitter HaraldSchöning
inproceedings RK1990.IBM Trends in Distributed and Cooperative Database Management 1990 466 263-293 dbis Springer
LNCS Int. IBM Symposium 'Database Systems of the 90s' ErhardRahm KlausKüspert
techreport HS1990.Report Ein datenbankbasierter Ansatz zur Integration von Ingenieuranwendungen 1990 1/90 Daten- und Wissensverwaltung für integrierte Ingenieursysteme - Anforderungen und Realisierungskonzepte, interdisziplinärer Workshop im ZRI der Universität Kaiserslautern dbis Universität Kaiserslautern ChristopHübel BerndSutter inproceedings S1989.DOOD Integrating Complex Objects and Recursion 1989 12 535-554 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/Sch89.DOOD.pdf DOOD Kyoto, Japan HaraldSchöning inproceedings MM1989.ER Modeling with KRISYS: the Design Process of DB Applications Reviewed 1989 10 159-173 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/MM89.ER.pdf Entity Relationship Approach (ER) Toronto, Canada Nelson MendonçaMattos M.Michels inproceedings B1989.MMB Charakteristische Eigenschaften von Transaktionslasten in DB/DC-Systemen 1989 9 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/ MMB VolkerBohn inproceedings M1989.VLDB Extending the Relational Algebra to Capture Complex Objects 1989 9 297-306 dbis VLDB Amsterdam, Netherlands BernhardMitschang inproceedings DHMM1989.DKSME KRISYS: KBMS Support for Better CAD Systems 1989 9 172-182 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/DHMM89.DKSME.pdf Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering Gaithersburg, Maryland, US StefanDeßloch TheoHärder Nelson MendonçaMattos BernhardMitschang inproceedings B1989.ESC Performance Evaluation of Distributed Database Systems by Means of a Discrete Event Simulation 1989 9 dbis European Simulation Congress Edinborough, UK VolkerBohn inproceedings DHMM1989.CAD Knowledge Base Management Systems - the Bases of Advanced CAD 1989 8 326-331 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/DHMM89.CAD.pdf Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics Beijing, China StefanDeßloch TheoHärder Nelson MendonçaMattos BernhardMitschang inproceedings YM1989.MFDBS Transitive Closure and the LOGA+-Strategy for its Efficient Evaluation 1989 6 415-428 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/YM89.MFDBS.pdf MFDBS Visegrad, Hungary W.Yan Nelson MendonçaMattos inproceedings S1989.ICCI Supporting Object-Oriented Processing by Redundant Storage Structures 1989 5 351-357 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/Si89.ICCI.pdf ICCI Toronto, Canada AndreaSikeler article R1989.IS Der Database-Sharing-Ansatz zur Realisierung von Hochleistungs-Transaktionssystemen Informatik-Spektrum 1989 4 12 2 65-81 dbis ErhardRahm article H1989.ITCSA Klassische Datenmodelle und Wissensrepräsentation Informationstechnik - Computer, Systeme, Anwendungen (Themenheft Wissensrepräsentation) 1989 4 31 2 141-154 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/Hae89.DBWR.pdf TheoHärder inproceedings LM1989.BSDB A Framework for an Efficient DBS-Support of Knowledge-Based Systems 1989 4 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/LM89.BSDB.pdf Brazilian Symposium on Data Bases Campinas, Brazil Franz-JosefLeick Nelson MendonçaMattos inproceedings MLW1989.VDB Image Management in Multimedia Database Systems 1989 4 497-523 dbis Tosiyasu L. Kunii North-Holland Publ. Company Visual Database Systems (VDB) Tokyo, Japan KlausMeyer-Wegener Vincent Y.Lum C. ThomasWu phdthesis M1989.PhD An Approach to Knowledge Base Management - Requirements, Knowledge Representation and Design Issues 1989 4 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
University of Kaiserslautern 978-0387542683 Nelson MendonçaMattos
article HSS1989.DE Parallel Query Evaluation: A New Approach to Complex Object Processing IEEE Data Engineering 1989 3 1 1 23-29 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/HSS89.DE.pdf TheoHärder HaraldSchöning AndreaSikeler proceedings H1989.BTW Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft (BTW) 1989 3 204 427 dbis Theo Härder Springer
inproceedings HP1989.BTW Anwendungsnahe Pufferung komplexstrukturierter Objekte - ein Erfahrungsbericht 1989 3 204 355-360 dbis Theo Härder Springer Informatik-Fachberichte BTW Zürich, Switzerland ChristophHübel MartinPick inproceedings K1989.BTW Ein Geschichts- und Versionsmodell für komplexe Objekte 1989 3 204 271-276 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/Kae89.BTW.pdf Theo Härder Springer Informatik-Fachberichte BTW Zürich, Switzerland WolfgangKäfer inproceedings HSS1989.PPS Evaluation of Hardware Architectures for Parallel Execution of Complex Database Operations 1989 3 564-578 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/HSS89.PPS.pdf Parallel Processing Symposium Fullerton, California, US TheoHärder HaraldSchöning AndreaSikeler inproceedings S1989.BTW Rekursion im MAD-Modell: Rekursivmoleküle als Objekte des Datenmodells 1989 3 204 389-407 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/Sch89.BTW.pdf Theo Härder Springer Informatik-Fachberichte BTW Zürich, Switzerland HaraldSchöning phdthesis S1989.PhD Implementierungskonzepte für Non-Standard-Datenbanksysteme verdeutlicht am Beispiel des DB-Kernsystems PRIMA 1989 2 dbis University of Kaiserslautern AndreaSikeler inproceedings H1989.HICSS Non-Standard DBMS for Support of Emerging Applications - Requirement Analysis and Architectural Concepts 1989 1 549-558 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/Hae89.HICSS.pdf System Sciences Hawaii, US TheoHärder article H1989.CIM Die Rolle von Datenbanksystemen in CIM CIM-Management - Produkte, Strategien, Entscheidungshilfen 1989 6/89 4-10 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/Hae89.CIM.pdf Oldenbourg TheoHärder article H1989.THLeuna Eine DB-gestützte Architektur für Wissensbankverwaltungssysteme Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift TH Leuna-Merseburg 1989 31 1 60-80 dbis TheoHärder article H1989.ZRI Engineering Applications - a Challenge for the Next Generation of DBMSs ZRI-Bericht 1989 3/89 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/Hae89.pdf University of Kaiserslautern TheoHärder article HPS1989.ZRI Technische Modellierung und DB-gestützte Datenhaltung - ein Ansatz für ein durchgängiges, integriertes Produktmodell ZRI-Bericht 1989 6/89 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/HPS89.ZRI.pdf University of Kaiserslautern ChristophHübel RolfPaul BerndSutter article HS1989.ZRI Verarbeitung komplexer DB-Objekte in Ingenieuranwendungen ZRI-Bericht 1989 5/89 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/HS89.ZRI.pdf University of Kaiserslautern ChristophHübel BerndSutter inproceedings HS1989.GI Aspekte der Datenbank-Anbindung in workstation-orientierten Ingenieuranwendungen 1989 222, Band 1 259-273 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/HS89.GI.pdf Informatik-Fachberichte GI-Jahrestagung München, Germany ChristophHübel BerndSutter inproceedings SS1989.FODO Cluster Mechanisms Supporting the Dynamic Construction of Complex Objects 1989 31-46 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/SS89.FODO.pdf Foundations of Data Organization and Algorithms (FODO) Paris, France HaraldSchöning AndreaSikeler inproceedings BW1989.FTCS Transaktionsketten - Konzept und Implementierung 1989 dbis Springer Informatik-Fachberichte Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems VolkerBohn Th.Wagner techreport HK1989.SFB Modellierung und Handhabung versionierter Objekte 1989 26/89 dbis fileadmin/publications/1989/HK89.SFB.pdf University of Kaiserslautern SFB 124 Report ChristophHübel WolfgangKäfer inproceedings M1989.ICSC KRISYS - A Multi-Layered Prototype KBMS Supporting Knowledge Independence 1988 12 31-38 dbis fileadmin/publications/1988/Ma88.ICSC.pdf International Computer Science Conference - Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Applications Hongkong Nelson MendonçaMattos article M1988.CM Verteilte Verarbeitung mit Transaktionsmonitoren Computer Magazin 1988 11 17 47-50 dbis KlausMeyer-Wegener inproceedings M1988.ER Abstraction Concepts: the Basis for Data and Knowledge Modeling 1988 11 331-350 dbis Entity Relationship Approach (ER) Roma, Italy Nelson MendonçaMattos inproceedings FKPU1988.NIPS A Toolkit for Specifying and Implementing Communication Protocols 1988 5 dbis Kiril Boyanov North Holland Publ. Company Network Information Processing Systems Sofia, Bulgarien AlbertFleischmann T.Kunz StefanPappe K.Urbschat inproceedings M1988.EDS Towards a unified view of design data and knowledge representation 1988 4 dbis Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company Expert Database Systems (EDS) Tysons Corner, Virginia, US BernhardMitschang phdthesis R1988.PhD Synchronisation in Mehrrechner-Datenbanksystemen - Konzepte, Realisierungsformen und quantitative Bewertung 1988 4 186 272 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik-Fachberichte University of Kaiserslautern 978-0387503486 ErhardRahm
inbook HR1988.RDS Readings in Database Systems 1988 3 151-166 dbis Michael Stonebraker Morgan Kaufmann Principles of Transaction-Oriented Database Recovery, ACM Computing Surveys 15(4), Dec. 1983, pp. 287-317 (Reprint) TheoHärder AndreasReuter inproceedings S1988.EDBT VAR-PAGE-LRU - A Buffer Replacement Algorithm Supporting Different Page Sizes 1988 3 303 336-351 dbis fileadmin/publications/1988/Si88.EDBT.pdf Springer LNCS EDBT Venice, Italy AndreaSikeler phdthesis M1988.PhD Ein Molekül-Atom-Datenmodell für Non-Standard-Anwendungen - Anwendungsanalyse, Datenmodellentwurf und Implementierungskonzepte 1988 3 185 230 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik-Fachberichte University of Kaiserslautern BernhardMitschang
article H1988.IBMResearchReport Handling Hot Spot Data in DB-Sharing Systems, IBM Research Report RJ 5223 Information Systems 1988 13 2 155-166 dbis fileadmin/publications/1988/Hae88.InformationSysytems.pdf TheoHärder article R1988.IT Optimistische Synchronisationskonzepte in zentralisierten und verteilten Datenbanksystemen Informationstechnik 1988 30 1 28-47 dbis ErhardRahm article HHMM1988.DKE Processing and Transaction Concepts for Cooperation of Engineering Workstations and a Database Server Data and Knowledge Engineering 1988 3 87-107 dbis TheoHärder ChristophHübel KlausMeyer-Wegener BernhardMitschang article H1988.HandbuchDV Transaktionskonzept und Fehlertoleranz in DB/DC-Systemen Handbuch der modernen Datenverarbeitung 1988 144 24-35 dbis fileadmin/publications/1988/Hae88.FT.pdf Forkel TheoHärder inproceedings HK1988.MagdeburgHochschultage DB-Schnittstellen für arbeitsplatzorientierte Ingenieuranwendungen 1988 dbis Magdeburger Hochschultage "Erneuerung von Prozessen und Erzeugnissen durch Schlüsseltechnologien" Magdeburg, GDR ChristophHübel BernhardMitschang inproceedings FBPUK1988.ICCC Development of Communication Software using the PASS Technology 1988 dbis Josef Raviv North Holland Publ. Company ICCC Tel Aviv, Israel AlbertFleischmann MartinBeyer StefanPappe K.Urbschat T.Kunz inproceedings H1988.CSI Eine DB-gestützte Architektur für Wissensbankverwaltungssysteme 1988 4/88 dbis ZRI-Bericht Computer in der Stoffwandelnden Industrie TH Merseburg, Germany TheoHärder inproceedings HHM1988.TPGM Information Structures and Database Support for Solid Modeling 1988 dbis fileadmin/publications/1988/HHM88.CAD.pdf Theory and Practice of Geometric Modeling Blaubeuren, Germany TheoHärder ChristophHübel BernhardMitschang inproceedings HM1988.AOOBS Object-Orientation within the PRIMA-NDBS 1988 334 98-103 dbis Springer LNCS Advances in Object-Oriented Database Systems Bad Münster am Stein, Germany ChristophHübel BernhardMitschang inproceedings HSS1988.PDIS Parallelism in Processing Queries on Complex Objects 1988 131-143 dbis fileadmin/publications/1988/HSS88.PDIS.pdf Databases in Parallel and Distributed System Austin, Texas, US TheoHärder HaraldSchöning AndreaSikeler inproceedings BH1988.SiemensDPUC Performance Evaluation of the Relational Database Management System SESAM 1988 801-823 dbis Siemens DP User Conference Madrid, Spain VolkerBohn TheoHärder inproceedings HM1988.SRIC Towards Effective Support of Engineering Information Systems 1988 dbis Systems Research, Informatics, and Cybernetics Baden-Baden, Germany ChristophHübel BernhardMitschang inproceedings CHMS1987.EDS Which Kinds of OS Mechanisms Should Be Provided for Database Management? 1988 309 213-252 dbis Jürgen Nehmer Springer LNCS Experiences in Distributed Systems Kaiserslautern, Germany September 1987 Hans-PeterChristmann TheoHärder KlausMeyer-Wegener AndreaSikeler techreport S1988a.SFB Buffer Management in a Non-Standard Database System 1988 26/88 dbis fileadmin/publications/1988/Si88a.SFB.pdf University of Kaiserslautern SFB 124 Report AndreaSikeler techreport K1988.SFB Ein Modell zur Integration der Zeit in relationale Datenbanksysteme 1988 27/88 dbis fileadmin/publications/1988/Kae88.SFB.pdf University of Kaiserslautern SFB 124 Report WolfgangKäfer techreport HR1988.Tech Einsatzformen eines Global Storage bei DB-Sharing 1988 dbis fileadmin/publications/1988/HR88.TECH.pdf University of Kaiserslautern TheoHärder ErhardRahm techreport S1988.SFB Key Concepts of the PRIMA Access System 1988 26/88 dbis fileadmin/publications/1988/Si88.SFB.pdf University of Kaiserslautern SFB 124 Report AndreaSikeler techreport HS1988.SFB Supporting Engineering Applications by new DB-Processing Concepts - An Experience Report 1988 26/88 dbis fileadmin/publications/1988/HS88.SFB.pdf University of Kaiserslautern SFB 124 Report ChristophHübel BerndSutter techreport CP1988.SFB Transaction Support in PRIMA 1988 26/88 dbis fileadmin/publications/1988/CP88.SFB.pdf University of Kaiserslautern SFB 124 Report Hans-PeterChristmann MProfit inproceedings HMM1987.GWAI Abbildung von Frames auf neuere Datenmodelle 1987 10 396-405 dbis GWAI TheoHärder Nelson MendonçaMattos BernhardMitschang inproceedings HHMM1987.DKSEM Coupling Engineering Workstations to a Database Server 1987 10 30-39 dbis Data and Knowledge Systems for Engineering and Manufacturing Hartford, Connecticut, US TheoHärder ChristophHübel KlausMeyer-Wegener BernhardMitschang article S1987.AI Untersuchung von Verfahren zur Adreßabbildung von PRIMA Angewandte Informatik 1987 9 29 8/9 358-368 dbis AndreaSikeler inproceedings HR1987.DBM Concept for Implementing a Centralized Database Management System (Nachdruck) 1987 9 1-43 dbis Data Base Management Changsha, Hunan, China TheoHärder AndreasReuter inproceedings H1987.MMB On Selected Performance Issues of Database Systems (Invited Lecture) 1987 9 154 294-312 dbis Informatik-Fachberichte MMB Erlangen, Germany TheoHärder inproceedings BFP1987.HPTS OSI Services for Transaction Processing 1987 9 dbis High Performance Transaction Systems Asilomar, California, US MartinBeyer MagdalenaFeldhoffer StefanPappe inproceedings PLE1987.EDS Specification and Implementation of a Standard for Remote Database Access 1987 9 dbis Springer LNCS Experiences in Distributed Systems University of Kaiserslautern StefanPappe WinfriedLamersdorf WolfgangEffelsberg inproceedings H1987.IMI Database Support for Engineering Applications 1987 7 271-285 dbis Information Manufacturing Information Dresden, GDR TheoHärder article H1987.ITCS Gastherausgeber 'Schwerpunktthema: Datenbanken'; Editorial und Literatur zum Thema "Neuere Entwicklungen bei Datenbanksystemen" IT-Informationstechnik: Computer Systeme 1987 6 29 3 117-119, 176-178 dbis TheoHärder article HR1987.ITCSA Hochleistungs-Datenbanksysteme - Vergleich und Bewertung aktueller Architekturen und ihrer Implementierung IT-Informationstechnik: Computer, Systeme, Anwendungen - Themenheft "Neue Entwicklungen bei Datenbanksystemen" 1987 6 29 3 127-140 dbis TheoHärder ErhardRahm article M1987.ITCSA Transaktionssysteme - verteilte Verarbeitung und verteilte Datenhaltung IT-Informationstechnik: Computer, Systeme, Anwendungen - Themenheft "Neue Entwicklungen bei Datenbanksystemen" 1987 6 29 3 120-126 dbis KlausMeyer-Wegener inproceedings HR1987.SIGMOD Concepts for Transaction Recovery in Nested Transactions 1987 5 239-248 dbis ACM SIGMOD San Francisco, California, US TheoHärder KurtRothermel inproceedings PHEL1987.BTW Datenbankzugriff in offenen Rechnernetzen 1987 4 136 375-390 dbis Informatik-Fachberichte BTW Darmstadt, Germany StefanPappe H.-L.Heil WolfgangEffelsberg WinfriedLamersdorf inproceedings S1987.BTW Ein Adressierungskonzept zur Unterstützung der objekt-orientierten Verarbeitung in PRIMA 1987 4 136 487-491 dbis Informatik-Fachberichte BTW Darmstadt, Germany AndreaSikeler inproceedings M1987.BTW MAD - ein Datenmodell für den Kern eines Non-Standard-Datenbanksystems 1987 4 136 180-195 dbis Informatik-Fachberichte BTW Darmstadt, Germany BernhardMitschang inproceedings PEL1987.NOS Database Access in Open Systems 1987 3 248 148-164 dbis G. Müller, R. Blanc Springer LNCS Networking in Open Systems IBM Europe Institute, Oberlech, Austria StefanPappe WolfgangEffelsberg WinfriedLamersdorf inproceedings C1987.GIKommunikation Ein Algorithmus zur Systempufferverwaltung und Synchronisation in einem lose gekoppelten Mehrrechner-Datenbanksystem 1987 2 412-425 dbis GI/ITG-Tagung "Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen" Aachen, Germany Hans-PeterChristmann article HMP1987.SAE Einige Schritte zur Kopplung von Datenbanksystemen und Expertensystemen State of the Art, Expertensysteme 1987 3 23-34 dbis Oldenbourg TheoHärder Nelson MendonçaMattos FrankPuppe article HP1987.IS Evaluation of a Multiple Version Scheme for Concurrency Control Information Systems 1987 12 1 83-98 dbis fileadmin/publications/1987/HP87.InformationSystems.pdf TheoHärder ErwinPetry article HHLM1987.IFE KUNICAD - ein datenbankgestütztes geometrisches Modellierungssystem für Werkstücke Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung 1987 2 1 1-18 dbis TheoHärder ChristophHübel StefanLangenfeld BernhardMitschang inbook H1987.DBHandbuch DB-Handbuch 1987 163-335 dbis /?id=391 Springer 3; Realisierung von operationalen Schnittstellen TheoHärder inproceedings R1987.FTCS A Reliable and Efficient Synchronization Protocol for Database Sharing Systems 1987 336-347 dbis Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems Bremerhaven, Germany ErhardRahm inproceedings R1987.DCS Design of Optimistic Methods for Concurrency Control in Database Sharing Systems 1987 154-161 dbis Distributed Computer Systems ErhardRahm inproceedings H1987.FTCS Fehlertoleranz-Aspekte in Transaktionssystemen 1987 324-335 dbis Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems Bremerhaven, Germany TheoHärder inproceedings R1987.CA Integrated Solutions to Concurrency Control and Buffer Invalidation in Database Sharing Systems 1987 410-417 dbis Computers and Applications ErhardRahm inproceedings HMMS1987.VLDB PRIMA - a DBMS Prototype Supporting Engineering Applications, Forschungsbericht Nr. 22/87 des SFB 124, Universität Kaiserslautern 1987 433-442 dbis VLDB Brighton, UK TheoHärder KlausMeyer-Wegener BernhardMitschang AndreaSikeler article HM1986.CADCAM Stuktur und Verwaltung graphischer Daten CAD-CAM Report 1986 10 5 10 64-79 dbis ChristophHübel BernhardMitschang inproceedings R1986.GI Concurrency Control in DB-Sharing Systems 1986 10 126 617-632 dbis Günter Hommel, Sigram Schindler Springer Informatik-Fachberichte GI-Jahrestagung Berlin, Germany ErhardRahm inproceedings HM1986.AUSTROGRAPHICS Ein Ansatz zu Graphischen Datenbanken und deren Verwendung in einem CAD-System 1986 9 95-110 dbis Oldenbourg AUSTROGRAPHICS Wien, Austria ChristophHübel BernhardMitschang inproceedings H1986.OODW New Approaches to Object Processing in Engineering Databases 1986 9 217 dbis Object Oriented Database Workshop Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, US TheoHärder inproceedings HHM1986.CONPAR Use of Inherent Parallelism in Database Operations 1986 9 237 385-392 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
LNCS Conf. on Algorithms and Hardware for Parallel Processing (CONPAR) Aachen, Germany TheoHärder ChristophHübel BernhardMitschang
article HR1986.ITCSA Mehrrechner-Datenbanksysteme für Transaktionssysteme hoher Leistungsfähigkeit IT-Informationstechnik: Computer, Systeme, Anwendungen 1986 8 28 4 214-225 dbis TheoHärder ErhardRahm report HKKMPR1986.BMFT Datensicherung und Recovery in DB/DC-Systemen 1986 7 BMFT-FB-DV 86-001 dbis Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie, Bonn, Germany Projektabschlußbericht TheoHärder HorstKinzinger KlausKüspert KlausMeyer-Wegener PeterPeinl AndreasReuter phdthesis P1986.PhD Synchronisation in zentralisierten Datenbanksystemen - Algorithmen, Realisierungsmöglichkeiten und quantitative Analyse 1986 6 161 227 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik-Fachberichte University of Kaiserslautern 3-540-18752-9 PeterPeinl
phdthesis M1986.PhD Transaktionssysteme - eine Untersuchung des Funktionsumfangs, der Realisierungsmöglichkeiten und des Leistungsverhaltens 1986 6 dbis University of Kaiserslautern KlausMeyer-Wegener inproceedings M1986.SAVE Ansätze zu einer Klassifikation von TP-Monitoren 1986 3 250-270 dbis SAVE-Tagung Berlin, Germany KlausMeyer-Wegener inproceedings R1986.SAVE DB-Sharing - eine Realisierungsform zukünftiger Hochleistungs-Datenbanksysteme 1986 3 271-286 dbis SAVE-Tagung Berlin, Germany ErhardRahm inproceedings H1986.ABR DB-Sharing vs. DB-Distribution - die Frage nach dem Systemkonzept künftiger DB/DC-Systeme 1986 3 92 151-165 dbis VDE
Berlin, Germany
NTG-Fachberichte Architektur und Betrieb von Rechensystemen Stuttgart, Germany TheoHärder
inproceedings H1986.SAVE Mehrrechnerdatenbanksysteme - der Schlüssel zu Leistung, Verfügbarkeit und Wachstum 1986 3 49-71 dbis SAVE-Tagung Berlin, Germany TheoHärder inproceedings R1986.ABR Nah gekoppelte Rechnerarchitekturen für ein DB-Sharing-System 1986 3 92 166-180 dbis VDE
Berlin Offenbach, Germany
NTG-Fachberichte Architektur und Betrieb von Rechensystemen Stuttgart, Germany ErhardRahm
inproceedings R1986.DE Load Control and Load Balancing in a Shared Database Management System 1986 2 dbis Data Engineering Los Angeles, California, US AndreasReuter article R1986.AI Algorithmen zur effizienten Lastkontrolle in Mehrrechner-Datenbanksystemen Angewandte Informatik 1986 4/86 161-169 dbis ErhardRahm article HM1986b.IFE Die Zusammenarbeit von TP-Monitoren und Datenbanksystemen in DB/DC-Systemen - Existierende Systeme und zukünftige Entwicklungen Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung 1986 1 3 101-122 dbis TheoHärder KlausMeyer-Wegener article R1986.IS Primary Copy Synchronization for DB-Sharing Information Systems 1986 11 4 275-286 dbis ErhardRahm article K1986.RE Principles of Error Detection in Storage Structures of Database Systems Reliability Engineering - An International Journal 1986 14 Reprint: Proc. "Reliability '85", Birmingham, England, July 1985, pp. 3C/3/1-10 dbis KlausKüspert article HM1986.IFE Transaktionssysteme und TP-Monitore - Eine Systematik ihrer Aufgabenstellung und Implementierung Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung 1986 1 1 3-25 dbis TheoHärder KlausMeyer-Wegener inproceedings HR1985.MMB Quantitative Analyse eines Synchronisationsalgorithmus für DB-Sharing 1985 10 110 186-201 dbis Springer Informatik-Fachberichte MMB Dortmund, Germany TheoHärder ErhardRahm inproceedings K1985.MMB Quantitative Bewertung fehlertoleranter B*-Baum-Implementierungen in Datenbanksystemen durch Simulationsreihen 1985 10 110 202-216 dbis Springer Informatik-Fachberichte MMB Dortmund, Germany KlausKüspert inproceedings M1985.MMB Simulation von DB/DC-Systemen 1985 10 110 233-250 dbis Springer Informatik-Fachberichte MMB Dortmund, Germany KlausMeyer-Wegener inproceedings K1985.Simulation Quantitative Bewertung fehlertoleranter Hashtabellen-Implementierungen in Datenbanksystemen durch Simulationsreihen 1985 9 109 147-151 dbis Springer Informatik-Fachberichte Symposium Simulationstechnik Bad Münster am Stein - Ebernburg, Germany KlausKüspert article R1985.IS Database Sharing (Das aktuelle Schlagwort) Informatik-Spektrum 1985 8 8 4 225-226 dbis AndreasReuter article HPR1985.IEEEDE Performance Analysis of Synchronization and Recovery Schemes IEEE Database Engineering 1985 6 8 2 50-57 dbis TheoHärder PeterPeinl AndreasReuter inproceedings K1985.TZ Schnelle "online"-Fehlerbehandlung für Speicherungsstrukturen in Datenbanksystemen 1985 5 254-269 dbis VDE Fachtagung "Technische Zuverlässigkeit" (Softwarequalität und Systemzuverlässigkeit) Nürnberg, Germany KlausKüspert article M1985.IS TP-Monitor (Das aktuelle Schlagwort) Informatik-Spektrum 1985 4 8 2 92-94 dbis KlausMeyer-Wegener inproceedings HR1985.BTW Architektur von Datenbanksystemen für Non-Standard-Anwendungen (eingeladener Vortrag) 1985 3 94 253-286 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik-Fachberichte BTW Karlsruhe, Germany TheoHärder AndreasReuter
inproceedings M1985.BTW Charakteristiken des Komplex-Objekt-Begriffs und Ansätze zu dessen Realisierung 1985 3 dbis BTW Karlsruhe, Germany BernhardMitschang phdthesis K1985.PhD Fehlererkennung und Fehlerbehandlung in Speicherungsstrukturen von Datenbanksystemen 1985 2 99 294 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik-Fachberichte University of Kaiserslautern 978-3540152385 KlausKüspert
article HR1985.Japan Principles of Transaction-Oriented Database Recovery, ACM Computing Surveys 15(4), Dec. 1983, pp. 287-317 reprint in Bit, Japan 1985 137-164 dbis uploads/RTEmagicC_titlepic1.gif TheoHärder AndreasReuter article HM1985.ER Vergleich der Datenbank-Programmierung im Netzwerk- und Relationenmodell bei navigierenden Anwendungen Elektronische Rechenanlagen 1985 27 4 206-227 dbis TheoHärder KlausMeyer-Wegener article KKMP1984.CP Integrated Environment for Performance Measurement and Evaluation in a DB/DC System Computer Performance 1984 12 5 4 207-221 dbis HorstKinzinger KlausKüspert KlausMeyer-Wegener PeterPeinl article EH1984.TDS Principles of Database Buffer Management Transactions on Database Systems 1984 12 9 4 560-595 dbis ACM WolfgangEffelsberg TheoHärder inproceedings R1984.DS Performance Analysis of Recovery Techniques 1984 12 9 4 526-559 dbis Database Systems ACM AndreasReuter inproceedings CMMS1984.CAD Datenbankunterstützung für ein CAD-Arbeitsplatzsystem 1984 11 41-57 dbis G. Enderle, W.R. Saggau, W. Strasser und P. Wisskirchen Micrographics - Graphics auf Arbeitsplatzrechnern Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. Fachgespräche der GI-Arbeitsgruppe "Graphische Systeme" Hans-PeterChristmann KlausMeyer-Wegener BernhardMitschang AndreaSikeler inproceedings M1984.GI Überlegungen zur Architektur von Datenbanksystemen für Ingenieuranwendungen 1984 10 88 14 318-334 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik-Fachberichte GI-Jahrestagung Braunschweig BernhardMitschang
inproceedings K1984.FR Effiziente Verfahren zur "online"-Fehlererkennung in Baumstrukturen von Datenbanksystemen 1984 9 84 2 89-100 dbis K.-E. Großpietsch, M. Dal Cin Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik-Fachberichte Fehlertolerierende Rechensysteme Bonn GI/NTG/GMR-Fachtagung KlausKüspert
inproceedings RK1984.SE Automatic Design of the Internal Schema for a CODASYL-Database System 1984 7 10 4 358-375 dbis Software Engineering IEEE AndreasReuter HorstKinziger inproceedings BK1984.IPL On the use of EXTENDIBLE HASHING without hashing 1984 7 19 1 dbis Information Processing Letters UlrichBechtold KlausKüspert inproceedings K1984.FTC Efficient Error Detection Techniques for Hash Tables in Database Systems 1984 6 14 198-203 dbis Fault Tolerant Computing Kissimmee, Florida, USA KlausKüspert inproceedings K1984.SFZ Ein effizientes Verfahren zur Fehlererkennung in sortierten Feldern und Listen 1984 5 83 51-62 dbis F. Belli, S. Pfleger, M. Seifert Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik-Fachberichte Software-Fehlertoleranz und -Zuverlässigkeit Bremerhaven GI-Fachgruppe 3.1.1 Fehlertolerierende Rechensysteme KlausKüspert
inproceedings K1984.ABR Möglichkeiten und Verfahren zur schnellen Datenbank-Recovery bei einzelnen zerstörten Datenbankblöcken 1984 3 78 8 378-391 dbis H. Wettstein Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik-Fachberichte Architektur und Betrieb von Rechensystemen Karlsruhe GI/NTG-Fachtagung KlausKüspert
article R1984.IS Knowledge Base Management Systems Informatik-Spektrum 1984 2 7 1 45 Das aktuelle Schlagwort dbis AndreasReuter article H1984.IS Observations on Optimistic Concurrency Control Schemes Information Systems 1984 9 2 111-120 IBM Research Report RJ 3645 dbis fileadmin/publications/1984/Hae84.InformationSystems.pdf IBM Corporation
San Jose, California, USA
article KM1984.ER PAPS - Ein Programm zur Auswertung von Pfadlängenmessungen in Softwaresystemen Elektronische Rechenanlagen 1984 26 2 79-89 dbis KlausKüspert T.Manzke article HR1983.CS Principles of Transaction-Oriented Database Recovery Computing Surveys 1983 12 15 4 287-317 IBM Research Report RJ 4214 dbis IBM Corporation San Jose, California, USA TheoHärder AndreasReuter inproceedings PR1983.VLDB Empirical Comparison of Database Concurrency Control Schemes 1983 11 97-108 dbis VLDB Florence, Italy PeterPeinl AndreasReuter inproceedings HR1983.ICS Concepts for Implementing a Centralized Database Management System 1983 3 28-60 dbis H.J. Schneider ICS Nürnberg TheoHärder AndreasReuter inproceedings HR1983.ICS2 Database System for Non-Standard Applications 1983 3 452-466 dbis H.J. Schneider ICS Nürnberg TheoHärder AndreasReuter article HKM1983.MMB CASSANDRA - Ein System zur Leistungsvorhersage bei Datenbanksystemen mit Hilfe analytischer Modelle MMB 1983 2 61 238-252 dbis Informatik-Fachberichte TheoHärder KlausKüspert KlausMeyer-Wegener article PR1983.ACM Synchronizing Multiple Database Processes in a Tightly Coupled Multiprocessor Environment ACM Operating Systems Review 1983 1 17 1 30-37 dbis PeterPeinl AndreasReuter article DBLP:journals/csur/HarderR83 Principles of Transaction-Oriented Database Recovery ACM Comput. Surv. 1983 15 4 287-317 dbis TheoHärder AndreasReuter article R1980.ACM Schnelle Datenbankrecovery mit Hilfe eines hardwaregestützten Schattenspeicher-Algorithmus German Chapter of the ACM 1983 6 258-272 dbis Teuber-Verlag
Stuttgart, Germany
article K1983.AI Storage Utilization in B*-trees with a Generalized Overflow Technique Acta Informatica 1983 19 35-55 dbis KlausKüspert inproceedings M1983.SfD Benutzerschnittstellen von DB/DC-Systemen 1983 72 219-237 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik-Fachberichte Sprachen für Datenbanken Hamburg GI-Jahrestagung KlausMeyer-Wegener
inproceedings K1983.GI Erweiterung einer Datenbank-Anfragesprache zur Unterstützung des Versionenkonzepts Sprachen für Datenbanken 1983 72 96-112 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik-Fachberichte GI - Jahrestagung Hamburg HorstKinzinger
article K1982.AI Modelle für die Leistungsanalyse von Hashtabellen mit "separate chaining" Angewandte Informatik 1982 9 24 9 456-462 dbis KlausKüspert inproceedings R1982.ACM Concurrency on High-Traffic Data Elements 1982 dbis Principles of Database Systems ACM-SIGACT/SIGMOD Los Angeles, California, USA AndreasReuter article H1981.IS Transaktionskonzept in Datenbanksystemen Informatik-Spektrum 1981 8 4 3 186-188 dbis TheoHärder phdthesis E1981.PhD Systempufferverwaltung in Datenbanksystemen 1981 6 dbis University of Kaiserslautern WolfgangEffelsberg phdthesis R1981.PhD Fehlerbehandlung in Datenbanksystemen 1981 4 dbis Hanser Fachbuchverlag
University of Kaiserslautern 978-3446135048 AndreasReuter
inproceedings LH1981.P Datenhaltung in Echtzeitsystemen 1981 3 dbis Prozeßrechner München Peter C.Lockemann TheoHärder inproceedings EHRS1981.MMB Leistungsmessung von Datenbanksystemen - Meßmethoden und Meßumgebung 1981 2 41 87-102 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik-Fachberichte MMB Jülich WolfgangEffelsberg TheoHärder AndreasReuter J.Schultze-Bohl
inproceedings EHRS1981b.MMB Leistungsmessung von Datenbanksystemen - Modellbildung, Interpretation und Bewertung 1981 2 41 279-293 dbis Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik-Fachberichte MMB Jülich WolfgangEffelsberg TheoHärder AndreasReuter J.Schultze-Bohl
article H1981.AV Datenbanken zur Realisierung von Informationssystemen - Vergleich von Datenbankkonzeptionen Die Arbeitsvorbereitung 1981 18 1 & 2 9-15, 51-58 dbis Hanser-Verlag TheoHärder inproceedings R1981.ICS Recovery Architecture for Database Systems 1981 243-255 dbis ICS Conference on Systems Architecture Westbury House, London, UK AndreasReuter inproceedings HR1980.GI Abhängigkeiten von Systemkomponenten in Datenbanksystemen 1980 10 33 243-257 dbis fileadmin/publications/1980/Abhaengigkeiten.pdf Springer
Berlin, Germany
Informatik-Fachberichte GI - 10. Jahrestagung Saarbrücken TheoHärder AndreasReuter
inproceedings R1980.IEEE A Fast Transaction-Oriented Logging Scheme for UNDO-Recovery 1980 7 6 348-356 dbis Transactions on Software Engineering IEEE AndreasReuter inproceedings EHR1980.ICDB Measurement and Evaluation of Techniques for Implementing COSETs - A Case Study 1980 7 135-159 dbis Proc. Int. Conference on Data Bases Aberdeen, Scotland Int. Conference on Data Bases WolfgangEffelsberg TheoHärder AndreasReuter inproceedings EHR1980.IS An Experiment in Learning Database Administration 1980 5 2 137-147 dbis fileadmin/publications/1980/EHR80.InformationSystems.pdf Information Systems WolfgangEffelsberg TheoHärder AndreasReuter techreport HR1979.THD A Systematic Framework for the Description of Transaction-Oriented Logging and Recovery Schemes 1979 12 dbis fileadmin/publications/1979/SystematicFramework.pdf TH Darmstadt, FG Datenverwaltungssysteme, Research Report DVI 79-4 TheoHärder AndreasReuter inproceedings H1979.DBT Die Einbettung eines Datenbanksystems in eine Betriebssystemumgebung 1979 9 9-24 dbis fileadmin/publications/1979/BS-Einbettung.pdf Niedereichholz, J. German Chapter of the ACM Datenbanktechnologie TheoHärder inproceedings HR1979.IFIP Optimization of Logging and Recovery in a Database System 1979 6 151-168 dbis fileadmin/publications/1979/HäReu-TOSP-1979.pdf IFIP TC-2 Working Conference Venice, Italy TheoHärder AndreasReuter inproceedings EHR1979.GI Leistungsanalyse von Datenbanksystemen durch Messung, analytische Modelle und Simulation 1979 5 dbis Informatik-Fachberichte GI-Fachtagung "Formale Modelle für Informationssysteme" WolfgangEffelsberg TheoHärder AndreasReuter article H1979.AI Leistungsanalyse von Datenbanksystemen Angewandte Informatik 1979 4 21 4 141-150 dbis TheoHärder article R1979.EPD Die Datenbank "Pädagogische Diagnostik und Beratung" EDV in der pädagogischen Diagnostik 1979 143-160 dbis FEoLL GmbH
Paderborn, Deutschland
article R1979.LEM Fehlerquellen bei der Erhebung und Auswertung von Lernerfolgsdaten Lernerfolgsmessung 1979 103-110 dbis Oldenbourg Verlag
München, Deutschland
inproceedings R1979.VLDB Minimizing the I/O-Operations for UNDO-Logging in Database Systems 1979 5 164-172 dbis VLDB Rio de Janeiro, Brazil AndreasReuter article H1978.AI Entwurfsüberlegungen zur Protokollfunktion von Datenbanksystemen Angewandte Informatik 1978 10 dbis TheoHärder inproceedings H1978.TDS Implementing a Generalized Access Path Structure for a Relational Database System 1978 9 dbis fileadmin/publications/1978/HaerderGAPS78.pdf Transactions on Database Systems, IBM Research Report RJ 1837 ACM Transactions on Database Systems TheoHärder article BH1978b.Computing A Performance Model for Preplanned Disk Sorting Computing, IBM Research Report RJ1854 1978 dbis RudolfBayer TheoHärder article BH1978.Computing Preplanning of Disk Merges Computing, IBM Research Report RJ1853 1978 dbis fileadmin/BayerHaerderGAPS78.pdf IBM Research Report RudolfBayer TheoHärder conference H1977.VLDB A Scan-driven Sort Facility for a Relational Database System 1977 10 dbis fileadmin/publications/1977/Hä-VLDB1977.pdf VLDB TheoHärder article BHE.1977.IBM Minimizing the Seek Time in Accessing of Data Strings Stored on DASD IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin 1977 dbis IBM Corporation RudolfBayer TheoHärder KapaliEswaran inproceedings H1976. Die Bestimmung optimaler Operationsfolgen zur Konversion von Daten mit mehrfach vorhandenen Datenelementen 1976 10 236-250 dbis Informatik-Fachberichte GI - Jahrestagung Stuttgart GI - 6. Jahrestagung TheoHärder M.Deck J.Reus inproceedings H1976.ECI Selecting an Optimal Set of Secondary Indices 1976 8 dbis fileadmin/publications/1977/OptimalSetOfIndexes.pdf ECI TheoHärder article Hä75 Access models and access times of relational data base systems Conf. of ACM German Chapter (English Version) 1975 11 dbis fileadmin/publications/1977/AccessModels.pdf TheoHärder article H1975.PRI Zugriffsmodelle und Zugriffszeiten für Relationale Datenbanksysteme Praxis der Realisierung von Informationssystemen, Tagung des German Chapter of the ACM 1975 11 dbis fileadmin/publications/1977/Zugriffsmodelle.pdf TheoHärder inproceedings H1975.LNCS Implementierung von Zugriffspfaden durch Bitlisten 1975 10 34 379-393 dbis J. Mühlbacher Springer
LNCS GI - 5. Jahrestagung TheoHärder
article H1979.FBIE Datenbanksysteme als Grundlage von Informationssystemen Fortschrittliche Betriebsführung und Industrial Engineering 1975 4 dbis TheoHärder