Supporting Software
Engineering Processes by
Object-Relational Database Technology
Since 1998 SENSOR is a sub-project (A3) of the
SFB 501
Development of Large Systems with Generic Methods,
which is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
SENSOR aims at both, the effective exploitation as well as the
adequate design of object-relational database technology w.r.t software
engineering applications.
This web-page contains detailed information about:
SENSOR's objectives,
the SENSOR staff,
the SENSOR publications,
the SENSOR presentations,
the SENSOR cooperations,
as well as links to SENSOR's (sub-)
SFB501-EB: The SFB-501 Experience Base
SERUM: Generating Software Engineering Repositories using UML
ORIENT: Object-based Relationship Integration Environment
VirtualMedia: A Theory of Multimedia Metacomputing
OR-Benchmark: Assessing the Performance of ORDBMS