% % This file was created by the Typo3 extension % sevenpack version 0.7.0 % % --- Timezone: CET % Creation date: 2024-12-20 % Creation time: 00-54-15 % --- Number of references % 13 % @Projectthesis { P1985.Porject, title = {Implementierung einer DB-Zusatzebene f{\"u}r einen 3D-Bauteilmodellierer}, year = {1985}, month = {12}, tags = {dbis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Pick, M.} } @Projectthesis { K021985.Project, title = {Verbesserung und Erweiterung von KDCMESS, einem Me{\ss}modul zur Leistungsmessung f{\"u}r UTM-Systeme mit UDS-Kopplung}, year = {1985}, month = {12}, tags = {dbis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Kr{\"u}ck, D.} } @Projectthesis { B021985.Project, title = {Messung von Proze{\ss}wechsel und Dateisystem im Betriebssystem UNOS (UNIX) auf dem Rechner UNIVERSE (Charles River)}, year = {1985}, month = {11}, tags = {dbis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Bals, P.} } @Projectthesis { A1985.Project, title = {Innerbetriebliche Kostenerfassung und Kostenverrechnung (INKOS)}, year = {1985}, month = {10}, tags = {dbis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Alexander, U.} } @Projectthesis { B1985.Project, title = {Implementierung eines an GKS orientierten Graphiksystems}, year = {1985}, month = {9}, tags = {dbis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Bertog, Ch.} } @Projectthesis { H021985.Project, title = {Implementierung eines datenbankbasierten Cluster-Algorithmus f{\"u}r das Chip-Planning}, year = {1985}, month = {9}, tags = {dbis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Hoffmann, M.} } @Projectthesis { S031985.Project, title = {Portierung des Grid-File-Systems der ETH-Z{\"u}rich von einer VAX 11/750 auf verschiedene SIEMENS-Anlagen}, year = {1985}, month = {8}, tags = {dbis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Stauffer, R.} } @Projectthesis { S021985.Project, title = {Implementierung eines Terminal-Emulators zur Lastgenerierung f{\"u}r ein DB/DC-Simulationssystem}, year = {1985}, month = {4}, tags = {dbis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Schwab, P.} } @Projectthesis { M1985.Project, title = {Simulation einer Einbettungsvariante eines Datenbanksystems in eine Betriebssystemumgebung (asynchrone E/A)}, year = {1985}, month = {4}, tags = {dbis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {M{\"u}ller, Th.} } @Projectthesis { H1985.Project, title = {Weiterentwicklung einer Me{\ss}umgebung f{\"u}r UDS und UTM}, year = {1985}, month = {4}, tags = {dbis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Hoffmann, F.} } @Projectthesis { K1985.Project, title = {Implementierung einer Dialogschnittstelle basierend auf dem volumen-orientierten Anwendungsmodell}, year = {1985}, month = {3}, tags = {dbis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {K{\"o}gel, H.} } @Projectthesis { S1985.Project, title = {Weiterentwicklung des Systems SILGAM zur Generierung von Eingabedaten f{\"u}r einen Terminal-Emulator}, year = {1985}, month = {3}, tags = {dbis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Scheug, P.} } @Projectthesis { T1985.Project, title = {Entwicklung eines Precompilers f{\"u}r SESAM-DRIVE}, year = {1985}, month = {2}, tags = {dbis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Tausend, B.} }