Nowadays database management systems (DBMS), esp. relational and
object-relational DBMS, occur as components of large software systems.
Usually, these complex systems are results of object-oriented development
processes. Often the data management components of these large software
systems are required to manage object-oriented data (structures). Since
relational DBMS do not support object-orientation at all and the
object-oriented concepts provided by object-relational DBMS mostly differ
from those needed by the superordinated software system, corresponding
mapping layers are needed bridging this object-orientation gap.
In contrast to traditional benchmark approaches, we want build a benchmark
system directly reflecting the above mentioned application scenario of DBMS.
Not only the performance of the DBMS itself, but also the complexity and
possible performance of the required mapping layer has to be quantified. Thus,
our benchmark approach aims at assessing the contributions of (O)RDBMS
to object-oriented software development.