Publications AG HIS

All :: 1991, ... , 2010, 2011, 2012, ... , 2017
Thomas Jörg, Roya Parvizi, Hu Yong and Stefan Dessloch
Incremental Recomputations in MapReduce
In: Proc. CloudDB 2011
October 2011 accepted
Thomas Jörg, Roya Parvizi, Hu Yong and Stefan Dessloch
Can MapReduce learn form Materialized Views?
In: Proc. LADIS 2011, pp. 1 - 5
September 2011
Jean-Marie Gaillourdet, Thomas Grundmann, Martin Memmel, Karsten Schmidt, Arnd Poetsch-Heffter and Stefan Deßloch
WoM: An Open Interactive Platform for Describing, Exploring, and Sharing Mathematical Models
In: Proc. International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES-2011), pp. 126-135
September 2011
Jean-Marie Gaillourdet, Thomas Grundmann, Karsten Schmidt, Arnd Poetsch-Heffter, Stefan Deßloch and Martin Memmel
The Web of Mathematical Models: A Schema-based Wiki-like Interactive Platform
In: Proc. ITP 2011 Workshop on Mathematical Wikis (MathWikis-2011), CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 767, Nijmegen, pp. 19-27
August 2011
Thomas Jörg and Stefan Dessloch
View Maintenance using Partial Deltas
In: Proc. BTW, LNI P - 180, pp. 287-306
March 2011
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