% % This file was created by the Typo3 extension % sevenpack version 0.7.0 % % --- Timezone: CEST % Creation date: 2024-07-03 % Creation time: 11-30-33 % --- Number of references % 2 % @Book { MEHFSZTDSLVJ09, title = {Service-orientierte Architekturen mit Web Services: Konzepte - Standards - Praxis}, year = {2008}, month = {4}, tags = {his}, editor = {Ingo Melzer}, publisher = {Spektrum Akademischer Verlag}, author = {Melzer, Ingo and Eberhard, Sebastian and Hilliger von Thile, Alexander and Flehmig, Marcus and Sauter, Patrick and Zengler, Barbara and Tr{\"o}ger, Peter and Dostal, Wolfgang and Stumm, Boris and Lipp, Mathias and Vajda, Jochen and Jeckle, Mario} } @Proceedings { WKD04.SIGMOD, title = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Paris, France, June 13-18, 2004}, year = {2004}, tags = {his}, editor = {Gerhard Weikum and Arnd Christian K{\"o}nig and Stefan Dessloch}, publisher = {ACM}, booktitle = {SIGMOD Conference}, ISBN = {1-58113-859-8} }