Lehrgebiet InformationssystemeFB Informatik |
VStore(Udo Nink, Norbert Ritter)The VStore DBMS is a prototype implementation of OVDM and, therefore, provides OQL at its interface. VStore exploits the object oriented database management system ObjectStore as access system and storage system. VStore's data system is implemented as an additional layer realized on top of ObjectStore. This additional layer maps OVDM structures to C++ structures managed by ObjectStore. Therefore, the tasks of this layer are schema transformation and query transformation. A major component is the OSOQL-compiler directly generating C++ code from OQL statements (DDL as well as DML). Besides the implementation of OVDM concepts by the mentioned transformation approach, we are using VStore as a realization platform for new concepts which can be assigned to the following areas: application programming interface (API), activity management (long transaction management), integrity management and a graphical user interface (VGUI) integrating ad-hoc query facilities and browsing functionality.