% % This file was created by the Typo3 extension % sevenpack version 0.7.0 % % --- Timezone: CET % Creation date: 2025-03-13 % Creation time: 03-49-49 % --- Number of references % 15 % @Diplomathesis { H1989b.DA, title = {Entwurf und Implementierung eines Preprocessors f{\"u}r EMQL (Embedded Molecule-Query-Language)}, year = {1989}, month = {12}, tags = {dbis, diploma thesis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Hussong, Ch.} } @Diplomathesis { S1989.DA, title = {Effizienz und Effektivit{\"a}t dynamischer Lastkontrollverfahren f{\"u}r DB-Sharing-Systeme mit Primary-Copy-Locking}, year = {1989}, month = {11}, tags = {dbis, diploma thesis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Scherer, A.} } @Diplomathesis { H1989.DA, title = {Entwurf und Implementierung eines Basissystems zur Realisierung von verteilten Anwendungssystemen (RC-System)}, year = {1989}, month = {11}, tags = {dbis, diploma thesis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Huber, H.-P.} } @Diplomathesis { G1989.DA, title = {Erweiterung von KRISYS um Logikkonzepte und multiple Kontexte}, year = {1989}, month = {11}, tags = {dbis, diploma thesis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Grasnickel, A.} } @Diplomathesis { D1989.DA, title = {Zur Architektur eines verteilten DBMS mit verteilten und redundanten Relationen}, year = {1989}, month = {11}, tags = {dbis, diploma thesis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Dejon, P.} } @Diplomathesis { C1989.DA, title = {Einbindung eines PROLOG-Parsers f{\"u}r nat{\"u}rlich-sprachliche Inhaltsangaben in den Datentyp IMAGE eines Multimedia-Datenbanksystems}, year = {1989}, month = {9}, tags = {dbis, diploma thesis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Cornehl, C.} } @Diplomathesis { L1989.DA, title = {Entwurf und Implementierung der Sortierkomponente f{\"u}r das NDBS PHOENIX}, year = {1989}, month = {8}, tags = {dbis, diploma thesis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Lambert, A.} } @Diplomathesis { M1989.DA, title = {Das KBMS KRISYS aus der Sicht der Diagnostik-Expertensysteme}, year = {1989}, month = {7}, tags = {dbis, diploma thesis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Michels, M.} } @Diplomathesis { R1989b.DA, title = {Entwurf und Implementierung eines Laufzeitsystems zur objektpufferbasierten Molek{\"u}lverarbeitung}, year = {1989}, month = {7}, tags = {dbis, diploma thesis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Ratajczak, B.} } @Diplomathesis { D1989b.DA, title = {Auswertung von Ausdr{\"u}cken in PHOENIX}, year = {1989}, month = {6}, tags = {dbis, diploma thesis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Dittewich, A.} } @Diplomathesis { R1989c.DA, title = {Ein Reiseberatungs-Expertensystem als Anwendung des KBMS KRISYS}, year = {1989}, month = {5}, tags = {dbis, diploma thesis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Rheinberger, B.} } @Diplomathesis { B1989b.DA, title = {Entwurf und Implementierung der Basisversion des Zugriffssystems f{\"u}r das NDBS PHOENIX}, year = {1989}, month = {5}, tags = {dbis, diploma thesis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Bohn, P.} } @Diplomathesis { B1989.DA, title = {Entwurf und Implementierung des Metadatenverwaltungssystems f{\"u}r das NDBS Phoenix}, year = {1989}, month = {4}, tags = {dbis, diploma thesis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Baumann, A.} } @Diplomathesis { K1989.DA, title = {Entwurf und Implementierung eines Raumbelegungssystems f{\"u}r Sonderveranstaltungen an der Universit{\"a}t Kaiserslautern}, year = {1989}, month = {2}, tags = {dbis, diploma thesis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Koster, C.} } @Diplomathesis { R1989.DA, title = {Entwurf und Implementierung eines Compilers f{\"u}r die Datenmanipulationssprache von VENUS}, year = {1989}, month = {1}, tags = {dbis, diploma thesis}, school = {University of Kaiserslautern}, author = {Raab, E.} }