This file was created by the Typo3 extension sevenpack version 0.7.0 --- Timezone: CET Creation date: 2025-03-12 Creation time: 01-50-45 --- Number of references 6 diplomathesis BU2008.DA Transaktionsorientierte Metadatenverwaltung in nativen XML-Datenbanksystemen 2008 12 dbis, diploma thesis University of Kaiserslautern MatthiasBurkhart mastersthesis M2008.MT Autonomous Indexing and Management in a Native XML Database Management System 2008 9 dbis, master's thesis University of Kaiserslautern Muhammad MainulHossain diplomathesis B2008.DA Implementierung und Analyse von Synchronisationsverfahren für das CbDBC 2008 9 dbis, diploma thesis University of Kaiserslautern SusanneBraun diplomathesis P2008.DA A Java Content Repository Backed by the Native XML Database System XTC 2008 7 dbis, diploma thesis University of Kaiserslautern SebastianPrehn diplomathesis H2008.DA Entwicklung von Pfadoperatoren und deren Integration in eine physische XML-Algebra 2008 3 dbis, diploma thesis University of Kaiserslautern StefanHühner diplomathesis O2008.DA Performance Analysis and Optimization of XML Database Systems Exemplified by XTC 2008 1 dbis, diploma thesis University of Kaiserslautern YiOu